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Akuyaku Reijou Tensei Ojisan Mini
Akuyaku Reijou Tensei Ojisan Mini
Today, 12:22 AM
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Yoru wa Neko to Issho Season 3
Yoru wa Neko to Issho Season 3
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I.Cinnamoroll Animation
I.Cinnamoroll Animation
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Sora Tobu Violin
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Gekiga Mao Zedong Den
Gekiga Mao Zedong Den
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Hitokui Mansion to Ooya no Maison
Hitokui Mansion to Ooya no Maison
Mar 6, 10:06 PM
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LittleStar Feb 14, 9:17 AM
Please add Verbara Mini to your for your Manner Movies Interest Stack ❤
Spast1c Feb 13, 11:28 PM
I just finished watching A place further than the universe and it was really good, thank you for recommending it to me.
PxHC Feb 5, 2:56 PM
You know what, your 3-star rating system is the superior rating system.
Spast1c Feb 4, 4:00 AM
Thank you for the reccomendation! I will watch it next!

Spast1c Feb 3, 1:40 AM
I visited your profile
Gabriel-kun Feb 2, 12:00 PM
Oh no yeah! You answered my last question just fine! I personally just keep track of all my animated media here and in Letterboxd. I also do have my own list, written promptly on Notepad, that lists down everything animated, from all formats and styles, in a single list. Just the names of the media pieces, because that already is a lot of work on my end. I think that list is partly a vision of what I want to see in a centralized animated archive one day. I don't think I have the time or energy to expand to another archival site, but it is tempting, especially after learning from you different archives from different countries. I do have to keep track of my music at some point. It's getting hard remembering my favorites, especially since they're scattered everywhere, genre-wise and country-wise. You're inspiring me to try that someday...

But hey! I am seeing that you're finally using the MAL Supporter you've won from the Fantasy Anime League! (It should've been me! haha) How am I supposed to know Danmachi Season 5 was gonna be helpful last season (I bet on Season 4 in a previous league, and lost!!!) Pain. Actual pain...hahaha!
FernociousNaga Jan 30, 11:47 AM
WOW that was an absolutely lovely song AND video. also LOOK OUT BANGER ALERT
Johan Jan 29, 9:09 PM
Hey sorry to bother you, but do you know where I can find this anime

Also; I saw an anime that I think you might really like, you should check it out, it's called Angel Beats

Gsarthotegga Jan 27, 9:52 AM
Apparently, they're planning a feature length version of the short film, I guess. I don't use Discord anymore, but I've considered making a new one. MAL-Notify certainly sounds handy. Yeah, my on-hold list is mostly stuff I was looking for and couldn't find at the time. Thanks for the offer, though I'll probably eventually join that group too. Any other interesting discord channels for short films and such like this that you use?

Are you looking forward to this, btw? It's probably going to be awful, but I'm excited to see how it works out. XD
AnimeIsAMistake7 Jan 25, 8:22 PM
you are a godsend helping me find all the lost gems in the crackhead-core interest stack
Gsarthotegga Jan 24, 9:18 AM
Thought I'd mention someone found and linked Shishigari in the forum a few weeks ago, as I imagine you were intending to watch that. Wish there was some kind of notification for these various shorts becoming available. :S
FernociousNaga Jan 20, 9:20 AM
did you know you were mentioned in this?
Netrun-mon the Movie

also jazz rec
Gabriel-kun Jan 19, 10:33 AM
Thank you so much! Again, I appreciate all the work you do for this site! It's gonna take a while for me but these CMs are definitely now in my watch list. Glad you liked it! I really was just curious though about the Francois CMs and the Cassis to Arles no Monogatari series (haha! using the MAL-given names now thanks to you!), because I thought MAL removes entries; which is something that occurs in Letterboxd! So I was worried.

I thought I knew DBs, but it seems like you've been everywhere! These sites are fun to check out though! I'm gonna have some fun deep-diving into these, especially if I need something. Do you also do archiving in these sites? I can't imagine keeping up with all of them. LB and MAL are already pretty hefty as they are, plus the communities here do keep you up on your toes. They always come up with new things to do...

You know, only someone like you or in your area of expertise can give an insight like that. I didn't know MAL was moving that way or "is projected" to move towards that someday. I also don't think MAL would open up to everything animation, but it's nice to think they might someday, given the globalization of animation. I'm fine too even if MAL just considers just global "anime" like the shows being pumped out sometimes by America, or more increasingly by France, South Korea, and China. Because it's either this site or another site pops up to take the helm (that would be nice though!). I just would love to have a single site for all animation, because it's what I do and like and it'd be nice and convenient yeah! Till then, yeah I'm happy with these specialty databases.

Do you keep a personal list of stuff you've seen by the way, or it's whatever at this point, since you've seen so many? Just curious.
Gabriel-kun Jan 16, 10:59 AM
Maybe I am thinking of anime-planet? I checked on my personal bookmarks, nothing showed up about anime-planet. I guess I didn't bother bookmarking it before... What I did find though, was the official site for the Francois Slow Bread CMs. It seems the company just released their entire CM collection on their YouTube channel for free recently! There's a lot though. 38 CMs on initial check. (WHY ARE THERE SO MANYYYYYY!!! WHYYYYYYYYY ;-;)


I'll also go check on those Minimini CMs when I get the time... Thank you again for all your hard work though! I saw the thread.

And yeah, I love animation! A bit "new" to it though compared to other folks here and on Letterboxd. I think MAL may follow suit someday, I don't see any other online archive sites that stands to carry out MAL's mission of "anime" archival to the same degree this site does. It is nice to see it slowly change from anime in Japan to anime in East Asia lately. Only time will tell. Letterboxd ain't any better in my opinion, because they're biased against TV / Online series, plus, animation is a minority there compared to all the long-form media in LB. There is, currently, discourse in the cinema community on whether they see animation as a genre or as a medium. And it's been a whole debacle! I think a bit of that stigma of animation as a "kids' medium" plays a factor in those discussions. I hate it. Personally hate it! Animation is for everyone, I say! But yeah, sorry for the rant.

We have uhm...a long way to go before animation is just centralized properly in a single website! But that's why I keep repping animation anyway!

Though, there is a good argument to make that "anime" is just what Japanese call "animation" in their country. Heck, they even call cartoons "anime", so like, that's a good segway for MAL to transition to someday...
Gabriel-kun Jan 13, 2:21 AM
Also, can I just say! What you do for MAL is so cool! I love that shorts and niche animated stuff makes it here in MAL because things actually get archived properly that way. And it gives a lot of insight into animation and media, plus it's cool that it gets recognized by a database like that.

I also would like to apologize because our first interaction was me thinking you're wrong about a certain short / entry in MAL and trying to correct it. Of course, I turned out to be the one that was extremely wrong but yeah that was when I was new to how these databases work and how niche stuff is recognized online. I'm so sorry for that time. That's all
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