All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 85.8
Mean Score:
- Watching498
- Completed7,875
- On-Hold1,384
- Dropped1,247
- Plan to Watch17,126
- Total Entries28,130
- Rewatched0
- Episodes25,439
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 20.9
Mean Score:
- Reading35
- Completed293
- On-Hold294
- Dropped0
- Plan to Read3,921
- Total Entries4,543
- Reread0
- Chapters3,229
- Volumes308
All Comments (252) Comments
But hey! I am seeing that you're finally using the MAL Supporter you've won from the Fantasy Anime League! (It should've been me! haha) How am I supposed to know Danmachi Season 5 was gonna be helpful last season (I bet on Season 4 in a previous league, and lost!!!) Pain. Actual pain...hahaha!
Also; I saw an anime that I think you might really like, you should check it out, it's called Angel Beats
Are you looking forward to this, btw? It's probably going to be awful, but I'm excited to see how it works out. XD
Netrun-mon the Movie
also jazz rec
I thought I knew DBs, but it seems like you've been everywhere! These sites are fun to check out though! I'm gonna have some fun deep-diving into these, especially if I need something. Do you also do archiving in these sites? I can't imagine keeping up with all of them. LB and MAL are already pretty hefty as they are, plus the communities here do keep you up on your toes. They always come up with new things to do...
You know, only someone like you or in your area of expertise can give an insight like that. I didn't know MAL was moving that way or "is projected" to move towards that someday. I also don't think MAL would open up to everything animation, but it's nice to think they might someday, given the globalization of animation. I'm fine too even if MAL just considers just global "anime" like the shows being pumped out sometimes by America, or more increasingly by France, South Korea, and China. Because it's either this site or another site pops up to take the helm (that would be nice though!). I just would love to have a single site for all animation, because it's what I do and like and it'd be nice and convenient yeah! Till then, yeah I'm happy with these specialty databases.
Do you keep a personal list of stuff you've seen by the way, or it's whatever at this point, since you've seen so many? Just curious.
I'll also go check on those Minimini CMs when I get the time... Thank you again for all your hard work though! I saw the thread.
And yeah, I love animation! A bit "new" to it though compared to other folks here and on Letterboxd. I think MAL may follow suit someday, I don't see any other online archive sites that stands to carry out MAL's mission of "anime" archival to the same degree this site does. It is nice to see it slowly change from anime in Japan to anime in East Asia lately. Only time will tell. Letterboxd ain't any better in my opinion, because they're biased against TV / Online series, plus, animation is a minority there compared to all the long-form media in LB. There is, currently, discourse in the cinema community on whether they see animation as a genre or as a medium. And it's been a whole debacle! I think a bit of that stigma of animation as a "kids' medium" plays a factor in those discussions. I hate it. Personally hate it! Animation is for everyone, I say! But yeah, sorry for the rant.
We have uhm...a long way to go before animation is just centralized properly in a single website! But that's why I keep repping animation anyway!
Though, there is a good argument to make that "anime" is just what Japanese call "animation" in their country. Heck, they even call cartoons "anime", so like, that's a good segway for MAL to transition to someday...
I also would like to apologize because our first interaction was me thinking you're wrong about a certain short / entry in MAL and trying to correct it. Of course, I turned out to be the one that was extremely wrong but yeah that was when I was new to how these databases work and how niche stuff is recognized online. I'm so sorry for that time. That's all