KurosoraRyuga said:beast_regards said:
No, you noticed sloppy writing fans trying to hide.
Mental problems were virtually no issue until the last episode and Subaru was basically cured his madness faster & easier than I can get through common cold.
His psychical problems lasted for less than a day in one episode and were non-issue for at least five or six episodes. It was plot point for perhaps one episode, then it was gone.
Question is whether Subaru is supposed to be insane or not.
And answer is, yes, he is, he went through a tons of traumatic situations that would with no doubt have much heavier impact on anyone else, if only due to the physical pain, not mention the whole absurdity of situation. Ability to survive it is irrelevant.
But portraying this process (of going insane from unreal experience and pain) convincingly is really difficult. Yes, I can do it too when I simply write character being traumatised in one scene, but then he is fine in another, then you know I did it wrong. Main difference is, I can do this mistake because I don't do writing for living. Author of this show is, just as director and screenwriter etc. They simply forgot that they have insane protagonist when the turned the page, which is rly sloppy.
You just noticed it is wrong. Other people are simply projecting their expectation or simply compare influence from like three different sources to say how brilliant show is. What anime shows is completely different.
Another problem is that Subaru is a plot device. He needs to move the plot. Which means he is as sane as plot requires, randomly switches personalities from totally fearless to absolutely terrified, only to have situation that advances the plot. Being insane enough to not notice Betelgeuse name would create the dead end in the story - hence Subaru needs to be sane enough to progress the plot and then be resolute again. Then author sometimes remembers main character isn't suppose to be Kirito and write some pathetic fear scene to remind everyone how "realistic" show is. Then it forgets about the said fear/madness because Subaru terrified off his mind can't progress the plot and it would mean dead end.
Well, the way I watch anime, I don't consider anything as a plot hole if I can explain it myself immediately. The only thing that I couldn't explain immediately was the plot hole in angel beats but I was actually able to explain it eventually.... Now that I think about it, it's time I bump up Angel Beat's score because it's not bothering me anymore
Anyway, I got off topic. I'm actually a huge fan of this show myself. I pointed that out because I simply noticed it and it took a couple of days after I watched the actual episode before I realized that
I'm constantly thinking about anime lol. I still like it just as much because like I said, I was able to explain it immediately and the first thing that came to my mind was that Subaru wasn't really insane. There are other evidence that supports this such as him laying on Rem's lap, he's
supposed to be insane at this time, as well as when the carriage was destroyed and he got up. I didn't talk about this ones because like I said, people already talked about this but those 2 pieces of evidence aren't enough to convince me that Subaru wasn't insane but if you add one more piece of evidence then I'm convinced
I'm actually aspiring to become an author myself so I don't want to make mistakes and looks like I need to keep in mind that not everyone is like me who can connect the dots in their own minds regardless of whether they are correct or not or if that's really the intention of the author
Do I view a lot of stuff as masterpieces only because my mind automatically fixes any flaws that I find with a show? I don't know but I guess that's one possibility and that's actually a good thing because that means that I can enjoy a lot more stuff.
All Comments (79) Comments
I am, actually, Me.
Well if you need more, before the upcoming "netpocalypse", then you can just go through my completed manga list and read the stuff I rated 9/10+ and just check out the ones that seem interesting.
I'd buy merch, but I always feel conscious on how I can instead spend it on better things, like manga. I already lost buying a Death Note and two posters at Comic Alley lol. I agree with the lack of good stuff. Makes we really want to go to a con someday.
They've got some good manga and light novels at Fully Booked branches, by the way, if that piques your interest.
You also started from DVDs, huh? Damn, those were the days. I didn't even know that you shouldn't pay for fansub rips lol
◇●◇••◇-------July Newsletter-------◇●◇••◇
<Hello dear members of Darkness!>
I am finally back from my unknown amount of time of long vacation! I am sorry to say but I had a few personal issues that I was caught up in and therefore was unable to regulate the club. However, now I would like to inform all of you that I am back and am trying to make the club active again. To do that, I would need your help!
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• General Topics for members to discussed about:-you can even expand on your answer or feel free to spark some discussion
• Games: Fresh ideas that haven't been done in order clubs or what you think most people would enjoy playing.
• Events: Something like you want to have or have already occurred or are happening at the moment
• Cards & Claim themes are most welcomed.
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