Well lets see,i like anime(Why else would i be here?)My favorite anime is Bleach!Yes, i did see Death note(saw it two times)and Code Geass(saw it one time).I like to draw(I draw anime),play video games,hunt(didn't kill anything yet)and to be on the computer on my free time.I have a cat and dog. My favorite espada from Bleach are grimmjowand Stark!I enjoy talking about Bleach!
All Comments (18) Comments
No prob :).
Kuro means black, that's right, but it's only the name of a color.
If you want to say that something is black , you should say Kuroi.
Just like these:
Shiro (white)- Shiroi neko (white cat)
Ao (blue)- Aoi sora... (blue sky)
and so on.~~
I'm ALWAYS reading.
What mangas do you like?
No problem.