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Satougashi no Dangan wa Uchinukenai: A Lollypop or A Bullet
Jun 5, 2017 9:30 PM
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Plus, another Aria fan. ~
Well, it is the same as saying that I am dead. After all progress, for us humans, means life.
Ah, I see. So as far as I see, you are a fan of English dubs, aren’t you? I don’t know about you, but in my opinion Mushishi has of the best Japanese cast that I have ever seen in my life. I can relax listening to their voices alone! I wish there were more anime like Mushishi. :(
No worries, my taste has become better and I will surely find something which I like in this anime.
By the way, I have always wanted to ask you, when are you planning to start the newest season of Mushishi? I mean, Mushishi Zoku Shou Two.
My pleasure! Hope you had a great one. Damn, you are almost one month older than I, which makes you my senpai, tee-hee.
[s] We will continue our sweet conversation once I finish Jin-Roh. ^_*
Thank you for that forum post. I will probably start Hachimitsu to Clover next week and tell you my opinion on it.
>I hope so.
>Yeah, you did tell me about your music. And it is just awesome.
>I'll take you up on that.
>Practice makes perfect.
>You didn’t.
>Well, the synopsis sounds pretty interesting.
>I can’t say that the story won’t click with me, perhaps I may like it more after second watch. I will surely send you a message once I rewatch it.
Now with all these talks about FLCL I want to rewatch it. I miss Haruko.
Exactly. Even someone like Hideaki is still a human. But how can I explain it? It is my hope and foolishness at the same time. I mean, I know that the probability that the last movie won’t be as good as people hope exists. And the chances are quite high. But, I am telling myself that Hideaki won’t disappoint us. I just can’t imagine that he will disappoint us. Hideaki, for me, is one of the reasons why I watch and why I started anime.
Well. I don’t know. The best thing I could have ever said is I don’t know, lol. I mean, I can’t imagine people who write script for such works as FLCL, it is something I will never understand. I like art, I am a guitarist and writing a song isn’t really difficult for me. But, when it comes to an anime story-line I think of people who think it out like they are gods or something. What I mean is that I will never write a normal story-line for an anime.
Deal man!
Yeah! That’s why I don’t want to watch it now. I want to fully enjoy Aria, I want to enjoy it as much as I can and I will definitely try to write a review on it, to show people who don't know about it that there is such masterpiece as Aria.
Yes, exactly. The level five kanji isn’t that popular. But there are still level 3 and level 4 kanji, that’s scary. Well, practice makes perfect.
Well, I don’t think that there is slice of life I won’t like. I don’t really remember anything about this show and that’s really bad. I have to fix it to get down to the second season.
Thanks for that. I really appreciate it man!
I still want to give it another try, let’s say, I want to give it the last chance. Perhaps I will like it more this time, time will tell.
Well, yeah, it may be pretty uncomfortable to be in such situation. I am not really talkative with my classmates, but we at least greet each other. To be honest, I don’t care about other people. You should be polite and you do it only for yourself, for conscience' sake so to say.
Without a doubt, it doesn’t make FOOLYCOOLY worse. If you want to touch the robot topic in your anime you should ask Hideaki, the father of mecha, for help.
The third movie was confusing and you are right about it. MISATOOOOOOOO!!!! MISATOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I WON’T FORGIVE YOU FOR THAT. Ehem, I personally don’t find it bad since I didn’t expect to see such turn. Not saying that I have hope in Hideaki I am more than sure that the last Evangelion will end as something mind-blowing, I mean as a fan I really want to see it you know. And what is really important after seeing the last movie I will have to decide which version of Evangelion was better and why.
Not quite, it is connected with that huge iron aka ‘Medical Mechanica’. An evil corporation which spoils human lives by mass-producing robots and controlling human minds. Remember these ‘steams’… They didn’t explain anything about these things, because they left it for the viewer to understand it. So my guess is that these irons had political overtones. (Took me awhile to understand it).
I recommend you not to pay attention to my rating. I don’t want to say, it’s none of your business or something. My rating isn’t accurate . And yes, I know that Aria won’t make me regret about my decision to continue watching it. But the problem here is that I don’t want to watch it now. Aria is a delicacy and I don’t appreciate people who don’t enjoy eating delicacies.
Yes, exactly, kanji. As far as I remember, there are 5 levels of kanji. I hardy know only the first level. Seeing level 5 kanji makes me want to drop Japanese. It is scary man.
Wow, thank you. But I must say that I won’t watch now. I will have to rewatch S1 before watching S2. You know, I don’t really remember anything about it, I feel that it was pretty boring for me, who know I may like it more now.
Man, thank you for that. Some of them look REALLY interesting. But the only problem I have is that I can’t find Jin-Rou Wolf Brigade on mal.
Everything, but not Eureka. You see when I watch anime there should be something unique which will make me want to see more. Eureka didn’t have that unique something. Just forget about it, I will never rewatch Eureka. I, however, would love to discuss Hachimitsu no Clover with you once I rewatch it.
Ha-ha. You are not the first person who asks me such questions. I use it as a reminder. :)
Thank you man, I also wish you good luck. Don’t worry, I don’t have problems with memory anymore, tee-hee. I just have to answer to tons of PMs plus comments on my page. But the main problem here is my laziness. :-(