Hey there! I'm Krystifying!!! Feel free to call me Krys!!!
I first got into anime through Fairy Tail, which would air on Sundays on the television when I was like 12. For some reason, I had stopped watching anime after 8-9 months.

About a year ago, I randomly had a Dororo video pop up in my youtube recommendations, reigniting my love for anime.
What I like Drama, Comedy, Angst, Kids(ONLY in anime ok maaaybe not just anime), Realistic sibling relationships, Childhood friends, Partners in crime, Fatherly or motherly love in anime, Heartwarming moments, Characters that need to be proteccted, LOTS OF Bromance >w<

What I don't Spoilers, Harems(and reverse harems), Ecchi, Incest, Toxic relationships, Characters present JUST for fanservice or ones with no personality at all,cricket noises, crickets jumping about, everything. about. crickets.
Friend requests are ever welcome, but if we haven't interacted before a lil note along with the friend request will be appreciated.
Unknown friend requests will be rejected

Also I suffer from NeverRepliesOnTimeosis so my replies may sometimes be a day (or two) late. Please bear with me ( ̄人 ̄)

The super amazing UhOhSPAGET wrote me a stellar story! (╯✧ ∇ ✧)╯
You can read it here.
Now with an equally wonderful sequel.