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Days: 6.8
Mean Score: 7.77
  • Total Entries37
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Junjou Romantica 2
Junjou Romantica 2
Jan 2, 2010 8:52 PM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 10
Junjou Romantica
Junjou Romantica
Jan 2, 2010 8:51 PM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 10
Mar 26, 2009 1:34 PM
Completed 1/1 · Scored 9
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 8.3
Mean Score: 7.11
  • Total Entries48
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Uwasa no Futari
Uwasa no Futari
Dec 24, 2009 10:50 PM
Completed 13/13 · Scored 9
Sensei no Jijou
Sensei no Jijou
Dec 24, 2009 10:49 PM
Completed 7/7 · Scored 7
Geboku ni Narimasu
Geboku ni Narimasu
Dec 24, 2009 10:47 PM
Completed 5/5 · Scored 6

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Loxaris Dec 31, 2011 5:01 PM
Loxaris Dec 25, 2011 2:15 PM
ChibiYaoiOtaku27 Jan 5, 2010 1:47 AM
You too sweetie sorry about the late reply!
Loxaris Jan 1, 2010 9:55 AM
O2djob Dec 24, 2009 11:44 PM
it was nothing ^^
O2djob Dec 24, 2009 10:58 PM
Loxaris Dec 24, 2009 6:30 PM
Loxaris Oct 4, 2009 5:12 PM
Heya! Didn't hear from you for a long time~ I've also been busy as hell, but I hope you're doing fine. =) I'm just dropping by to wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ♥
May your day be a wonderful one! ^^
VoiVoi Jun 4, 2009 8:40 AM
Woot Super Late replies!~ (sory sorry sorry ><; ごめん!~)

Yepyep...but been to lazy to work on it cuz' it takes so much effort to animate XD
For the MSN handwritting thing.... theres like this tab you click, and then you write letters with your mouse, and the computer tries its best to turn that into actual computer text.
*hopes I explained that right* XD

I dunno if its new but it is an apple keyboard!~ XD (well I guess it is 'new' cuz' its a USB XD But it was used and I had no clue when it was originally bought X3)
I want a laptop T________T
the PrntScreen button always came in handy for me cuz' I'm always needing to take screenshots XD But I'm getting use to do it the longer way X3
As for the delet key, I use to never use it, but its been more of a thing I've used in the past few years XD

I prefer the Japnese ones, even if soemtimjes I have a hard time with them XD (well in manga english names are a lot nicer XD)

Ahahaha Harvest Moon XDD
I didn't know any of their names except for I think Ann... and Eve? And that the main character was Jack. Besides that I'd get confused XDD (oh on the Gamecube when I played it I knew their names XD)

Now I don't feel alone in the world of Light Lovers... stupid L lovers >> XDD (well some of my friends like L best so... no offense to anyone who loves L XD)

I love both Light and Matsuda... It think they're tied for first place XD
Afte them would come L and Misa in that order XD Ryuk was pretty cool to though XD
I see you can rember their names just fine XDD

Yeah I didn;t like Mello or Near either ><
But I agree that should have been the final episode, and if it wasn't they should have only done like a few following episodes X3
Yay!~ ^^

Only way I'll re-watch an anime, is if a friend wants to watch it (but then I don't like watching more then like 2-3 episodes per day, cuz I feel I'm wasting my time rewatching something I already watched... but I guess its not, but you know XD)
Yep I watch animes only on the internet (or from internet downloads XD)
I read what you wrote 5 times but I still dunno what you mean by " how many more books are there from the videos?" >< like how many books I read from anime's? How many animes in the world were based from books? XD

Yepyep I watch OVA's :3
I go through OVA watching phases every so often XD
OVA's are ncie when you feel like watching an anime, but don't feel like watching to much (but sucks if you want to see more XDD)

Awesome X3 I sue to be able to find everything on veoh D: I can't anymore T___T

AHHAHAH Same I laugh at my stupidty all the time XDD

Ahahah I'e never watched South Park XD (well when I had interest in watching it my parents were all like "This is a grown up show!" >> Now I would be allowed to watch it, but I'm too anime obsessed XD)
Ahahahaha nice that does sound funny XDDD *hides from the red head killing people in South Park* XDDD
Wow nice.... guess I now know the ceators myself XDD
Addify May 1, 2009 11:57 AM
yea, that did suck.
singhyd Apr 15, 2009 3:57 AM
Hi there,
how you doing, i have been a bit busy revising for exams so havent had much time to come on, so just dropping by
Loxaris Apr 5, 2009 7:07 AM
Lol, I used to print my fanfictions too, but after I realized the amount of paper that I was wasting I just stopped and read the on the screen lol. I even bought like five binders to keep them all, but now just use them for other stuff. XD
"that was before i found out that there were actually books of it that i could buy."
What do you mean "actually books you could buy"? o-o You have fanfiction books in your country? 0-0

Lolz, don't worry, it was surely me making myself misunderstood. XD
Yeah, I do write fanfictions, but generally never finish them 'cause I have no time. T__T The only one I actually finished are some drabbles and flashfictions (I assume you know what these words mean ;P).

Harry Potter films...yeah, I don't like them that much either... The first two were good, after they just worsen from avarage to quite bad. =.= I read all the book and those were good. Except for the last one, I didn't really like it (lots of stupid stuff in there. Kinda).
Yes, Draco and Harry totally hate each other! XD That's what makes the couple interesting, don't you think? ;) 'Cause they hate each other bacause actually they desire each other lol. Anyway, my favourite couple in HP will always be Sirius/Remus. ^^
Lol I don't know Naruto well, I just read a couple of volumes of the manga and watched some random episodes on tv but yeah, I get your meaning about Naruto and Sasuke! XD Nice couple indeed! XDD

You have translated graphic novels... o__ò I mean wow... We almost don't even have yaoi manga over here and you got translated graphic novels... that's unfair! >_< (LOL XD)
Just as a confirmation ('cause I'm not so sure about it) when you say graphic novels, you mean this graphic novels, right?

The true title is Axis Powers Hetalia, but just Hetalia will do fine. ^^ Everybody calls it this way since the whole title is kinda long. XD Or by its acronym, APH. ^^
Mugiwara-Pyon Apr 3, 2009 12:10 AM
ya..luckily i wasnt in the kitchen my sister was though..she was screaming haha
Mugiwara-Pyon Mar 30, 2009 9:29 PM
yup...yesterday there was a cockroach in my kitchen! and it ran ssomewhere and my cats were chasing it like mad
Mugiwara-Pyon Mar 28, 2009 3:13 PM
lol crickets are scary too! but cockroaches are still the scariest..>.>
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