Anime Stats
Days: 21.5
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- Total Entries56
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- Episodes1,305
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Manga Stats
Days: 6.5
Mean Score:
- Total Entries20
- Reread0
- Chapters265
- Volumes40
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All Comments (15) Comments
I´m actually ok with that
For what it's worth, my friends who are into both anime and dancesport largely agree with you. *shrug*
Solid proof that your review is completely and utter garbage. Talk about overrate, i mean underrate.
Sword Art Online - 10/10
Fairy Tail - 10/10
Masamune-kun no Revenge - 10/10
Alice to Zouroku - 10/10
Ballroom e Youkoso - 1/10
Not only is your review hypocritical in the way you say "there are a few horrifying shots of giraffe-necked, colt-limbed humanoids in dramatic positions" and "a few seconds of footwork here and there" when you've given Alice to Zouroku a 10/10, which was filled with animation errors (See the car standing still but the background is moving), your review is also badly written.
"he shouldn't be running a dance studio considering the resentment he shows his student and his lack of interest in actually teaching him."
You're misunderstanding his "lack of interest" with "passion for teaching" but i get why you couldn't wait just a few more episodes for Sengoku to explain why he is teaching Tatara. You just had to get your opinion off your chest, since nobody else obviously doesn't want to listen to you.
Although, i will agree that "the girl remain nothing but a prize" (for now). Having read a good chunk of the manga, that quote is going to bite you in the ass.
Your hypocrisy reaches new heights with you writing "I can’t get over the body horror-esque aspects of the dance scenes, either. Who put all these Gumby people in an anime?"
Body horror? What about Lucoa from "Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid" that you gave a 10/10.
Your hypocrisy is still blasting towards outer space with you disliking "Gumby people in anime" The body proportions in Code Geass are sickening, but you gave it a 10/10 anyways huh?
Your review is hypocritical, has too much of your own opinion in it, lacks detail about the series and was written before the show had properly expanded and explained all of the things that "you don't like."
1 for Ballroom and Made in abyss
Critical 10/10