Dec 27, 2021
Ignore the other crap reviews this is an anime worth watching. I hate how this site has a minimum word length for reviews. that one simple sentence encapsulates all I wanted or needed to say. Yet It cannot be post here because oh noes its too short. It doesn't dive into the op/ed soundtrack and how germane it is #whotheFKcares I'm here for the show not the introduction and ending music I skip whenever possible because I can't be bothered by the repeated waste of my time. Honestly who doesn't hit skip intro when watching say Netflix or
Jan 25, 2021
worth the watch far better then the recommended reviews give it credit for. only wanted to say that one sentence for my review but apparently thats not long enough so I am typing this. Just tried again to post it and it is still not long enough so lets try again. WTF how long do I have to make this before it can be posted. I guess longer still then it is now. If at any point this pointless excess end then now it was finally long enough to post. That being said I have not yet reached that
Jun 22, 2020
I'm not sure why the hate exists its a normal isekai anime the hero found himself in an unknown world and adapted. he is op as almost all isekai mc's are. I have not found anything bad so far its just par for the course much like the hundreds of action movies that exist are similar. People have a seriously unrealistic approach to anime, so what if its similar to what you've seen before, so what if its based on a similar premise, its still enjoyable and has its own merits. I don't give a damn about if its unique
Sep 29, 2019
High School DxD Hero
While not a fan of the new animation style at all, it kind of grows on you a little. Admitted even then it's vastly sub par to the original series but in the end it can be over looked for the simple fact that it means more episodes and the story continues. I Over all I have thoroughly enjoyed the series and recommend it to anyone even vaguely interested. Start at the beginning, watch the earlier seasons the animation is far superior, even if it is not true to the manga why can we not do both? Why is the animation by