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PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT MOST OF MY NOTES HAVE SPOILERS IN IT. I'm still new with using vndb so I'm not sure if there's a spoiler tag or anything of the sort there... Most stalled vn's are stuff that I already have but not yet played. So with that out of the way, heres my list: https://vndb.org/u144175/list My apologies... it's not yet finished... My apologies... it's not yet finished... Of course it's going to be locked. What do you expect from something that looks so obvious. Do you have the key? Thanks for being honest, you avoided being eaten alive c: If you're so curious, you should ask me about the key. I might give it to you under certain circumstances. ...or when I'm extremely sleepy or drunk The weather is of the atmosphere, so it, like humans, has its own personality. You can't call yourself a magician if you can't read the atmosphere. Whatever the weather, it doesn't matter to me if I stay at home. First of all, a preface. A foreword. An introduction. For all the things and knowledge I have learned and garnered throughout these years. These wonderful memories and treasured feelings. May this bastion serve as a reminder. A utopia for all these scattered potpourri A photo album My bookmark... For as long as I can remember, I've been obsessed with books... no, more like stories. Growing up as a single daughter of a nuclear family of 3, I guess I was pretty spoiled. Our old place was kind of remote and it seems whenever i go out or stare at the window, only old folks came into view. Wizards and sages? No, no I mean, just that there was a lack of brats (what most of them call me) in the area. Since its just mostly me and mum in the house, I developed a knack in doing solitary things and in reading old books and other materials in the attic, I found my greatest joy. Usually if I'm not found upstairs trying to look for something to read, I'm at the local public school library munching on books. Sort of like a mini Amano Tooko snacking on public property. The never ending thirst An insatiable hunger I still have it even now... So looking back on things, I guess I'm still as nerdy as ever My friends and classmates always deny it though saying I'm more of a virtuoso. That thought didn't ever occur to me once. I'm a huge music enthusiast but I don't think I'll ever be that good outside of acoustic guitars. Oh but I do believe in my skills on rhythm games, having played a plethora of them! Not that it's something to be proud of! My physical endurance and strength is still plenty pathetic but I still enjoy marathons, bicycles and playing badminton with friends from time to time. Learning to balance things is important! Pasta and pizza. Spaghetti, Linguine, Penne, Lasagnas Those sinful round dough topped by various mouth watering ingredients. Considered as junk food by my friends. An addiction is born. But since mum always makes them who is practically a health buff, I don't think its all that bad. I also enjoy those pastries and sweets we indulge in whenever we go outside but being the light eater I am, 2 slices (or 3 when pushing it) is guaranteed to make me full. That's why I always suck at those eat-all-you-cans. I can't seem to get my money's worth at those establishments. I want to talk more but I suddenly realize, I should've talked less. Actually, I was holding back and was constantly deleting lots of nonsense gibberish I've been spouting about. The BGM "Melancholy of a Noisy Girl" surely fits right now as it suddenly plays on my computer. While I may be using this primarily as a record of experiences I have with watching anime and reading manga, I wholeheartedly appreciate comments, suggestions and recommendations for just about anything under the sun. Be it silly talk or harsh remarks about my bad taste on things. I'd love to make friends with you guys. Still some shadows, growing to bleeding still. So the heart remains the thing, that make you ever last the carve to creed. You don't cry... Pitter patter...Pitter Patter Huge droplets fall from the sky, washing down all impurities to the ground below Bathing the world in a white canopy Daybreak. The child is still deep in her immaculate dream As the rain mercilessly continues to pour Chilling everything, robbing any trace of heat left from yesterday I slumber. Medium-sized drops accumulating on my windowpane. Beads forming, trickling down... Down, down towards the windowsill. The roads rejoiced for being cleaned naturally So are the various statues and effigies Seemingly to emit a gentle warm smile. The endless shower bathes the whole town in a state of lethargy The girl continues to sleep. A light rain. A drizzle. The flowers and organic vegetables in the backyard. Caterpillars, bugs and other insects. The neighbors chickens as well as the family dogs. Greet the morning rain as if singing a song of blessing. Everything outside continues to bathe by the heaven's grace. Overlooking through misty windows. An empty room. Disheveled blankets. Moist pillows. The door is opened. Ever since I was a small child, I loved rainy weathers more than anything else. The sound of pattering rain on windows and rooftops. The cool, wet breeze accompanied by the morning atmosphere. The hustle and bustle outside which ceases to exist. That nostalgic smell. It gives me the perfect reason to roll around on my bed sheets, squealing in delight for the chill I felt on my skin. It quadruples my laziness. Another perfect day for naps and reading books. I'd continue this for a few more minutes after I have awaken... only if I wasn't responsible for today's breakfast! Garden salad consisting of Lettuce, Tomatoes, Onions and Camote Tops all hand-picked by mum from the backyard. Two cups of coffee. Four slices of toast. Two extremely stupid smiling faces. A simple yet warm breakfast. It's been a while since I last have those in our home in Morong. The city is really different from where I've come. For one thing, I'm only responsible for breakfast on weekends, haha maybe it's because I'm always rushing, running off to school. We had bacon, beef tapa, rice and Orange juice today. Uncle is a really great cook, I'm getting used to having rice in the early mornings though only a small portion as I'm a light eater. It's kind of really busy during the mornings, especially on weekdays. There always seems to be a feeling of urgency even back at high school. Nothing changes even if it's raining. That's why I feel so nostalgic on weekends or on days where there's no school and I have nothing else to do. I just stare blankly at the world outside, looking at the falling rain. I haven't been reading much books nowadays because my room here in the city doesn't have a lot of them. The ones I have here, I've already finished and re-read ages ago. Though it's really fun reading visual novels using the family computer, my eyes get tired more easily. And it seldom gets vacant as I'm sharing it with my brothers, namely my cousins. Today is a bit different though. The computer is vacant, I just purchased a new book and we have moderate showers outside. But I don't feel like reading. I'm just staring outside through the living room's windows while having breakfast. I took my fourth bite of the ham-bacon sandwich uncle made while listening to old records playing in the family computer. I think it was "Summer Highland Falls" by Billy Joel. I enjoy hearing uncle's and my parents old songs, they really are such pleasant things to listen to. While looking at the scenery of passing cars and vans, I saw a group of children frolicking in the rain. Surprised I thought to myself, we used to do those a lot back then. I was never a healthy girl all my life, but I never seem to get sick whenever I play outside in the rain with my friends. It seems the only real trigger I have for my asthma to attack is my allergy acting up. Anyway, not noticing I have already stood up from my seat and have gotten my face close to the window, I continue looking at them. I smiled a bit as old memories continue to resurface while watching them happily playing tag in the street. "It would be much better for them if they have a larger playground like the one in the province", I continue talking to myself. Then as if to suddenly burst me out of my reverie, my phone alert went off. It was a call from my best friend. I dragged my lazy body up towards the stairs. One, two, three big steps unfit for a girl my age, I continue ascending. Closing up already opened doors, warmth returns to the previously vacant room. As the bed creaks upon the sudden weight imposed on it, two voices overlap with the sound of pattering rain. Looking up at the ceiling, with my left arm desperately covering my eyes. The hand that holds the phone connecting you continues to tremble. As you listened intently as I bare my disgusting self to you I began to sob. I began to weep. I unravel the things I hate to tell you one by one. An outburst, I hear my ugly self crying uncontrollably, wondering if that's really me. When was the last time I wailed so shamelessly? Frantic loud knocks. Your worried voices, on the phone I have seemed to dropped off on the bed. They snap me back to reality. The light rain continues to pour endlessly with no sign of it stopping soon. ...But surely, with the promise of a rainbow at its end. the time we spent in love, we patched it up it's time to give it up, it's been too rough i haven't got enough this thread, we'll cut i wonder, is it simple just like you say? now can i laugh again? The sound of bicycle tires scraping across the pavement as the defective brakes were pressed repeatedly. Children laughing while horsing around the neighborhood. The unusual colored bird chirps as if it was meant to signal a number of familiar faces on their way home after a hard day's work. Outdoor post lights begin to start flickering and start coming back to life as the sun slowly sinks away from view. An old house. Specifically, a musty small room. The attic. Everything outside can be heard clearly from the quiet, cozy room. A mountain of disorganized books and other unidentifiable paraphernalia clutters the majority of what little space is available. And from the source of the occasional sound of shuffling papers, the usual patron is seen lying flat down on her stomach totally absorbed in one of her reads. Only a few pages left until the book comes to its conclusion, a big yawn unfitting a lady, breaks the tranquility of the place. Rising up from the spot which has taken most of her body heat, a cute and childish bookmark was taken out from one of her pockets and inserted into the book. Another day has ended. It has been quite some time since I logged back on here again. What started with my faulty internet ended up with me neglecting connecting my laptop to the internet for a number of things I have been burdened or troubled with and also my bad habit of being a bookworm acting up again. This made me realize I really am not fit into these kinds of things and my apologies for all the troubles I may have caused. I'll do my best to respond to any messages I may have missed today before leaving here. Visual novels. It's official. I'm really addicted with them these past few days. Since a large number of english and localized ones have been coming in my doorstep, I was overjoyed to be able to read each and every one of them. I used to be able to finish them all before getting a new one back when English-translated ones were so scarce. Nowadays I have more than 10 on my queue I have yet to read. Knowing that visual novels are getting much more attention nowadays means I can look forward to munching more in the future! The major downside though is not all of them are to my liking. Most of them are just pleasing to the eyes but are extremely boring to plow through. It may be that I have read a number of stories before but I seldom find something on the levels of sharin no kuni, liarsoft or key works. I actually don't mind reading through various eroges if the story makes me do not want to let it go but I have yet to find something really good these days. I think the last eroge I finished which was really entertaining was Rance VI, now reading Chrono Clock and while I was really amused by the common route, I found myself unsatisfied by the individual routes (now on DD's). My friend also lent me several local novels along with some old Bob Ong books which I have taken a liking to. Have already finished two of them and I find myself chuckling from time to time which has earned troubled looks from other passengers when I'm riding the train. My best friend is planning to change her room's name to Kat's Room since I have been there almost everyday. Aside from the tasty food her mother makes, it's where I can play my new Miku Game I got last christmas. My desire to play the game wins against her pinching my cheeks and wrestling me every now and then. We still always do go outside on malls on weekends. Mmmm... I might have to buy new overalls since mine is pretty beat up already. I'm guessing it will be another cake-fest this Sunday! Though it would be nice if we can go back to that kebab place, kinda a bit on the pricey department, but it's really good! Self-improvement. Yep. Can't say if I'm improving a lot on the things I do, but at the very least I tried... I think. My morning runs are still ongoing even if I already burnt the fat I amass back on the holiday seasons! At the very least I want to able to make it a habit like Yuuji does. I also did a bit of cycling on weekends when I was free. It was my brother's so it was a bit big but I was able to use it normally or something now. Probably I was a bit influenced by my friend here who is somewhat of a bycycle enthusiast and it's really enjoyable as well so I decided to pedal away. Falling from a bicycle on moderate speed is another thing though. It hurts. It really does! Even if I landed squarely on my butt, I almost cried. But I resisted with all my might not to let it show on my face since there were a number of people looking and the guy who helped me up looks kinda cute. Did a number on the guitar as well, I was able to pull off finishing some tunes I was practicing for a while now, when my friends and I have a session at one of their houses. I'm looking forward to playing the bass as well? I dunno, it looks kinda cool and I love how the sound it makes on some of my favorite songs. It would take quite a bit of money and practice though, but I'm really looking forward to it. The last on my list is looking for someone spec learning how to swim I guess. It would be nice if my best friend would be able to teach me but like Luffy and the other fruit users, we both just sink like anchors in the pool. It may look like I'm an extremely active and busybody person based on my past activities these last few weeks but when I do feel like doing nothing, especially on weekdays, I'm usually taking naps anywhere or lying around in my room or the attic reading anything my eye catches upon. I'll choose relaxing on my comfy bed reading a book rather than sweating on the field anytime of the day! I have been slacking on watching anime as well. I forgot the last series I watched that I have finished completely. But for new ones I did watch up to episode 8th or 9th I think of Youjo Senki. I have mixed feelings with the plot especially about Being X but all-in-all I'm pretty hooked about the series. I have yet to check Tanya's VA but it feels very Saber-ish, her ahoge reminds me of her all the more which makes her so endearing for me. There are a number of titles which caught my attention and several of them were also suggested to me. Would love to watch them sometime in the future when I have more time available to spare. So...there. Wanted to talk more but I've probably rambled much about pointless things once again haha. Maybe I'll go back once again sometime but it's a far cry looking at things now. My sincerest gratitude for spending time with me, I hope I see you guys again in the future. Take care always, and bye-bye c: "I'm getting hungry, I wonder what's for supper?" The girl began descending down the stairs, unfinished book in hand and a pillow on the other. The lights in the attic have been turned off. Silence begins returning to the room, with only what lingering warmth has been left and the sound of fading footsteps resembling a series of short, detached musical notes belonging to the Unmoving Great Library. hey, can i, can i throw it all away? you haven't changed the way that things are going, so i guess that i should say, that from the start the one i loved was all myself... That every moment I’ve spent with you is an everlasting view I’ll shape my thoughts into little cubes And dip them in chocolate fondue Across the sea and the land and the breeze I bet that you’re feeling lonely You must be hungry waiting for me Hello. Yup, it's me again. Kinda hard to start once more since I've been gone for quite a long while, what with all the plethora of things raining down from the sky piling up on me. It was hard getting out of that wreckage but I somehow managed to get back in one piece, although with more screws loose. And yes, while I can't promise to be active like I used to, I can say that I'll be here again from time to time. Even if it's just peeking for some new things or just poking and sharing my idiocy with friends. Kinda like a mushroom or a random encounter that pops up every now and then. Finally, I'm going to put my best friend's advice in motion and refrain from making the "About Me" page on MAL as a diary of all sorts. I'll just put them on a separate blog along with Visual Novel reviews which I'm planning on doing in the future since it will be kinda nice to backtrack all the novels I read in the past. So yeah, before I start droning on and on again and make it unnecessary longer, Hi, I'm Kooh and welcome to my page. For all those who just stumbled here accidentally, or wants to know who was it that gave such horrid reviews, irredeemable tastes or pointless replies, I'll do you a favor and just give you a summary. I'm a bookworm/nerd/addict/junkie (or whichever you prefer) with a base constitution of 2 and has perks in cooking and daydreaming, who also happens to be a virtuoso. That's actually it. Or maybe just imagine an ugly and shrimp version of Pachouli Knowledge who occasionally jams for some reason and has a somewhat decent ability in preparing various kiddie meals. And there you go, I advise you not to read further more as you probably wont gain any more experience or skill points (if you ever got any) aside from me eating more of your time listening to my rants which are mainly stuff I just pulled out of my ***. Drinking warm water in the morning and eating your fruits before meals will promote good health and better nourishment for your body. Drinking warm water in the morning and eating your fruits before meals will promote good health and better nourishment for your body. Drinking warm water in the morning and eating your fruits before meals will promote good health and better nourishment for your body. Please stop, repeating NPC responses are just plain annoying you know? Well it seems you just tossed my advice along with all good intentions to the wind which means you have loads of time to burn or my idiocy has already infected your brain. I did said before that I'll refrain from talking nonsense and using the about me page as a diary but I guess that's not changing anytime soon. My real name is Catherine, like that extremely "gorgeous" cat lady from Gintama or that game which will be having a revamp on the PS4. Usually my friends just call me Cathy or even shorter, Kat. Though I am living in the city now with my cousins, I grew up way, way out in the boondocks with my parents. It's not a very busy place but it feels extremely serene and homely. Kind of like the rampart castle in Heroes or the hobbit dwellings in the LOTR movies, it really does have that vibe. Toss in a handful of annoying, pesky kids, phones that acquire signals only on blue moons and tons of old folks and there you have my hometown. It's nothing special or exciting but I love being there. Always. I grew up as an only child to an extended family, but I was pretty rambunctious back then to the point that you couldn't differentiate me among my male friends. "Tomboyish" is quite tame a title for my youth. We always play, run and horse around all day, going from one neighborhood or fields to the next. Or climbing any high tree, wall or roof we spot that deems necessary for a challenge. My parents always cry at the sight of me whenever I go home covered in mud, dirt, twigs, bruises or wounds. But eventually they got used to it, and me as well as my First Aid Technique rapidly rose on levels to the point that I was also the one mending my friends' wounds. I'm the very definition of "uncute" back then but somehow I find that little brat really charming. So where is that little Naru now? Apparently she wandered deeper into the abyss and fell into the deepest depths and never managed to get out. After being successfully extracted from an excavation trip many years later she has now devolved into a reclusive purple bean. Hmm, I do really wonder how I got so corrupted like this? If I had to point out my biggest regret, it would be "that". What is "that"? It's one of my biggest secrets on how such a disgusting, incurable sickness has just suddenly, magically, superficially taken it's toll on my body one fateful summer eve. It's one of my darkest moments and I really grieved over that period up to now because it is something I actually just made up on the spot and you should just forget all about it. My sincerest apologies. Honestly though, I kinda wished I have my vigor from back then as I'm usually too lazy or tired to move around the house, save for my morning runs or when there's something new I'm excited about for days and that finally becomes available prompting me to step up and use my bicycle. As of the moment, I now have long hair again. Well.. medium length I guess. It hasn't been that long yet since I've cut it short and it seems to be growing quite slow. Maybe my hair is cursing me for how rash my sudden decision was to have my hair cut that short in the middle of school sem. No regrets though as I saved some money cutting off on more shampoo and toning down the AC. Also, the breeze when I pedal down the road when it's short is the greatest! I'm not too happy about it but my height also joined the bandwagon. Yes, I'm short as well and no, you don't have to rub it on my face okay? Do remember that and we'll go along just fine! I am an introvert and it usually takes up a long time for me to warm up to someone but when I do I become really unreserved. It just means that I really give my friends my whole trust when I do recognize them but at the same time I get hurt or offended rather easily as well, I'm just good at hiding it. Yup, it's a pain I know that's why I'm drastically trying to pump points on VIT and SPRT as I gain levels. I should really improve on that. My health is also rather poor. It's not that I'm sickly most of the time, infact I have a rather active lifestyle and I look healthy as well. It's just that I have an allergy that triggers randomly starting from the common cold, which I hate so much, which in turn gradually ends up almost always to Asthma. I've tried all remedies, medicines, incantations, exotic herbal miscellanies and all sorts of rehabilitation but it still persists from time to time. Whatever sorcery or curse this is I sure would like to get removed someday. But all-in-all, I have gotten pretty used to it, and have gotten quite adept at exploiting it sometimes. Usually when I wanted to skip the boring morning flag ceremonies at school or politely refusing various invitations of all sorts. Either way, it's indispensable! Somewhat. I'll just list three important things exempting God, loved ones, friends, and other various important daily necessities.Which would most likely be, books, music and food. Honestly, it's been a while since I have read a new book physically nowadays. With the laptop I've received from my parents I was introduced to the world of virtual enjoyment. Taking on baby steps I delved into the world of E-Books, manga and light novels, along with tons of different anime, tv series, and movies which my friends generously provided me in the form of USB's. It took a long time before I learned how to utilize the internet so my path to corruption was slowed down a bit. Needless to say, I became fully corrupted in the end so I guess my best friend's warnings and desperate attempts to lead me away from evil were all for naught! Anyway, back then I really got attached to books, since we had a lot of them in the house. They're literally everywhere. They fill our many bookcases, the attic, the tables, the spaces under the tables, the foot of the tables (most likely for support), on the couch, inside the throw-pillows, on the roof, inside my pockets, and everywhere you can definitely think of. I didn't know to whom most of them belong, but I believe everyone in my family has at least ten or so including my relatives and various people who come and go in the house. At first it was just for passing the time, well mainly because when it's raining outside and you have a cold, or your mother is eyeing on you like her eyeball's gonna pop out any second, hinting I shouldn't go play outside the rain, there's not much to do. I wasn't easily amused by dolls and toys so whenever I get fed up playing with our dog, or vice-versa (the dog almost always gets fed up with me first), I go roam around the house looking for things to do. And that's where I got to reading books. Since it's the first thing you'll see when you roam around the house. My first few reads were short, like before I got to 20 pages or so, the rain already stopped and my friends were already calling me out to play or someone in the house end up calling me for some household chores or some other form of interruption. That's when I discovered reading up in the attic was so much fun. In the beginning I used it mostly to play hide-from-chores with my family members but eventually I've grown attached to it and my books which eventually lead to nerdom. I still read books from time to time, especially when my friends give and lend me some. They are still entertaining and a good way to pass the time. But usually I spent most of my time now reading light novels on my laptop and playing visual novels. It used to be quite difficult getting a hand on those English-translated ones but lately they are extremely popular now, and have loads of them on my queue I haven't started yet. Yes, it's a good era to be alive~ I have read lots of visual novels so if you want suggestions, want to talk about them, or shame some stories, don't be a stranger! I'd love to talk about these with you! If you're still analog like me, though I've been learning a lot recently, I'll also be delighted to hear about books and other stories with you. Suggestions on new books and novels to read will be much appreciated! By the way, the most memorable book for me was one of those Magic Eye series. It's one of those "I don't get it" books which made lots of great memories with my friends who taught me how to. I believe all of us ended up using glasses though :)) One aspect that hasn't changed much after all these years has got to be my love for music. I'm not that good with any of the instruments and my voice isn't all that special but it's one thing I couldn't live without. Back on my younger nerdy days, rain would be my usual BGM whenever I was up in the attic reading my books. There's also the occasional neighborhood rap battles (most likely married couples who have some third party problems duking out with the insults), children playing outside, and animals who are in a howling moon mood. After I forcefully requested my dad's walkman to be a part of my inventory, it almost became a part of my body. Yes, a walkman. Not the one with cd's but a cassette and radio built-in which runs on batteries. Since my parents have a lot of old records back then, I developed a taste in music ranging from the 70's onwards. Yes, they are old but they are really special. Music back then was amazingly good! Anyway, most of the stuff they have are from foreign bands. It was my best friend who introduced me to some of the best local bands we have and probably to more recent songs fitting of my age! It was love at first sound for Eraserheads. Around high-school was the time I got hooked on anime, and that's when I developed a taste for J-pop, J-rock, J-whatsoever and other anime-ish songs. Though I have a wide range of taste for music and I do listen as much as possible for each one before I shot it down, I have a strong preference for rock, classical, and Game BGMs. One reason I got hooked to visual novels was because of the BGMs. For me it's a must-have for a VN to have one or two great music since it really gets my mood going while plowing through the plot. There were also times when I recognized the music they used on the novel. Be it from some other song, movie, or on another game. Like the one from LiarSoft's Forest, it has a BGM that is quite similar to warlord's Battlecry. I recognized it immediately because I really liked that song and has played it for like a thousand times already. Too bad there's not much to lyrics aside from "Oooohs" and "Aaaaaahs", so it's hard to sing along. Yes, I do know how to play some instruments but I'm not really that good with it. I guess the acoustic guitar would be my best. It did made my fingertips look ugly, (well it was horrid to begin with) but it was worth it as it doesn't hurt now while playing it for a long time. I still haven't got the knack on playing while singing as I still garnered lots of laughs from friends whenever I get forced to perform during trips, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. And yes to top it off with my love for music, I'm also addicted to rhythm games! I don't know, it seems I feel uneasy when I'm not thumping my fingers on the table or my friends cheek and head. Though lately I'm only playing Deemo nowadays since my phone broke and I can't play Love Live anymore :( Food. Well who doesn't like it??? Though I said minus the basic necessities, it's that I also like making them. So cooking and eating, goes hand-in-hand so yeah. If you can cook you can eat more! It's good though that I'm not gaining that much calories these days as my morning daily runs are making progress. But I instantly became chubby if I stopped for more than a week. So its kinda a needed maintenance. A safety barrier, in order to support my "passion" for cooking...and eating! Before I became somewhat of a decent cook, I lost count of how many failed dishes I have made in my life. It's like Souichiro or Soma's trick dishes manifested in real-life. Well, somebody has to eat them so I always end up taking someone with me to hell whenever I concoct something like those. I don't have that much of a specialty as I just cook whatever is available in the fridge. Though lot of my friends seem to think my specialty is with food that goes great with beer! Well it's because that's what they demanded from me! Like sisig, crispy pata, and other spicy or grilled food. Hmm, I guess I'll prepare some veggies and fruits the next time they come here. Let's see if they still drink beer while munching on some greens. There's really not much to say about me. (It's this long and it's still not much????) I do not think of myself as a great person. Mind you, I'm not pessimistic or something since I do know some of my strengths, but I do have lots of weaknesses as well. A major one would be that I am no good dealing with people. Especially meeting up with new ones. They always seem to get the impression that I'm a snob or an unfriendly girl. Weeeeell.. there might be some truth to that but it's actually because I have a hard time conversing with people I do not have a feel for yet. Especially on real life. Like when my friends introduce me to someone new, I became timid instantaneously, much to the amusement of my friends. As my sudden shift in attitude seems to betray how noisy and rowdy I am with their company. I guess I'm like a Shiba dog, in that it takes quite some time for me to warm-up to someone, but when I do, I treasure them for life. I am also quite ignorant and frank sometimes so please do tell and rein me in when I'm going overboard or stepping boundaries. A red card or a slap on the cheeks will bring me back to reality. Oh and I also have frequent mood swings and tend to go "Princess Kaguya" mode a lot, so my apologies if you happen to catch me during these unsightly moments. Let's see... I was trying to think up of some of my positive attributes but I'm feeling kind of lazy right now so I'll get back on it some other time. There are lots mind you! It's just I'm really tired right now so please excuse me for a bit. And there, I wanted to talk more but I guess I should cut it for now as I doubt there's any of you still listening to my useless rants. Though if you did managed to come all the way here, I commend you with all of my heart! You're such a masochist for being able to put up with my nonsense! So bye for now, and hope something amazing will happen to you for the remainder of the day~ ..and there might be a secret here as well. You just have to look down after jumping right into it, and remember to keep your eyes on the ground while repelling the blinding white light. "I'm getting hungry, I wonder what's for supper?" The girl began descending down the stairs, unfinished book in hand and a pillow on the other. The lights in the attic have been turned off. Silence begins returning to the room, with only what lingering warmth has been left and the sound of fading footsteps resembling a series of short, detached musical notes belonging to the Unmoving Great Library. |
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Otome Game no Hametsu Flag shika Nai Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei shiteshimatta...
Aug 24, 2019 4:41 AM
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Knowledge, Patchouli
Touhou Niji Sousaku Doujin Anime: Musou Kakyou
Aomine, Daiki
Kuroko no Basket
Aizawa, Yuuichi
Harima, Kenji
School Rumble
Senjougahara, Hitagi
Hongou, Hitoha
Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo.
Lucilfer, Chrollo
Hunter x Hunter
Souma, Shigure
Fruits Basket
All Comments (1469) Comments
By the way i decided to send you a friend request, it's up to you whether or not you want to accept it :)
i'm sure having a car with air conditioning is a godsend in the humid climate of the philippines.
ikr. why does population have to be evergrowing! god should have put a hard cap on humans 🤣 when i go back to the small rural town i was raised in and see how much it has grown, it really makes me miss the small town vibes of before.
kat is too nice! it's been two messages since our hiatus and you're already offering to be my personal life coach 😉 all in all, i just hope i'm not the common denominator in all these mission failures 🤣 when you're limited to your own point of view and biases, it really makes you wonder if there's something wrong with yourself that you can't see. i don't say that to down myself but it would be nice to know what that thing is if it does exist so i can address it! i have no choice but to improve everything 😤
you know, despite being a weeb for 20+ years, i've never been to a convention in the US because i'm too judgy with how some of these fans conduct themselves publicly, whether it be lack of personal hygiene or being a public nuisance, it just ruins the fandom for me, even if these kinds of people are a minority. i just want a normal human friend that shares my hobbies, showers, and has chill vibes 🥺
Thanku ^^ I guess it will, hopefully it isn't too bad ^^;;;;;
Getting ready to go back to college. The stress aaaaaa
With Cross Channel, the soft pastel art it seems to have looks nice, and yeah i've heard quite a lot of Steam versions of visual novels can be pretty bad cause of censorship and cut content and whatnot. I haven't read it yet but the Steam version of Subahibi seems to have some issues that i'll need to look a bit more into when i do play it.
So yeah lot's of popular stuff there as you can see. What are your favourite visual novels?
unfortunately i haven't been as successful with love xD after my 4th longterm relationship ending about two years ago, i've shelved relationships for the time being. i realized that relationships were often my main source of motivation and happiness which would just leave me crippled when they failed, so the past few years has been a journey of reflection and becoming emotionally self-sufficient, and so far it's been a successful one. can't say i have any other complaints; i spend plenty of time with the family and i'm doing well doing well financially. idk what else i could want 🤷♂️ maybe having a new non-cringe irl weeb friend would be nice! my old friend moved for work :(
how's the married life? i hope they're treating kat well!