All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 258.4
Mean Score:
- Watching11
- Completed853
- On-Hold203
- Dropped408
- Plan to Watch354
- Total Entries1,829
- Rewatched286
- Episodes14,562
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 23.9
Mean Score:
- Total Entries153
- Reread4
- Chapters3,443
- Volumes440
All Comments (894) Comments
Could you share your opinions about Go! Princess Precure? I've been thinking which one of those to pick up next after Mahoutsukai, and you have this one rated higher than the rest.
I wanted to ask, how do you like the Exaxxion manga? I found the focus on infowar and nanomachines to be a bit strange, but the artistic approach to the cannon shot scenes was quite impressive.
I think you would appreciate the realistic sci-fi and technology as well as the more 'mature' characters, which is making it a winning series.
You're probably better actually starting it and marathoning it to the present episode (90) because it will be something to look forward to each week.
Enjoy your anime!
I also recommend you try Uchuu Kyoudai (or get back to watching it) because it is truly impressive. I love realistic sci-fi and space and the main character is 32, so none of the high school crap stuff that's prevalent in anime. It's shaping up to go into my favourites pretty soon if it keeps up the quality. I'm currently at episode 30. It's a more modern and light hearted version of Planetes mixed with the character development, drive and ambition of Bakuman - a winning formula ...
It's a shame I haven't been able to participate with the society but I hope to be able to attend future social outings.
I'm looking forward to this season's new anime - there's quite a few I'll be watching but not sure where I'll get the time!
How about you? Seen anything good lately? I know you're a maho shoujo and mecha fan but anything else? I've gotten addicted to Conan and it's beginning to interfere with my life ...