This topic can be found in Twitter, once every month(In random days), by type "ゴールドマッスル" and go to the latest posts, as long if any Japanese still remember that lost anime. It's becoming a fading memory, because nobody had share & preserve the episodes in the internet. All we have, are the links to lost data and information, which I provided earlier.
Been trying to find it, but nobody was kind to post it on YouTube nor any stream sites, the OP in Nico Nico, had a comment mentioned, the episodes will be upload there, but there's nothing, this means they were only available somewhere in 2008 to 2009, or 2017 to 2019, before they were deleted/removed/taken down.
Here's another one, let's just say it's one of the "missing pieces from the lost jigsaw puzzles", the rest are still out there somewhere
I appreciate the stacks you have made, here I want to add another in the lost anime list collection
Title: Gold Muscle/ゴールドマッスル(2002-2003)
Ep: 10 (5 to 8 minutes each)
Property of Taiiku Ookoku(The oldest show in Muscle Ranking series, before Sasuke franchise)
Status: Lost(Because it was never copied for distribution after broadcasted in TBS studio)
Person who was to be blame: 7ishimon, Togetter & Twitter user, because he introduce it in 2017, but lost it(The video source) before 2024. And so was the others who had seen it, but never save it.
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You have pretty good favorites also, I really need to watch Monogatari.
Thank you for accepting, I really liked your profile!
Here's the details and information
(Or can be found in Nico Nico, but that site is temporary suspended/down)
Title: Gold Muscle/ゴールドマッスル(2002-2003)
Ep: 10 (5 to 8 minutes each)
Property of Taiiku Ookoku(The oldest show in Muscle Ranking series, before Sasuke franchise)
Status: Lost(Because it was never copied for distribution after broadcasted in TBS studio)
Person who was to be blame: 7ishimon, Togetter & Twitter user, because he introduce it in 2017, but lost it(The video source) before 2024. And so was the others who had seen it, but never save it.