All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 155.8
Mean Score:
- Watching57
- Completed646
- On-Hold44
- Dropped23
- Plan to Watch222
- Total Entries992
- Rewatched51
- Episodes8,787
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 92.1
Mean Score:
- Reading84
- Completed170
- On-Hold40
- Dropped18
- Plan to Read79
- Total Entries391
- Reread0
- Chapters14,071
- Volumes1,061
All Comments (5505) Comments
Thanks very much :) I had 3 days off this week plus the regular weekend this week plus Monday and Tuesday. They will fly though.
Damn...that sucks. Hope you get better soon, having Covid is much more miserable than a regular flu. There are offers of Covid vaccines over here but I didn't bother taking them, they sound too risky.
And take your time with these songs :) Listening to them when still sick is definitely not going to do you any good.
Been gaming lately and re-watching Marvel films and other ones such as Harry Potter with my little brother, and now onto Pirates of the Caribbean movies. He loved these :) It’s better to show these films before his teenage years hit, which might become more judgemental on things and be more influenced by my parents who hate these kind of movies (they prefer realistic movies, and romance ones in the case of my mother).
Yeah totally agree, but with two wars on the loose, it’s hard to tell when would there be world peace. At least Covid in China has stopped after their extension of lockdown. I managed to go back there for 3.5 weeks between September and October after 7 years not going back there. Things have changed so much!! QR codes for purchases using certain apps, finger prints to open home doors in newly built apartments and electric scooter motor bikes everywhere and you can’t even hear them until they get close to you on the footpath (yes, they ride on the footpath at about 5-10km/hr)! D:
As far as I know, my job’s IT department kept suggesting to use complicated passwords and never use the same password in many websites or systems (in the job). It’s hard to be honest.
Sounds about the same here. A lot of houses for rent are for students. Other rental prices are very high per month, so it’s hard to look for a cheap place to rent. This really makes me to stop looking at a place to buy sometimes…And here has management fees and TV Licence fees more like taxes if you ask me, which discourages even more on buying houses or apartments unless you win the Lottery >_>
I have a version of the original FF7 downloaded on Steam, need to play it sometime. I probably will replay Remake soon on PS5 as there are certain side-quests that can only be done if you chose certain dialogue options from certain chapters, otherwise alternative quests will appear instead. I was surprised that I never got a Game Over screen when facing the Arbiters of Fate and Sephiroth on Normal difficulty, yet I died elsewhere before the last battles. Can’t wait for Rebirth!
Why didn’t you have a PS5? Too expensive? I’ve heard PS5 Slim is coming out soon, spec looks the same, so hopefully it’ll be cheaper. I might get it once I move out in future.
Not a big fan of Gatcha games, they felt like it can go on forever and ever until human civilization is gone xD I only played a few hours of Genshin Impact with Chinese audio (it’s a Chinese game after all), voice acting is pretty good. I might get back to it sometime later but right now I don’t feel like playing games that might go on forever.
Yeah, the first Ni No Kuni game’s battle system was kinda let down. The AI for your allies are pretty much useless, not to mention the heavy localisation of original character names adds more annoyance. But overall, it’s still a great Jrpg for me, the battles get more easier after a while. Right now I only have one side-quest (errand) to go before finishing the game for good, but it requires certain ingredients that are super-rare drops from high level enemies that only spawn at a low percentage D: So I abandoned it for now xD NNK II is a hack n slash type rather than using commands, so it was different but felt more smooth in combat. The challenges (I think it’s post-game) are rather tough though, and in one of the DLCs you face an even tougher final boss which took me ages to complete.
Recently I’m also into a bit of games on Switch as Santa brought it to my little brother last Christmas :3 Currently playing Bayonetta 2 after finishing the first one on PS3 (will replay it on PS4 with Japanese dub to see how it sounds), as well as one of the random Zelda games, plus one of the Metroid games too. So yeah…I’m on the same boat as you - bad track record of finishing any games xD I’m currently hyped for Tekken 8 in January, I just love fighting games even though I prefer RPGs more. Dunno if you heard of Under Night In-Birth series, only one game so far with a few updated versions on PS3 and PS4, sequel is next year. This is one of those 2D fighting games where even a beginner can mash some buttons and hope for the best xD I might start on Melty Blood series soon, I think there is one released on PS4 somewhere. This is the genre that I hardly see anyone playing over here, I might be the one in a million that plays this kind of games xD Then I’m now also into Starcraft Remastered with fan-made mods and campaigns, this is one of those times where a western game shined brightly back in the day and still has a huge fan base since 1999. So while you are stuck in Gatcha hell, I’m stuck in retro-gaming hell xD
I suppose all jobs have some boring parts and trying to get along with people that you hate or despise. This happens to me in every job I’ve been to so far, people can be strange around you just like this world :/ As long as you stay away from their politics, then you are grand. I went back to China to see my relatives in September for 3 weeks, and oh boy…I’m glad I’m not in China any longer. The streets are far more messier in terms of traffic, tall buildings are everywhere like a bunch of Godzillas, and my uncles and aunties always say how everyone in jobs can get onto you (politics) and use you. So my country is now like the wild, so if you are a domesticated animal and trying to live in the wild, you are gone on Day One, which is the metaphor I came up for myself in describing Day One in a job in China. First day in a job here in Ireland is fine, they take easy on you, but something they tell me hinted that the first day in a job in China is a different story. People are more judgemental over there than here in Europe.
Best of luck in finding a job that you like. It’s not easy but you’ll get there :) Business can be boring unless you are a fan of money. I was in an office (doing admin only) but the office deals with a project to bring up a new system for finance across the country. The finance terms popping up in meetings were so boring that I wasn’t able to tune in properly. I’m trying to aim for IT in future even though I got a science degree (didn’t do great on it in the final year). It’s gonna be slow but my aim for now is get away from my parents.
OMG D: That sounds more painful than I thought! Even the names of these disorders sound painful. Good thing it’s getting better, I can’t even imagine how it will be if I got these pains. The only pain I have from time to time is neck pain due to sitting in front of the computer for too long (work and after work). Still, as you mentioned stress, it’s a big killer due to many diseases and disorders that come with it, so people here always advise that if you hate your job, then quit and find another one. Or get onto your union and see what they can do if it’s the management’s problem. As I said above, there are wild animals on the loose in society, especially the high ranked staff like managers or directors. Hope the pain will 100% go away soon, fingers crossed.
I see you are also experiencing this, at least you got to meet people from social media websites. I tend not to go on those websites due to the potential dangers they bring. My job is office based though partially working from home a lot so far. Most colleagues are ladies who are mostly in their mid-40s or above. So none of them are gamers or watch anime or do other stuff that I do. A lot of them don’t even go to cinemas anymore for over a decade due to streaming sites like Netflix took over them. So yeah, times are changing but for me, it’s not for the better :/
I haven’t spoken with Rod for ages, good to know he is doing well.
These songs are pretty good! :) I used to listen to random J-pop songs in the past, so K-pop sounds similar to my ears after listening to all these songs. I like the fact that they are bilingual for Korean and Japanese, reminds me of BoA who sang the 15th OP for Fairy Tail while her other songs are in Korean. For me, recently for the past year and a half I was listening to fan-remixes of Touhou game soundtracks. I was really surprised that there are probably millions of them out there and the original creator just let them do it and sell them in conventions. This is the only open source indie game franchise I’ve ever heard of. A lot of them are on Youtube. I’m more into Eurobeat and Trance but did dive into other genres too. These are some of the songs that I like so far: (my most favourite so far)
This one felt like a typical 90s dance song:
I could put on lots more Touhou remixes here, the more I listen to them the more addictive it becomes. This is the first song that got me exposed to the game franchise:
Here is an original song made by one of the groups that done Touhou remixes:
This is why I love Asian songs. So much emotions and meaning in each song. Western songs are kinda dead for me, a lot of them are really hard to get into. I’m probably the only citizen in the country that listens to Touhou remixes lol.
Your English is always good imo, I don’t remember you were struggling with the language unlike some other users I used to chat to back in the day. I definitely remember the apologizing bit and kinda treated the site as a live chat thing xD I guess everyone went through that phase, even my relatives in China went through the phase on phone chat apps until they remembered that myself and my mom are in a different time zone xD I still remember my bad temper from time to time due to pressures from colleague and deal with my little brother annoying me (now 16 and having another one who is 10 now omg…) U__U" All the clubs are pretty much dead now and I literally left a lot of them. Guess most people moved on and hardly anyone took the thrones. Gonna miss those times too.
We used to exchange novels in the past anyways xDD So this is nothing new :D Just takes more time like always as I still had no privacy a lot of times to reply to chats Orz
An advanced Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :D
Yeah i love Fontaine, this is just beautiful and the underwater world is impressive i love to explo :D Also the archon quest was incredible Oo
Now that i have Nahida i'm playing Keqing again and oh my god what a pleasure she is so op
Yup i'm also on Europe :) What's your IUD ?
I also love Zhongli cause i cannot die with him but now i'm learning how to not play with him everytime lol
Are you playing on Europe ?
Yup i failed in love with the game and i will surely try Star Rail imo ! Even if genshin alone is more than enought ahahah