I'm not really eager to make friends, so to speak; tis somewhat a mistery why I even bother to write these words. Anyhow, since I started, I might as well go on, for I love to write about myself.
I enjoy anime, vn, ln and manga, which, I'm sure, comes as a suprise. Bloody hell, I have an account here and I still enjoy anime! No idea why the vast number of arround 50 people did not write they like anime. The 9000+ minority doesn't make an impact on those self-righteous "knights". Btw. that was sarcasm, not an irony. Irony is for feminist veggie faggots, real men feast on sarcasm, like our ancestors did.
Now I start to think, that being an Orthodox Christian and a conservative royalist on top of that makes me a rare specimen here, afterall, most of the anime fans are modernist and postmodernist benders, to whom I can't bare to stand next to. Probably the reason why I don't have much friends to talk otaku with. Oh well, theology and politics were a lot more interesting topics to begin with.
All Comments (8) Comments
how did you like and why or why not no reason for asking this just curious about how you feel please respond if you want ok also if you want to ask me a question look at my anime list and ask about one i am watching or have already seen and ask about if i like one or not if you want.
Jeśli chodzi o przekaz to chyba dla mnie Wolf's rain jest czymś co bardzo do mnie trafiło (niesamowicie poprawne biologicznie przedstawienie behawioru wilka+przekaz). Również Nausicaa z doliny wiatru ale to kwestia tego ze jestem biologiem :)
Przestań bo mnie jeszcze nie daj bosze namówisz na ten Clannad :P
Nawet trudno mi sprecyzować swój gust. Anime musi mieć w sobie odrobinę magii. Niektóre pozycje wprost urzekają i trudno się od nich oderwać.