I'm King, a semi student from Derby who, a year and a bit ago, joined the local Uni's Animoo & Mango society (though only because the people there were fun. I had not watched any anime before)
I have only just now started to watch things outside of the society meetings, but I have been reading Manga for a while now.
What stuff do I like?
Shojo, gothy looking stuff, good looking men, swords and cutesy stuff.
I don't like mecha, (though I do like Reach For The Top, Appleseed and Voices of a Distant Star)
As for non mangary type comics?
Well, I never did bother with the super hero type stuff. Comics ended for me with The Beano! However, back in 2003, I started reading web comics. Lots of them. Now the only ones I read are XKCD and Questionable Content. EDIT: Went back to reading many, but cut down recently, current regulars are XKCD, Questionable Content, Darths and Droids, Order of the Stick and Girl Genius.
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