Mah boi, how can I help you defeat
Ganon bad anime?
I wonder what's for dinner. Perhaps a dumb Shonen with a heavy side of comedy? But on weekends I prefer a nice & quiet slice of life to relieve myself from my Kingly duties of Sending Link. For supper, there's nothing better than Seinen with a dash of spicy philosophical questioning.
After I fill my head with anime, I enjoy putting all I've thought about in a little review circling 20 pages. It puts my mind at ease and my memory to rest, so that I may better focus on what my wizard Squadelah will tell me the next morning.
As I do not wish to harm any feelings, unless very warranted, I grade my viewings with a gentle scale: almost nothing is under 7. To be quite fair, if it is under 7, I tend to fall asleep and Zelda has to come wake me up afterwards. So I generally have no opinion on anything that can make my noble mind relinquish all activity.
However for the sake of clarity, 0 would be The Asterisk War, and 1 would be Fate Grand Order:First Order.
All else is graded comparatively on an anime scale, with those two as the absolute Prison Book of Ganon, and Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex (both seasons) as the heavenly thighs of
Zelda Impa Link My Dear Beloved ******.
Very rarely in my long life, I have found an anime so grand that it shattered my expectations of anime, or so perfectly done that I felt compelled to order Zelda to marry it.
Those rare occurences are my 10/10s. As so many of my dinners were spent watching anime, so many that I have lost count, I still have only 4 10/10s. 3 if you count that two of them are two seasons of the same anime.
It is fair to expect everything I grade as 7 or below to be "passable", 8 to be "interesting" or "good" and 9 to be "recommended to everyone", with 10 being "a must watch".
Indeed, there are many numbers I simply do not use. Very much because there are many animes that I simply refuse to suffer through. Please appreciate this grading system for its value.
As King, I am bound by honour to exercise precise judgements and to be exquisitely specific in my criticisms. It would be offense to my subjects to provide unfair laws and rules to them. As such, I take all the necessary time to justify each and every one of my opinions on each review that I commit to this fine website and its pleasant denizens. It is my joy to exercise caution and sanctify each opinion with ambitious metaphors and explanations so as to best convey a sense of understanding in the agreeable users of this admirable locale of the internet.
(the author does NOT promise to roleplay as The King for every review, but he promises he might make an effort from now on)
On my rare spare time, I enjoy a bit of adventuring of the modern style, with a controller and a Playstation. The Persona and Shin Megami Tensei adventures remind me very much of my youth battling the forces of Evil before Link and Zelda were born.
However, there is no true game without risks, and no game is ever so rewarding than the most difficult one. And that game, no doubt, is Touhou. In Hard Difficulty. I am currently slowly advancing towards getting all the games beaten in Hard Difficulty at least once, though it will be years before this glorious feat can be achieved.
I am delighted to discuss these games with any commoner or noble, as I am delighted to discuss anime with you fine gentlemen.
Please do in my palace as you would in yours.
All Comments (21) Comments
Anyway, thanks for the reply :)
It does get better though... in the last couple of episodes. I still don't like it as a whole though.
"why do the characters look like 12??" - With your head filled with anime as posted in your bio, you DO know that most animes are adaptations from manga? So they have to follow the author's rendition of the characters and story. Didn't know a 28 year-old can still be salty as you. Character development is the key to every show. Learn from that, kid.
I wish there was a requirement here that before anyone can make a review on anything, they should have a piece of some critically acclaimed creation of their own, not just some kid blabbering what they feel, thinking it posits the entirety of show itself.
"why do people like this" well, because everyone isn't you
same with Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt and Shimoneta...They all do what other anime did before to soem extent but by no means u can call them generic...