Hmmm probably something like marketing and management (>V<)
I was planning to major in something like "International Business" second year haha
Ahaha true that :D it's always good to be around friends. The real partying starts now though LOL now that most of the exams are done~
I originally wanted to travel to visit relatives, but plane tickets sky-rocketed... so now I'm hoping I can work full time over the summer to make some money or something (>x<)
Yea, I'm done high school... I have two more provincial diplomas to take and then it's sayonara forever~ (>u<)
Then it's off to university come the fall ahhh
Let's see... high school was... fun I suppose XD
I had to take a lot of higher level courses, so that took out a lot of time from my schedule and I couldn't really take an extra-curricular courses. Slightly disappointing, but whatever :p at least I made really good friends ~
Went to the ceremony and prom a few weeks back haha - our valedictorian's speech was kind of disappointing, and our principal was talking about "making brushstrokes" in his speech. Sadly, my friend and I kept hearing "breaststroke" so we couldn't really take the speech seriously LOL we are so immature XD
Anyways, good luck haha (>~<) for now, I'm just desperately trying to catch up with all the series I'm trying to watch haha
D: aweee, you can private message me about your concerns any time! I might not be able to do anything, but at least I can be moral support (> <)!! I'm sorry to hear that things are not working out for you (;-:)
Lately... I've been kind of lazy with my anime watching haha just because it's the end of the school year and diplomas to take and all~ (but don't let that stop you from venting to me haha, I always take time to just chill and relax - more than I really should lol)
Mmm slice of life... this one may be a little girly, but it's also a bit more realistic - Bokura Ga Ita, don't know if you've heard of it. I watched that one a few years back and it got me all emotional.
However, I would recommend School Rumble as well :) it's a bit more towards the "school life" genre, but it has really good laughs that can hopefully brighten up your day a little!
Haha, no, I like to marathon things too... which is another reason I don't really watch "now airing" anime.
1. It drives me insane that I have to wait week after week
2. I just like to watch everything at once
I usually take up 2-3 days for a standard series as well LOL... that's usually what I spend my summers doing haha - sad life.
mm yea, for me, the only time I actually jump on the bandwagon for anime is when there's this crazy hype about it, like Sword Art or Shingeki... I just want to see for myself if they live up to their name haha
and then there's the other times when I'm watching a trending anime and didn't even know it XD
haha yea, good luck :3
by the way, how long does it usually take you to finish a series?
Hmmm yea, true that. I heard that in Japan, the most popular anime is One Piece though :p
but yea, I don't think that the "Big Three" is... bad, it's just that they are basically the same genre so... watching over 100 episodes of the same genre 3 times over seems a bit much for me haha
Anyways~ yea, watch Ao no Exorcist :3
It was a good anime. I remember it was trending when it was first released, but I didn't get around to watching it until a little bit afterwards... then again, that's me for a lot of anime haha.
There's so much anime I want to watch that I don't even bother putting it on my "to-watch-list" because it would just overflow. lol and it doesn't help when I still want to watch series that was released like... 5 year ago haha
Anyways, fair bit of warning for Ao no Exorcist: watch out for the ending.
That's all I'm going to say: don't want to give spoilers haha.
ahaha that Vash... yea, I don't know - Trigun was never really on my priority list, I didn't even realize it was popular until recently ┐( ̄~ ̄)┌ (apologies to all Trigun fans)
LOL "He's just been walking around and helping these cute girls" OMG XD hahaha
So... I'm not a huge fan of the "Big Three". Bleach... only ever read the manga, and then after Ichigo became a fullbring I just stopped reading it. There were also some things that just didn't make sense to me, but since you haven't seen it, you probably won't understand if I go on a giant rant about it haha.
My friend adores One Piece... I heard it's the only one that has a decent plotline... she spent a couple months catching up... I really don't have that kind of motivation. 500+ episodes seems a bit intimidating lol
Naruto was getting all the hype when I was younger... but I never really liked it (._.) haha... I tried to watch it before, but never got past the first episode :p
All Comments (109) Comments
I was planning to major in something like "International Business" second year haha
Ahaha true that :D it's always good to be around friends. The real partying starts now though LOL now that most of the exams are done~
I originally wanted to travel to visit relatives, but plane tickets sky-rocketed... so now I'm hoping I can work full time over the summer to make some money or something (>x<)
Then it's off to university come the fall ahhh
Let's see... high school was... fun I suppose XD
I had to take a lot of higher level courses, so that took out a lot of time from my schedule and I couldn't really take an extra-curricular courses. Slightly disappointing, but whatever :p at least I made really good friends ~
Went to the ceremony and prom a few weeks back haha - our valedictorian's speech was kind of disappointing, and our principal was talking about "making brushstrokes" in his speech. Sadly, my friend and I kept hearing "breaststroke" so we couldn't really take the speech seriously LOL we are so immature XD
Anyways, good luck haha (>~<) for now, I'm just desperately trying to catch up with all the series I'm trying to watch haha
Lately... I've been kind of lazy with my anime watching haha just because it's the end of the school year and diplomas to take and all~ (but don't let that stop you from venting to me haha, I always take time to just chill and relax - more than I really should lol)
Mmm slice of life... this one may be a little girly, but it's also a bit more realistic - Bokura Ga Ita, don't know if you've heard of it. I watched that one a few years back and it got me all emotional.
However, I would recommend School Rumble as well :) it's a bit more towards the "school life" genre, but it has really good laughs that can hopefully brighten up your day a little!
1. It drives me insane that I have to wait week after week
2. I just like to watch everything at once
I usually take up 2-3 days for a standard series as well LOL... that's usually what I spend my summers doing haha - sad life.
and then there's the other times when I'm watching a trending anime and didn't even know it XD
haha yea, good luck :3
by the way, how long does it usually take you to finish a series?
but yea, I don't think that the "Big Three" is... bad, it's just that they are basically the same genre so... watching over 100 episodes of the same genre 3 times over seems a bit much for me haha
Anyways~ yea, watch Ao no Exorcist :3
It was a good anime. I remember it was trending when it was first released, but I didn't get around to watching it until a little bit afterwards... then again, that's me for a lot of anime haha.
There's so much anime I want to watch that I don't even bother putting it on my "to-watch-list" because it would just overflow. lol and it doesn't help when I still want to watch series that was released like... 5 year ago haha
Anyways, fair bit of warning for Ao no Exorcist: watch out for the ending.
That's all I'm going to say: don't want to give spoilers haha.
LOL "He's just been walking around and helping these cute girls" OMG XD hahaha
So... I'm not a huge fan of the "Big Three". Bleach... only ever read the manga, and then after Ichigo became a fullbring I just stopped reading it. There were also some things that just didn't make sense to me, but since you haven't seen it, you probably won't understand if I go on a giant rant about it haha.
My friend adores One Piece... I heard it's the only one that has a decent plotline... she spent a couple months catching up... I really don't have that kind of motivation. 500+ episodes seems a bit intimidating lol
Naruto was getting all the hype when I was younger... but I never really liked it (._.) haha... I tried to watch it before, but never got past the first episode :p