I'm great or somewhat okay. What have you been doing? me? well this year has been very eventful throughout my school year. I made a few friends that I really didn't expect to get and I hope they stay my friends throughout these 4 years of torture. Although at times I feel like I am silently slipping away from them more than becoming closer friends. eh. nothing important, just something i'm imagining probably.
I've at least started every single book. The only book I actually finished was the first but the 5th or 6th one comes close to be the second to finish.
"Pottermore is a website by J. K. Rowling, developed by TH_NK and sponsored by Sony. The website will sell e-book and audiobook versions of the seven Harry Potter novels, as well as provide over 18,000 words of additional content including background details and settings. The website launched on 31 July 2011 (the birthday of Rowling and of the character Harry Potter) for the first one million fans to complete their registration on the website from that day, and on 1 October 2011 for everyone else."
Never doing anything productive with what time I have left. I got an early Pottermore account which is not very productive
I finally finished Twilight Princess about a week or so ago.
Had to read a book for my english class. -.- freshmen had homework over the summer and I didn't find out till July 27th. I finished the book today // August 5th. ( I could have finished it yesterday if I felt like it ) I've already started the assignment during the beginning of the reading but the whole thing isn't due til 3 weeks into school.
Well the Majora's Mask I am playing is for the wii. ( I've played the original on N64 same deal with Ocarina of Time ) I've only really played a few of the LoZ games. Wind Waker, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Twilight Princess and the original Legend of Zelda. I am planning on playing the new Skyward Sword. ( I've been ready a full year ahead. I pre-ordered it during Summer of 2010 when the person at Gamestop said it was coming out in November but missed November of 2011 )
I don't play games on the computer. The last game I played on the computer was World of Warcraft and I got bored easily. -.- they kept making me do the same task over and over again.
-.- I guess you could say it was fun. ( it was lol )
Like after we were done with the random photo-bombing I was put into my own little corner of misery. ( when I was in that corner I imagined Tamaki when he was depressed )
We left for lunch and came back to the place. ( we were there from about 9 am or 10 am left around 12 pm or 1 pm came back around 2 pm or 3 pm then left for the last time at 5 pm or 6 pm ) When we went back after lunch I kind of went a little... I think crazy might be the word. I saw my favorite cosplay group there ( I met one of them without knowing it a little earlier that day ) I kind of was looking for them most of the day and there they were just walking on the sidewalk. I couldn't find them after we parked so I just went kind of sad because I wanted one picture of my favorite cosplayer in the group. ( when we came back my friend spotted them for me, and she is one of my best friends, so she dragged me the quickest way to get to them and we ended up at the fountain me and her passed many during the period of finding the rest of our friends and photo-bombing. That's all we did that day run around taking pictures when everyone else was sitting down talking to somebody they met there )
( Everyone except 2/5 people didn't cosplay D: One bought a Totoro hat, so she was half cosplaying that day and the other's mom thought the shorts on her outfit was to high up or too short and she couldn't wear it although, she did buy a hat too )
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before I forget
(WTB Next Hellsing Ultimate OVA Now! ><; )
Never doing anything productive with what time I have left.
I got an early Pottermore account which is not very productive
I finally finished Twilight Princess about a week or so ago.
Had to read a book for my english class. -.- freshmen had homework over the summer and I didn't find out till July 27th. I finished the book today // August 5th. ( I could have finished it yesterday if I felt like it ) I've already started the assignment during the beginning of the reading but the whole thing isn't due til 3 weeks into school.
Wasting my music to lollapalooza or just some of it I guess
if you want to listen
Yeah I start soon. Sooner than I want to, but I can't help that.
I don't play games on the computer. The last game I played on the computer was World of Warcraft and I got bored easily. -.- they kept making me do the same task over and over again.
-.- I guess you could say it was fun. ( it was lol )
Like after we were done with the random photo-bombing I was put into my own little corner of misery. ( when I was in that corner I imagined Tamaki when he was depressed )
We left for lunch and came back to the place. ( we were there from about 9 am or 10 am left around 12 pm or 1 pm came back around 2 pm or 3 pm then left for the last time at 5 pm or 6 pm ) When we went back after lunch I kind of went a little... I think crazy might be the word. I saw my favorite cosplay group there ( I met one of them without knowing it a little earlier that day ) I kind of was looking for them most of the day and there they were just walking on the sidewalk. I couldn't find them after we parked so I just went kind of sad because I wanted one picture of my favorite cosplayer in the group. ( when we came back my friend spotted them for me, and she is one of my best friends, so she dragged me the quickest way to get to them and we ended up at the fountain me and her passed many during the period of finding the rest of our friends and photo-bombing. That's all we did that day run around taking pictures when everyone else was sitting down talking to somebody they met there )
( Everyone except 2/5 people didn't cosplay D: One bought a Totoro hat, so she was half cosplaying that day and the other's mom thought the shorts on her outfit was to high up or too short and she couldn't wear it although, she did buy a hat too )