I seek the best of anime !
Note: I am generally very cautious when choosing an anime to watch, so you won't find any anime that I rated below (6).
Note 2: My own anime list is still under development, I will add a written review for every anime I watch, and explain why it deserved such a rating.
How I do my ratings !! Visit MyAnimeList
- Score of (10): The best of the best, This anime isn't perfect but very close, It has many elements: 1)Taught me many valuable life lessons 2) My enjoyment while watching it was more than 200% 3)Art is very visually appealing 4)Sounds are great 5)Story is amazing.
100% worth watching.
*Note: You might find many second season animes with this score, that means that you should watch the first season which is quite enjoyable, and then move on to the full enjoyment of the second season !
- Score of 9: Great anime, it has everything that an anime with the score of 10 has, except for one element, or I felt it lacked something... anyways it is still very enjoyable and a must watch anime.
- Score of 8: Enjoyable show, just I have no specific thoughts about it, it is usually worth watching, and has a great art.
- Score of 7: Not very great show, I kind of regretted watching it, but some people might enjoy it (not me), try your luck and watch it if you like taking risks.
- Score of 6: Dont waste your time, you will end up regretting it, or at least that what happened to me.
*Note: Shows that I dropped aren't necessarily bad, just not my type.
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