Anime Stats
Days: 25.5
Mean Score:
- Total Entries173
- Rewatched6
- Episodes1,551
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Manga Stats
Days: 8.3
Mean Score:
- Total Entries64
- Reread4
- Chapters1,294
- Volumes141
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All Comments (461) Comments
Did bro leave bc everyone was triggered bc of the GLT review? Goddamn, why is everyone shitting on you?
You're allowed to have a different opinion and I'm on episode 2 and I agree with your review. The anime is literally making fall asleep. I hope you're doing well.
The "see you space cowboy..." made me sad ngl
I thought it would give some legitimate criticism of your review since you didn't give any in your review and most of the people are just insulting you personally for a review you wrote when you were 15. I hope in the years since you wrote it you've gotten smarter and learned how to understand what a story is trying to achieve and say, rather than projecting your own preferences and biases onto it and calling it criticism. Peace.