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Oya ga Urusai node Kouhai (♀) to Gisou Kekkon Shitemita.
Jul 28, 2019 11:37 AM
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All Comments (29) Comments
That's great! Haha yeah, it's always fun to catch up with friends :D Ooh, I still haven't watched or read Made in Abyss yet. Would you recommend it? I've been pretty good myself! I've been able to do a lot more things outside because of the weather, which has been nice :)
Ah, gotcha. Ahhh yeah, I always had the impression that Brazil is pretty hot year round since it's so close to the equator. Although Brazil is a pretty huge country so I guess that might not be true everywhere :P I'm totally the same way! I absolutely prefer cold weather over hot weather, being hot sucks so much. Ah yeah, it snows a lot where I live during the winter. This year was especially bad, we got like 4 different storms in a row with at least 6+ inches of snow each in like a month :P You're not missing out on too much, it does look really pretty and serene but shoveling snow is really boring and time-consuming. So it's a trade-off, I guess :P Do you get a lot of rain, though? Pretty much everything I know about Brazil's climate revolves around the Amazon River and rainforests LOL, but I have no idea if the rest of the country is similar xD But it seems like a really gorgeous country that I'd love to visit sometime :D
There was finally some nice Spring weather where I live, so I tried to spend as much time out and about as I could :D
Haha yeah, it's a pretty rough habit, right? But i definitely hope so too. I feel like I have more reason to actually learn guitar than most things I try to pick up, so hopefully I won't drop it :P Oh, cool! Drums seem like a super fun instrument to learn for sure! Sorry to hear about your dad breaking them, though. That kinda sucks :/ But yeah, I totally think you should pick both instruments back up again if you're interested in doing so! Like you said, learning instrments feels really rewarding :)
Ayy, glad we share an interest in psychology! What kind of psychologist is your mom? I don't really know any psychologists (aside from my teachers, of course), but I bet it's pretty interesting to live with somebody who knows so much about the human brain and behavior lol xD The US testing similar is pretty similar to the ENEM you described. There are two main tests known as the SAT and the ACT which cover very similar topics, but the only real difference is that the ACT includes a science section. Typically, the SAT is used more widely by a bigger range of schools, but the ACT has been on the rise recently. I personally didn't take the ACT, but the SAT is similar in length the the ENEM. Although they recently removed the essay section (literally the year after I took the test of course lmao xD) The other main thing that's required for admission to most colleges is an admission essay, which is a ~1000 word essay in response to one prompt out of a couple of choices. Some private schools also include an extra essay of their own as well. How's the Japanese coming along? :D
The only one of the list that I've tried so far is Bang Dream, but I'm loving it so far! And yeah haha, I totally do the same thing with shows sometimes :P One example that comes to mind is with AoT, which i enjoyed quite a bit, but once I stopped watching it I never went back and finished it, at least not yet :P Lol I'm totally addicted to it too, I haven't been playing much Love Live either haha. And I added you! Username is EarlVA, same as LLSIF.
I see. Interesting that the show with the word Sunshine in the name is actually more dramatic than the original haha xD But I can definitely understand that opinion, because one of the big draws of the original show was how happy and upbeat it was :) And I totally agree, even the dramatic moments had cheerful undertones and were very well done. Yeah, I hate when shows knock characters down to one gag! I thought that one thing that the original did really well with almost all of the characters was give them multiple defining traits. The only character that I didn't really like from the original was Honoka, because I felt like she was limited to just the cheerful, motivated girl archetype without anything else really. Yesss, I love My Mai Tonight and Mijuku Dreamer a ton too! But I feel you, it's really hard to choose favorites, Aquors has so many super high quality songs ^_^ That's a good way of putting it, yeah. Aquors is really well balanced and each one is unique, so they shine in certain kinds of songs, while µ's has a big disparity between the best and worst singers. Yeah, Nico, Kotori, Nozomi, and Hanayo definitely have the weakest voices on µ's. That's why I'm not too much a fan of Printemps, whereas BiBi and Lily White both have two strong singers that hold up the weaker one.
I'm glad you like them too! Although they definitely do take some time to respond to, haha xD I'd be down for a shorter parallel conversation in the meantime :D
and wish you a great day!
yeah I was really surprised when I saw that 69.5% affinity. Now I know who to ask for my next anime recommendation. Well, nice to meet you!
aw tysm <3 tbh it took me a while to get used to all the bbcodes and everything xd. how was your easter?
Yeah, I totally get you there. It's definitely something to do, and it keeps me busy :P I hope so too! Knowing me, I'll be super into it for a bit, but then burn myself out and drop it altogether, I definitely have that bad habit -_- Hopefully I won't do that for the guitar, because I really do want to learn it! Ooh cool, which instruments did you try to learn? I played saxophone from middle school through high school, but I don't play it nowadays; I wasn't really enjoying it anymore. I'm totally the same way haha, I'm really bad at keeping up my interest in things too. I've always thought that a simple passion for learning or doing something would be a big enough driving force to keep me interested in it, but I've come to realize that any skill requires a lot of work and dedication, even if it's something that interests us. I just need to get better at actually putting in that work :P
I'm a psychology major! I only declared recently, mostly because my schools deadline for it came up lmao, so I'm still not sure what I want to pursue a career in just yet. I guess I'm leaning towards clinical psychology right now, but that's subject to change. Ahh, I see. What is the system for getting into colleges in Brazil? Is it mostly dependent on high school grades, or is there a big standardized test of some kind? Yeah, it's great that you took the initiative to study! Obviously I'm not much help when it comes to learning Japanese lol, but learning to read kana seems like a good place to start :D
Yesss, this list is great :D I've heard of VOEZ before, that's one I think I'll check out for sure. I haven't heard of Deemo and Cytus but I'll definitely give them a try too! Ooh, I didn't know bang dream was making a rhythm game! I should probably watch that show, now that I'm thinking about it :P I might get that game on release, since it'll be new and people will be talking about it. I've heard good things about audiosurf, from what I've heard most people agree with you that the best part is how you can play any song. Oh yeah, my roommate likes Elite Beat Agents a lot actually. He thinks osu looks like an easier version of it, although he's never tried it (I call bs on that, osu is hard af lol).
Yeah, thanks a bunch for the list! I really appreciate you taking the time to write it out :) How is sunshine compared to the original love live? I swear I will watch it sometime, there's just so much on my plan to watch list that I need to catch up on :P Yeah, it's really hard to choose favorite singers in aquors because I think each one can sound so good in certain songs. Like for example, probably my top 3 aquors songs are daydream warrior, strawberry trapper, and sunshine pikkapika ondo. I think Yohane, Mari, and Kanan all sound great in Daydream warrior, but then Hanamaru, You, and Mari are my favorites in sunshine pikkapika ondo. And then all three sound amazing in strawberry trapper (although Yohane is especially godlike in it)... so I feel like aquors has a wide cast of good singers, whereas for µ's I think Umi, Maki, and Rin have by far the three best voices in just about every song.
Haha, I guess my reply got a bit long too! I like having long conversations though, they feel more sincere I guess ^_^