1st year University student, so it's a time of discovery for me, among all the other things I'm learning, enjoyment of Anime is one of them. One of my friends recommended me to the club, and I joined, knowing i I didn't enjoy it, I could go to the Super Smash Bros club across the hall. I ended up loving Anime Club, and ironically Smash club turned out to be a bunch of guys crowding around a few TVs fighting over playtime in a pseudo-meritocratic way (meritocratic used very liberally). I'm totally open to suggestions about what to watch outside of the club. My current favourite genres are Mecha and series with comedic sides to them, however more serious series are fine by me too! Outside of Anime, I'm a giant Pokemon nerd so hit me up with a trade battle request if you want, also feel free to hit me up on XBL, just make sure to ask me for my Gamertag. Sport-wise, I play Ultimate Frisbee (yes it is a sport) and follow the Ottawa Senators avidly, and to a lesser extent the Philadelphia Flyers, Columbus Blues Jackets and New York Rangers.
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