All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 455.2
Mean Score:
- Watching18
- Completed1,124
- On-Hold31
- Dropped13
- Plan to Watch241
- Total Entries1,427
- Rewatched464
- Episodes26,715
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 162.8
Mean Score:
- Reading153
- Completed153
- On-Hold123
- Dropped0
- Plan to Read291
- Total Entries720
- Reread37
- Chapters21,750
- Volumes911
All Comments (55) Comments
No, I'm not testing any external digital technology. I can't remember a time something AI emphasized a pair of parenthesis. I don't say foods or technologies like something artificially intelligent would. I also learned to type fast.
Not sure if you read Instant Japanese, Genki I or Kodansha, but they are very much recommended. Exactly what I needed for getting through Silent Möbius and its sequel that got released long after. Now I'm thinking about getting a PhD eventually.
I also assumed somewhat that you were going to mention one or more of those Ghost in the Shell themes from a different perspective. Like identity, consciousness or that nature of reality.
Said half-Asian friend in her late 30s is also fascinated by the way the franchise explores delves into all that myriad of profound themes. SAC was her first encounter with the franchise and mine was that PS1 game I was given three months after I moved on to the sixth grade (during first semester indeed; forced to use a locker).
Said tomboy and I were not impressed by the Netflix adaptation. Hollywood couldn't even adapt Saint Seiya and some people told me about their failed attempts at exploring anime (manga as well) several years ago.
It's hard to trust a large entertainment firm these days. Very, very difficult to trust in their abilities to adapt a long, but outstanding story (looking at Kill The Justice League; a comic book adaptation much more disappointing than 2003 League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and The 5th Element).
Overall, thank you for taking time to respond.
Have you been studying some degree of Japanese too what do you love most about Ghost in the Shell (could it be the consequences of digital technology?)?
My half-Asian friend had a birthday practically next door to June as well. She spends a lot of time playing video games with her boyfriend.
Oh yeah, I heard it's pretty interesting. I highly recommend Medaka Box.
Oh, I see you got pretty into Nura too, nice to see someone else who appreciates it. Shame that they're probably won't be a 3rd season, especially since, unlike S1, it actually leads into other story.