Hey there. I’m just an average Asian in high school who enjoys watching anime. I really like action anime cause I find fight scenes really cool. My personal favourite anime is JoJo’s Bizzare Adventure as an entire series, with Golden Wind being my favourite part.
JoJo’s Bizzare adventure
Overly muscular teenage MCs fight enemies with stands. Also, most of the main villains have time-manipulation powers.
The anime is split into 6 parts, with more parts still to be animated.
Attack on Titan
Angry boy wants to kill all Titans after one of them kills his mum. Also, he is a titan himself.
Has really good animation, plot and well-developed characters.
Demon Slayer
After his family is killed and only his sister survives, a boy named Tanjiro wants to turn his sister Nezuko back into a human after being turned into a demon.
Top-notch animation and has a decent storyline that's easy to follow.
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
- Total Entries42
- Reread0
- Chapters5,630
- Volumes440
All Comments (11) Comments
Yeah, speaking and listening were probably my weakest areas in high school too. I guess for speaking, you should anticipate what questions are going to be asked and plan and memorise your responses in advance. But I guess you already do that haha.
A good tip I learned in Year 11 for speaking was to leave my answers a bit vague/open-ended. That way, the interviewer will probably ask a question that will ask you to clarify that vague point. You can use this to your advantage and steer the conversation the way you want it to. However, that might be a bit easier to do once you learn more grammar.
This is an example of what I’m talking about.
Another good tip is to lie if necessary. If you’re talking about your own experiences, sometimes it can be a bit difficult to say exactly what you want to say (especially if you don’t know certain vocabulary). But if lying helps you simplify your sentence (and helps you incorporate more target grammar and vocabulary), go for it! The interviewers don’t know you personally so how could they know you’re lying xD Same goes for writing as well.
For listening, read the questions carefully first. That should give you an indicator of what the structure of the recording will be like and the keywords to look out for. Also, if you don’t understand a word or a phrase immediately, don’t obsess over it too much. If you do, you probably won’t focus on the rest of what’s being said and you’ll fall behind even more. Just leave it until the second time the audio is played to write it down in your notes (I assume that you get to hear the audio 2-3 times).
Hope that helped. I’m sorry I made this message so long.
Going off-topic a bit, are you doing VCEs? If you are, man I feel really sorry for you. I didn't go to high school in Victoria, but I always heard that the VCEs had a reputation of being a bit harder than other states' exams (^_^;)
Oh yeah, thanks for the friend request btw!