Pointlessly written Sex: -3pts
-Implied: -1 to -2pts
Romance*: -2pts
Ecchi/Fanservice*: -1
*I'm biased as hell when it comes to this kind of thing.
The reason why ecchi/fanservice gets a slightly smaller pass is because anything can be labelled as ecchi/fanservice now'days but for me, it's literally, anything that can be used in a sexy manner. You do a close up of a foot with some chick moaning, I'll assume that's ecchi and I dock points for that kinda bs.
Some series get a pass though simply because I like them enough to not focus too much on the romance (or the romance wasn't as forced down my eyes as badly as others) like Outlaw Star (with Gene/Melfina), Tekkaman Blade (Takaya/Aki) and G Gundam (Domon/Rain).
If you sense a pattern, it pretty much means you learned that I like space shows but even they have to give something to keep me going in order for me to stay interested.
I finish what I start, regardless of the quality.
I'll never say that a series is flat out bad, I'll specifically mention that I didn't like it (if I didn't) and why.
Also, I read manga more than I watch Anime so here's to hoping I remember the manga series I'm reading to be able to list them all.
My Ratings System:
0/10 - seriously, what the hell did I just watch/read? Like seriously, bro.
1/10 - I only finished this series just to put it on my list but nothing about this appealed to me
2/10 - Well, at least it had one thing I liked about it even if it was just that one thing
3/10 - Off to a good start and that's the only good thing about it.
4/10 - I was just starting to like this show until my expectations got CRUSHED
5/10 - Meh, it wasn't bad but it didn't wow me like I wanted it to.
6/10 - This could have been epic if not for the thing that made it not epic
7/10 - That one thing (possibly a romance) just sucked too bad for me to give this a 10.
8/10 - Everything about this was awesome but something just didn't "click"
9/10 - You know what, this was ALMOST perfect, just almost.
10/10 - Always rewatch and would even recommend to friends, this is my JAM!
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