10 - I seriously doubt I will ever give out one of these to, well, any anime, but if it does it has to be 100% perfect in all five categories. One tiny fuck-up, and no 10.
9 - This one is extremely rare because the anime would have to have next to no fault whatsoever. Small deficits in one category can/will spell doom.
8 - This is where a decent chunk of the anime that are rated highly and/or actually worth their salt will go. It may not be completely top-tier, but it will hold its ground extremely well and score a good amount in all five categories. 7 - Anime from here are still good, but could use a bigger edge. Slice of Life anime will probably have a harder time reaching this without great humor/likable characters or what not. This is the maximum cap for H-anime.
6 - It's decent, but it probably needs some improvement. 5 - Average. Anime with one major flaw will more than likely wind up here unless it's not as demeaning or if it doesn't have other flaws to follow. This is usually where the plot could lead most SoL anime to, for example, or shows that could be pegged because I don't personally enjoy them, or don't care too much about characters. Shit like that, for example. 4- This is the bad threshold. Everything seems like it's crumbling down, anime potential starts sinking, flaws become more prevalent, etc. 3 - Pretty much anything you could think of: Crappy animation, inconsistent plot, characters that bring the show way down, boring as sin. This anime will likely be a good combination of all the above, as this could be guaranteed to be the point of complete failure for all categories.
2 - Redeeming qualities are pretty much nonexistent. Whether or not this could lead to it staying this score or going lower/higher will more than likely be based on the sequence of categorical numbers at this point. 1 - The equivalent of the Shadowhunters trying to fight and kill Alucard. Complete and utter train-wreck.
Unrated anime will be based on episodes watched. If the anime is less than 10 episodes, I will score it from the first episode onward. If the anime is 10-12 episodes, I will score it from the second episode onward. Anything higher will be scored from the third episode onward. Movies will be rated once they are fully completed.
(Edit 3/26/18): Music anime I add or already have will no longer be scored.
(Edit 12/5/18): Hentai's getting a separate system. Currently in progress.
(Edit 2/1/20): i don't even know how long this scoring system will last.
This is the Mafia Society's newsletter for the month of November 2018!
New member? Welcome! ≧◡≦ You can always introduce yourself here.
! Cross-site winter event !
The Mafia Society has joined arms with the highly popular forum mafia site Mafia Universe for an exciting winter event open to members of both communities! The Dragon Ball Super Winter Event will consist of various activities like Pokémon Showdown matches, Truth or Dare, simulwatches, Secret Santa and much more. Players will be grouped in teams and will be able to amass points by participating in those activities.
The event will be hosted in Mafia Society, with the exception of the two themed mafia games that are planned, which will be hosted in Mafia Universe. A special Discord server will be used to liven things up and will be opened to participants once the sign-ups close. Sign-ups will close on November 25th and the event will run through the whole month of December (with the exception of Christmas day).
To learn more about the upcoming festivities, check out this thread!
New club mascots and logo
Mafia Society is happy to introduce the fresh, cool, super-duper cute Magnus and Fianne! You can also call them "Ma-kun" and Fia-chan", which forms the word "Mafia" when put together. These two little folks will be showing up in the club as our new mascots. Here they are, still eager to wear their Halloween attire, but you will soon see them in their normal and holiday clothes.
Following the introduction of these mascots, Mafia Society now also has an official logo. It was designed as an emblem, and its color palette will change depending on the occasion. From now on, the new logo will be used for official Mafia Society branding such as the Discord's server icon and affiliate banners. The talented graphics staff RE is to thank for these new visuals!
New games
Desserts Land Mafia (open) hosted by aa-dono & Togs
A closed-setup game with the theme of sweets! Cookies and cakes, pastries and sugar! Sign up here!
Not Your Father's Mafia Game (open) hosted by osieorb18
This is a unique game where players can join in at varied intervals. In fact, the game itself is infinite (but still determines winners) and uses setups accordingly. Check it out here!
Kemomimi Panic (freshly completed) Hosted by DenjaX & Kit
Misc game involving cute girls doing.... not so cute things~ Click here to check it out!
Bob's Burgers Mafia (freshly completed) Hosted by Ruu
A closed, basic setup built for as much success as Bob's Burgers. Don't you four cheddar 'bout me~
Mafia Tip #15: Majority/Plurality Lynching
In most, but not all cases a player will be lynched to end or come the end of each day phase, while there is a standard method, it may not be the only applicable path.
By most standards the expected and more common method is Majority lynching though some hosts/games may opt for the alternative of Plurality lynching
Reasons can vary, either preference as per the host and/or player roster, game set-up and balance or levels of activity and allotted time.
Majority lynch can be summed up simply:
This requires a majority to be met through voting and will decide the lynch for that day phase, this will in most cases bring said phase to an end, the lynch will resolve and any applicable results will then occur.
This method usually allows for and is more welcoming of a No lynch if this is a choice.
Not reaching a majority will also typically result in a no lynch, though some players may be off put by this when they're unable to achieve lynches accordingly.
Plurality voting on the other hand:
This does not require a majority to reach a lynch and in-turn will not resolve until the end of said day phase unless other mechanics alter this.
The negative on balance comes through the power to either lynch a player with little effort and/or votes, or having too much sway in too little time for players to react accordingly if activity steeps.
Worst case scenario sees the potential of vote sniping or seeing a group of players control too much of the game if the remainder are split in their opinions or some players being left out of the action as per time-zones.
This method also leaves little room for a no lynch if some players are un-cooperative.
Over all this approach can lead to players feeling rather dissatisfied.
Planned mafia games roz1roz & Wisp - Computer Mafia
Wisp & AlbertinoDias - Guilty Crown
roz1roz - Valkyria Chronicles
osieorb18 & aa-dono - Trinity Blood Mafia
osieorb18 - FUN FOR ALL INVOLVED Mafia
aa-dono - Color Series: RED
Rinto - Danganronpa V3 Mafia
Shinichi-kun & Karote - Soul Eater Mafia
Togs - Gambling Apocalypse 2 Mafia
Togs - Inferno Cop
Togs - The Great Race Mafia
riku - Long Phases
Seriously tho, It looks like something I'd do, specially the image, in fact, I was thinking of using one almost like that.
We'll be partnet in profiles.
This is a one-time only Newsletter sent out to every club members.
Future newsletters will only be for subscribers, which you can subscribe here.
Yeah, we don't do it newsletter much but it doesn't mean we don't do it at all.
Written by Renkurana
Club News
The club is officially "re-open" with the club wipe finished (was a long process).
Granted, there's not much changes happening for now, especially
with my free time schedule being limited. But me and the staff are
doing what we can to take this club into a new direction, w/e the hell that is.
So what direction of this club is heading towards? We have talked about the theme
of the club. It started off as a Touhou & Youkai theme. But for those that have
been around long enough, that changed to just a regular general club. Except
for last year that was dominated by Kantai Collection. Of course, I'm not opposed
to having a new theme for the club although the club name's will remain the same.
Regardless if we have a new theme or not, we'll still have plenty of "regular" things.
But this essentially takes the club back to its old roots, where it was planned to be
a small club, and not the club that had 2000+ members. Obviously, it's gonna grow
but I would prefer a slow growth compared to the fast paced we had back in 2013.
However, as some of you have seen in the past few years, a lot of the stuff done
in the club has been done by myself. Sometimes I get help from the staff. But at this
point, it's gonna be tough to repeat that due to RL. So, once again, the staff recruitment is open.
You can visit the thread here.
Feel free to apply for w/e positions you think will help the club out.
However, the only 2 positions you cannot apply for is Deliverer and Inviter.
Other than that, everything else is open. Card makers is always welcome c:
Do not apply if you plan to go inactive after a few months.
There's no point in joining if you plan on being too busy to do help in the future.
If you're busy but still can throw in cards for an edition or 2, then that's fine.
Otherwise, apply AFTER you know you have enough free time to help us out.
I'm better off with 1, 2 active staff than with 10 inactive staff in running the club.
We do have a Club Discord that can be found through here.
Of course, we won't be active on it all the time, especially myself.
But feel free to use it to talk to us or the other members. Granted, the later
could be done on other discord servers or other ways. But, the club discord's
there for those that are interested. Or if you forgot about it.
I do want to mention that while some of you may have suggestions that would
help this club, especially right now, keep in mind that we're not free 24/7.
For example, a new layout would be great but me and the active staff don't have the
free time to do so. And in my case, not skilled enough to do so. Same with events.
They're time-consuming so we can only do them if we have the time to do so.
Of course, having more staff members would make it easier to do but, not getting
any new staff doesn't stop us from getting things done; it's just a slower process.
I don't know whether this club wipe will actually help this club at all. However, I have
nothing to do. This club has been open and active for 5 years, longer than most club.
If I close down the club right now, it's still a successful 5 years. I know that I originally
wanted to close down the club earlier this year. But there's still lots of things for me to do.
I've got editions of characters and themes I want to do. And there's some of you that enjoys
what this club has to offer. Obviously, I'll have to call it quits one day but hopefully, I can get
as much help (and motivation & willpower) as I can to delay that for as long as I can.
Anyways, those of you that are still around, I hope at least a good amount of you still
to continue to enjoy what the club has, besides the free stuff. I know I still am.
This is the Mafia Society's newsletter for the month of may!
New member? Welcome! ≧◡≦ You can always introduce yourself here.
Prelude to Summer
It's early to say this, but it seems there's an eventful summer ahead! The staff team has already started preparations with another club to hold a joint event during the month of July. The progress is smooth, and you will learn more about this event during June. If you were around for past summer events in Mafia Society, then you know a little bit of what to expect. Otherwise, well, you're at least in for a hopefully pleasant surprise!
You can learn more here.
New games
Favorites II (open) hosted by Kaitou
In Favorites Mafia, you can decide as a player what characters get to be the roles in the game. As such, everyone who signs up can choose characters, the host will design abilities around one of your choices, and when the game starts you will receive a random character from the pool created by all participants. Time to enjoy a game where the setup is not limited to any theme! Sign up here!
Fate/Scum (ongoing) hosted by ironace & Togs
The Holy Grail War has been fought countless times. Warriors of legends have risen and fallen, yet no victor has ever emerged for over a century... The Holy Grail is decaying. But another war has now emerged, and the Grail might not be out of reach this time around. What is it that you wish for? You can have your wish granted if you win this war. But be warned. No matter how many allies you gain, no matter how many enemies you slay, no matter what happens, there can be only one victor. Spectate here!
Mafia Tip #16: Self-voting
The tip of this month is self-voting!
Self-voting is the simple act of voting for yourself if the gamerules allow for it. It is quite common in mafia games, especially from players with a lot of character or who want to cause an impact. Self-voting is seen as controversial because it is argued that a townie should never vote for someone they know is a townie, in this case themselves.
There are two clear kinds of self-voting generally identified: Emotional self-voting is when a player believes their lynch to be inevitable or is frustrated at the game and decides to openly give up. This tends to be regarded as a detrimental move no matter the alignment (town or mafia) of the player.
Tactical self-voting is essentially having a deeper reason than the above. For instance, a mafia player could fake the frustration that would come from a townie who has decide to give up on escaping a lynch. That said, his tactic has been quite used over the years, and a lot of players can tell that it usually comes from a mafia player. As a townie, self-voting can be used as some sort of gambit to evaluate the reactions of other players. Self-hammering is when the player's self-vote causes his lynch to be confirmed. If a mafia player strongly believes their lynch to be inevitable, it can be effective to self-hammer in order to create confusion. It can also prevent town's ability to generate reads on what would be another player's hammering vote.
New Member? Welcome! ^^ You can always introduce yourself here.
We're recruiting~
Did you perhaps see it on the 1st of April?
Worry not. It wasn't a joke.
We are all very very very serious humans. Afterall, all mafia players are, right? We're even serious when we make jokes.
So join our team and see the wonders of being mafia lords!
Easter Egg Mafia II (Ongoing) hosted by Togs & Jackrito Welcome back to world of eggs where puns and jokes are in full supply. After our eggtastic adventure last time we are back again. We have 14 eggs of different variations some will be helpful, some are rotten and others are just fun. Will the rotten eggs be found before they ruin the batch or will everyone end up cracked. We also have a special addition this year one of these eggs is out for himself, and wants to be top of the stack.
So come join us in this eggcelent journey. Spectate here!
Mafia Tip #15: Shading
Quite often, in mafia games, you may encounter terms or expressions that you don't understand. To appease this frustration, this section titled "Mafia tips" will introduce you to some of the mafia terms and such that might help you speak on the same level as some other players. Hopefully, not only you will be more knowledgeable but you will also be able to use these tips in the games!
The subject of this month is Shading! Shading is a situation when someone is trying to accuse a player of being mafia.
How is it done?
Shading is different than simply accusing someone of being mafia.
A player will casually or informally mention someone, making their posts looks scummy.
This is done either directly or indirectly, though most of the time the player will be distant.
Shading is almost always a mafia tactic. It's scummy, basically.
Sometimes, it's easy to catch someone throwing shade, other times not so much since townies can also make a such a post.
Planned games Doughkey & Amai_Yume - Madoka Magica
roz1roz & lastwhisper31 - Computer
Pentaflare - Penta Mafia
Suzune-chan - I said we don't need a fifth! Kokoro Connect
Togs - Gambling Apocalypse Mafia (+The Starside Hotel)
Kaitou - Favorites II
roz1roz - Valkyria Chronicles
ironace - Fate series
riku - Long Phases (TM)
Bursama & Togs - Musical Mafia
Osie & aa-dono - Trinity Blood Mafia
Ruu - Bob's Burgers
Crossbell - Fairy Type Pokemon Mafia
CorruptedPurity - Akuma no Riddle
Recently completed games La vie en noire(Hosted by PentaFlare): won by Town
RE, Century_Orion, Shinichi-Kun, yurkin, logic340, roz1roz, Karote, NewG, Wisp-O, Phraze
One Night Werewolf(Hosted by Zymf)
Won by ironace, RE, PentaFlare, Kit and AlbertinoDias
Hahah thank youuuu! <3
Yeah the thing you made last year was quite incredible! It's the thought that matters the most though. ^_^ I still can't believe that you remember this every year! It itself is quite incredible and I'm honored. :3 So thank you, it warms my heart. <3
All Comments (1045) Comments
Seriously tho, It looks like something I'd do, specially the image, in fact, I was thinking of using one almost like that.
We'll be partnet in profiles.
Imma kiss it
This is a one-time only Newsletter sent out to every club members.
Future newsletters will only be for subscribers, which you can subscribe here.
Yeah, we don't do it newsletter much but it doesn't mean we don't do it at all.
Written by Renkurana
Yeah the thing you made last year was quite incredible! It's the thought that matters the most though. ^_^ I still can't believe that you remember this every year! It itself is quite incredible and I'm honored. :3 So thank you, it warms my heart. <3