You have 30 days to save/rehost your cards [CNTRL/CMD F] your username to find your card
If there's any problem, please contact ⇢ Here ⇠
Cards are sorted by your username / shortened name.Use CTRL + F to
find your cards. Save and rehost cards within 30 days.
If there's any issue don't hesitate to PM me. ♥ Thank you for requesting ♥
I recommend downloading the pictures and re-hosting it on imgur or similar sites. Enjoy!
To use your signature, paste the code into the signature box on this page.
To use your avatar, download the avatar and upload it (by clicking 'Choose file') to the same page from above.
All Comments (6) Comments
Cards by RachelPanda Delivered by mitch162
Cards made by Jeff Caesar
2000 Members Edition - here
Use "Ctrl F" / "CMD F" to find cards.
Save and rehost within 30 days.
Don't hesitate to message the Card Maker if there are any mistakes or questions.
Enjoy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Animanga Card Empire (A.C.E) ✦ ✧
Hey there Kemno! Here is your Forum set!
I recommend downloading the pictures and re-hosting it on imgur or similar sites. Enjoy!