So, I'm not so young, but I still like to watch anime. Pretty anime - because I studied art and I'm not easy to please... and - if it's possible - not so stupid ones xD But there are exeptions (like Angel Beats - OMG! Was so stupid - I LOVE IT!!!) But if I'm bored I may try anything.
Feel free to add me as a friend. You can write a message to me if you want too - I do check email sometimes xD
All Comments (221) Comments
Dołącz do naszej grupy, poznaj nas, rozmawiaj z nami i baw się dobrze wspólnie z nami na spotkaniach, które organizujemy regularnie.
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Grupa jest otwarta, można swobodnie dołączyć.
Click Here to Request Newsletter List Removal
This is One Divine informing you a few days late that the Art and Graphic Competitions are OVERRR! The results are in so whether you participated or not does not matter, so check out the results! The results to the Art competition can be found here and the results to the Graphic Competition can be found here! Thanks for visiting, and remember theres plenty to do, don't forget about our games and chatango room anyone can visit. See ya next time!
Hello there One Divine, the registrations and entries have been delivered for both the Banner Competition #2 and our very first Art Competition, so whether you participated or not, please visit here for the Art competition voting and here for the Banner Competition voting! Thank you and I hope you enjoy what you see!
Thank you, for your second event participation, in One Divine's Valentine Bash! We hope for those who participated, enjoyed it to it's full extent, but unfortunately, yet again, some users did not receive gifts because of the some who did not feel like taking 5-10 minutes out of their life to actually do what they signed up. No animosity here, just pointing out something ♥ Now with that over, we will head on to new and different things. For now, we introduce a new game brought out by one of our members; JustRad. Name a Flaw, the details to this game will be seen here! I would also like to announce that we will soon be holding something brought back from the dead, though should be one of the most enjoyable of all activities in One Divine; One Divine's Art Competitions will soon be held in the club, and we would love to witness the artistic abilities of you all! So when the time comes, please check out the details and participate for a chance to have your work displayed and a nice award banner to boot!
Recommendation Club Newsletter~Holiday Edition
As we enter into one of the busiest times of the year, we here at the Recommendation Club would like to extend our wishes for each and every one of you to have a wonderful holiday season!
Since the September newsletter, our club has gained many new members, and seen the return of old ones. We would like to keep the momentum going, and with our member list now at 3,111, that should be no problem at all! ^_^.
We would like all of our members, old and new, to help keep this an active, and fun club, a place to Chat and to seek out recommendations in our General anime and General Manga thread as well as the specific anime genre threads, such as Drama and Romance and Sci-fi and many others as well.
It’s a great place to make new friends, or renew past friendships, and we urge all of our members to drop by, and post in the various threads and comment section, as well as share you expertise with other members.
We look forward to seeing you all here !
Recommendation Club Newsletter
1. Nominations and voting:
*Special* Anime theme of the Month
Anime Song of the Month
AMV of the Month
With the fall season upon us, the club has not been as active recently with our members being busy with work, school, and the other things life throws our way, but we here at the Recommendation Club want to let all of our members know that we haven't gone anywhere! We welcome you all to drop by, and say hello to old friends, or make new ones. We have a large member-list, and we would like to see all of you joining in, and sharing, your anime and manga knowledge with the club!
Loads of new members join all the time, either wanting recommendations, or eager to share their expertise with others, so don't be shy, and join right in! Like to chat? Well we have a thread just for that. New to our club or like to greet others? Check out our Intro thread. Looking for a new anime to watch or manga to read? Head on over to our General Recommendation Thread. Don't see what you want to know? Please feel free to make new threads to get your burning questions asked, or just join in with the others in the comments section!
We are currently seeking help with our member cards, so if you feel like lending a hand in this area you are more than welcome!
We look forward to seeing all of you at the club ^_^
Halloween Limited Edition.
Karty po kliknięciu w obrazek~~
1. Nominations and voting
Nominate the Anime of the Month
Nominate the Manga of the Month - Oneshot Special
*Special* Vote the Featured AMV of the Month
Vote for the song of the Month
2. Club Topics and Discussions
Opinions on Winter, Expectations for Spring
Featured Anime and Manga of the Month Discussion Thread
News and Request for Help
Our club is almost one year old and we'll be most likely celebrating it with lots of specials and contests, so you might wanna check out the club at least once every few days as something new might appear in the horizon. :D
We noticed that while the member count keeps growing by day, we aren't exactly as active as we should be. It would be nice to see more and more people chatting in the comments or in the chat thread. I'd like to mention that a chat thread in our club gets closed after a comment or so is made on page 50. I'd like to get this one closed so we can start one anew in our next club year. Thanks in advance.
I'd also be glad if you introduced yourself in our special threads or warmly welcome our new members that have posted there. Also, if you have any trouble deciding what anime you want to watch or if you want to help others, take a look at the recommendation thread and post there.
If anyone is willing to make member cards, just post the templates in this thread or pm them to me. If you have made some other kind of graphic for the club you can post it in the comments or, again, pm it to me.
Ze względu na dużą ilość nieaktywnych członków jak i osób, które zamawiają w klubie tylko karty, przeprowadzana jest akcja organizacji membersów. Macie tydzień na dostarczenie prac graficznych Waszego autorstwa do Nami, mogą być nawet karty klubowe zrobione przez Was. Chodzi tylko o pokazanie, że naprawdę interesujecie się grafiką komputerową i że jest sens bycia członkiem klubu.
Zapraszamy do głosowania!
Ruszyła III edycja Kontestu graficznego! Zapraszamy serdecznie do zapisów! A oto konkurencje:
Profil Poleć znajomym Prywatny¦
Karty Poleć znajomym Klubowe¦
Lista Poleć znajomym MAL'owa¦
Oto mała porcja wiadomości z Graphic Squad! ;D
*Graphic Squad potrzebuje loga! Jeśli jesteś choć trochę zainteresowany grafiką wyślij do nas swoją prace! Więcej szczegółów w tymtemacie.
*Ruszył także dział dla potrzebujących! Jeśli nie potrafisz/nie masz czasu/pomysłu, a potrzebujesz np. banner do klubu, karty, profile pic lub inną formę graficznej pomocy zgłoś się TUTAJ!, któryś z naszych grafików, który będzie chwilowo wolny zrealizuje Twoje zamówienie!
*Jeśli jesteś początkującym grafikiem, lub zaawansowanym, ale nie masz pojęcia jak zrobić daną rzecz NAPISZ DO NAS! Wtedy powstanie tutorial odpowiadający na Twoje nurtujące pytanie ^^
*Graphic Squad szuka także dyspozycyjnych oficerów do rozsyłania newsletterów ^^ mamy nadzieję, że wykażecie chęci i poświęcicie chwilę wolnego czasu ^^
*Zaglądajcie częściej do naszego klubu. Korzystajcie z naszych usług i bierzcie udział w konkursach i zabawach! Naprawdę wiele się dzieje !!
Kadma & Ayo-chan ^^
Zapisy do walk o tytuł Grafika Stycznia 2011 zostały rozpoczęte!
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