If you came here, you must have misclicked. I'm sorry for wasting your time. But if you came here deliberately, I'm also sorry for wasting your time. But if you like to waste time, I might as well introduce myself. Also I apologize in advance if you feel like you just witnessed cringe and wasted your time.
Yo. I'm Kekrs. I'm from Canada. I'm currrently still a student.
Likes and interests
Sleep is a very important part of life and having dreams are nice
•Family & friends
Sometimes solitude sucks and you need change things up a bit. I like trying something new with people.
•Free time
who doesn't?
•Games and anime
I mean, just look at the site we're on
My interests are a bit lackluster so yeah.
nobody actually asked me these questions on this site, these are just questions I get asked a lot IRL
•How tall are you? Do you play basketball?
6'6. And no I don't play basketball.
•Why are you here on MAL?
Update anime and I totally not take a sneak peek at the forums once in a while
•Do you use any other social media?
I use reddit and its an absolute dumpster. Everything else is the entire landfill
•Do I touch grass?
Yes. I touch grass. Now shut up.
P.S If you see this user ever use the forums, then my soul has been hijacked by a demon who has taken over my account and sends terrible memes and humor on the internet.
joking lol
this is just cringe
If you actually read this. Thank you for your time. :) You still wasted your time.
Nice taste in both manga and anime. You're a man who knows what he wants, and gets what he wants. You might be a girl, or neither, so in that case just inject whatever pronouns you'd have liked me to use into this message, and then we'll be all set.
All Comments (4) Comments
do you play basketball?