The only thing that got me mad about that series though is the scene transition! It goes too fast sometime and there's a bunch of words, and I wanted to read what it said. I gave up on pausing the screen after a while and just accepted it. :/
Hello there, I'd like to welcome you to the site. I really hope you enjoy the site as much as I do, it's truly a great community. Cute profile picture btw :D
Hmm, yeah, based on what very little I know of the series, I kind of expected that. If you find it boring, why haven't you dropped it? :P
If you're looking for A+ tier "fun and lighthearted" silliness with nothing much more to it, then I recommend either this or this. If you don't mind or want fun and silliness with equal parts of drama and feels, I highly recommend this one. Barakamon would probably be my first recommendation in this case, but so far as I know it's not dubbed yet. I dunno if that is a detractor. Did you watch PMMM in English or Japanese? ^ ^
Madoka was kinda like a deconstruction of the whole Magical girl genre. It's like one of the very few Mahou Shoujou series that's really dark. Bakemonogatari on the other hand is dialogue heavy and its not everyone's cup of tea. I personally think its good.
If you want some lighhearted anime with cute stuff you could try K-On.
And yeah the ex-vampire isn't mentioned in depth in the first season either. But yknow how Araragi recalls golden week with um god what is her name um HANEKAWA and they flashback to a cat-like person? That's what the first season is about.
All in all they're a good animation studio. Lots of dramatic head tilts and obscure camera angles is most certainly their signature way of doing things. XP
They also step up their game dramatically on the Madoka movie, so look forward to that as well. The animation is pure gold!
Speaking of release order... Not to totally bash someone else's recommendation to you earlier, but if you DO pick up the Fate series, please do yourself a favor and watch Fate/Stay Night UBW before you watch Fate/Zero. Stay Night was the original story, and Zero is the prequel to that, and it's definitely supposed to be watched that way. (The versio of Stay Night I linked you to is a remake of the original Stay Night anime, but it's a far better adaptation than the original)
Sorry for the mouthful of info there! Just felt like you should be aware of that. >~<
Exactly yeah! There's definitely a few I've seen that went that way, as well as other that unfortunately went the opposite direction... </3
It is funny though. I just realized your first two anime were both done by studio Shaft, as well as the the manga you started's anime adaptation is also done by them as well! XD
Nekomonogatari was released after Bakemonogatari as a prequel. Bakemono was the first one released, and it's supposed to be the first one you watch, so you did it right. :P
I've heard many a times that the best/intended way to watch it is release order, not necessarily chronological order. As much as I have been skeptical of that series, I have a decent familiarity with that... XP
Good idea to stick with it though. If it ends up getting better, than awesome! If it doesn't improve much, it gives you an opportunity to try out writing a more critical review, assuming you'll still want to review it that is...?
Well, I seen you started bakemonogatari, so I suggest you do the other seasons.
They have nekomonogatari:black for the first season but apparently you can watch them in any order? Idk.
Um, I suggest Oregairu for a Drama/Comedy type of deal.
The second season is more of a Drama than the first but both are pretty good.
That's a shame to hear, but I'm not really all that surprised. From various gifs and clips I've seen as well, it does really come across that way. Are you planning on sticking with it until the end at least?
All Comments (65) Comments
The only thing that got me mad about that series though is the scene transition! It goes too fast sometime and there's a bunch of words, and I wanted to read what it said. I gave up on pausing the screen after a while and just accepted it. :/
Hmm, yeah, based on what very little I know of the series, I kind of expected that. If you find it boring, why haven't you dropped it? :P
If you're looking for A+ tier "fun and lighthearted" silliness with nothing much more to it, then I recommend either this or this. If you don't mind or want fun and silliness with equal parts of drama and feels, I highly recommend this one. Barakamon would probably be my first recommendation in this case, but so far as I know it's not dubbed yet. I dunno if that is a detractor. Did you watch PMMM in English or Japanese? ^ ^
By the way, how come you've randomly decided to "step into the world of anime" now?
If you want some lighhearted anime with cute stuff you could try K-On.
And yeah the ex-vampire isn't mentioned in depth in the first season either. But yknow how Araragi recalls golden week with um god what is her name um HANEKAWA and they flashback to a cat-like person? That's what the first season is about.
They also step up their game dramatically on the Madoka movie, so look forward to that as well. The animation is pure gold!
Sorry for the mouthful of info there! Just felt like you should be aware of that. >~<
Exactly yeah! There's definitely a few I've seen that went that way, as well as other that unfortunately went the opposite direction... </3
It is funny though. I just realized your first two anime were both done by studio Shaft, as well as the the manga you started's anime adaptation is also done by them as well! XD
I've heard many a times that the best/intended way to watch it is release order, not necessarily chronological order. As much as I have been skeptical of that series, I have a decent familiarity with that... XP
Good idea to stick with it though. If it ends up getting better, than awesome! If it doesn't improve much, it gives you an opportunity to try out writing a more critical review, assuming you'll still want to review it that is...?
They have nekomonogatari:black for the first season but apparently you can watch them in any order? Idk.
Um, I suggest Oregairu for a Drama/Comedy type of deal.
The second season is more of a Drama than the first but both are pretty good.
I'll see what else.
Do you have any specific genres you enjoy?