Name: Kawaii ^^(Kawaii-chan,Uni,Kawaii Anime Girl)
Real Name:Kamalia
Age: Ask me :3
Favorite Color: Pink
Favorite Foods: Salad, Eggrolls,Spagetti,Honey Rice,and.... French Fries~!! ^^
Favorite Tv Show: The Vampire Diaries <3
Favorite Music Genre: Pop =3
Favorite Music Artists:eh...alot of people >.>too lazy to type it -_-
Favorite Sport: Cheerleading~!! ^^
Status: Dating in rl ^^ not on mal -_-
My #: Ask for it through pm. can't risk stalkers >.>

My personality & other Stuff: I'll usually be nice to you as long as your nice to me :3 I try to help others as much as I can ^^ But if you talk s*** about me and spread some dumb rumors or BACKSTAB(capitalized for a reason >.>) me I'll make your life miserable >.<
M'kay? ^^ Anyway, I was born in India and moved to U.S. in December of 2009 ^^ I'm not full blooded Indian, just half( Indian/Black).I speak 2 languages(english and hindi:3) I ♥ kawaii animals~ I have two hamsters.I'm the head cheerleader at my school ^^ (yay~!)When I grow up I want to be a stripper doctor or a lawyer :D *cough* not true*cough*Anything else you wanna know..feel free to ask ^^
My Favorite Anime :D
Pic of me in RL
ByeBye~!! ^^
A little something for the emo people.... >.>
All Comments (2405) Comments
<> From the Yahoo! Answers Club at MAL <>
Trying to bring the club back up and running again in as much as possible. I appreciate a number of you are busy with school/life etc, but it would be really nice to see you in the club once in a while :).
I have created a new thread for club cards, please check it out and make a request.
If you have any suggestions on improvements for the club please let me know and be sure to check out our lovely new layout!
Nekomimi Theme LE.
Claim a card by clicking the photo. ^3^
Awesome page n_n
Cool. How has your day been so far?
mean >_>
awwwww that is cute
speaking of duckies...I still have your donald duck hat lol
no people are going to think I'm your awesome best friend :D
they were not scribbles, I call it an artistic masterpiece :D
Raakesh so luuuuuuuuuuuvs yoo
Being a pervy girl is awwesome :D
>.< duck duck duck duck duck duck duck!!!!!!!!
I just want to make sure we have most of the same friends.
okeeee :D