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Maoyuu Maou Yuusha: 'Kono Ware no Mono to Nare, Yuusha yo' 'Kotowaru!'
Oct 1, 2011 11:31 PM
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I still need to finish Toradora HAHA I think I left off at ep20
&there's also rumors that the 3DS will be revamped in 2012, but the focus will be on gaming and less on the 3D. I have no idea what that means - like they turn down the 3DS to be like 75% of what it is now? Currently they're making an add-on for the 3DS. For $10 they're putting in a second joystick on the right side. Kinda weird since that means you would have to remove the top cover... or they do it for you for $10... IDK. BUT SHIT NIGGA. I ALREADY ORDERED ONE. SHOULD I WAIT FOR 2012?!
TWO MORE WEEKS UNTIL I GET MY RED 3DS! Too bad I won't have any games to play on it x]
Remember to save & if any help is needed, feel free to ask me :)
You have hella 'Plan to Watch' by the way LOL