I'm somewhat perplexed as to what you found cheap or unthorough in my review. I disliked the writing, I had a major issue with the ending, I thought the characters were poorly realized, and felt it struggled to find a consistant tone in terms of its maturity and demographics. I explicitly mention that I take no issue if you or anyone else found something wonderful in the series, but I wished to voice my opnion that the series is vastly overrated here on MAL. If my level of intelligence offends you than I apologize that I am not capable of thinking at your lofty heights. I personally don't think disliking Mirai Nikki is evidence of inferior cognitive capability and find it ironic that you would suggest such a thing, and then accuse me of being full of myself. You do realize that sounds quite arrogant right? Did you really read any of my other reviews? If you have constructive criticism than I would love to hear it.
I finally remembered! I didn't have account here. I used anime-planet! :OO
It makes sense why I couldn't log it... But it was hard to remember was I've seen and haven't
All Comments (23) Comments
You've watched 4x animes than me now and 2x the time investment! NICE!
We also met Eric Vale a few times. Have you been to UBCon?
It makes sense why I couldn't log it... But it was hard to remember was I've seen and haven't