"Los humanos somos seres que arrastran sus debilidades a lo largo de su vida.
Por desgracia, no hay escapatoria al infortunio que eso trae.
Sin embargo, eso no significa que tengamos que sufrir mientras nuestra debilidad nos controla.
También puedes luchar contra tus debilidades, sufrir al resistirlas y esforzarte por superarlas.
Es algo que me enseñaron esos pequeños samuráis.
La gente es más libre de lo que cree."
-Yoshida Shouyou (吉田 松陽)
All Comments (11) Comments
Gracias por la amistad 👍
JoJo Part 5 Anime has been absolutely fantastic so far, it's making me love Part 5 a lot more than I did, and since I read the old scans with bad translations, and never reread ever since that time almost 3 years ago, it's almost like I'm experiencing Part 5 for the first time, and it's great.
I have a bias towards Taichi, but at the same time I also love Arata and feel like it's just more appropriate for him and Chihaya to end up together. And I feel like it's better for Taichi to just move on and find happiness elsewhere, at least that's where I think his arc is heading.
Ha y si estoy viendo un anime en emisión, Detective Conan, Has visto Tantei Opera Milky Holmes? porque es vastante parecido a Gintama. :) 10-10
Zombieland Saga está excelente. Sua animação em geral é simples, mas com alguns momentos excelentes.
Shogun Assassination
Espero que isso não fique muito complicado de você entender. Obrigado por todo o esforço apenas pra conversar comigo :)
Well it's undeniable that the Silver Soul arc adaptation has issues, and I think it could've been a lot better had BNP had more time to work on it, despite the fact that I was pretty dissatisfied with some episodes when they came out, after a while, and especially after that one hell of a last episode lol, I'm pretty alright with their work on that arc as a whole, and after some rewatching I think it's nowhere near as bad as some fans are making it out to be. I think that 7 episodes in some ways beat the Manga(345, 351, 360, 361, 362, 365, 367) while 7 other episodes didn't do the Manga justice(342, 346, 347, 349, 354, 356, 359), and the rest was more or less barely did it justice, so it all balances out to an okayish adaptation. My biggest problem with it is still the fact that they should've spent 2 more episodes on the war part instead of the Timeskip, episode 356 was pretty good direction wise, art wise and OST wise, and from an Anime only perspective it was paced well, but I can't help but say that it didn't do the Manga justice because they cut out some scenes that were crucial to getting the message across in that portion, it would've been better if they spread it out over 2 episodes, same with episode 359.
Por cierto cual es tu pelea de Gintama favorita? La mia es Gintoki vs Hosen en el Arco del Yoshiwara. Y tu Arco de Gintama Favorito? el Mio es Cortesana de una nación. Y no piensas que la segunda waifu de Gintama podria ser Nobume. :) 10-10
Yo no veo Animes en emisión espero a que acaben para verlos del tirón, ya que no aguanto el Hype.
Strike Witches lo recomiendo bastante. Tengo varias listas hechas como mis Animes favoritos y personajes si quieres las puedes echar un vistazo.
Actualmente no veo mucho Anime las épocas donde mas activo estoy son: Verano, Navidades, fin de semanas y otras vacaciones y días festivos. :) 10-10
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Myanimelist no tiene chat privado como tal, pero si puedes enviar mensajes privados a cualquier usuario.
PD: Si quieres Hablar de Anime aquí me tienes. :) 10-10
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De las peticiones hace ya tiempo te pedí Jewelpet Magical Change por que el bloc que lo esta subiendo tiene problemas para continuarlo.
Muchas gracias por el trabajo que haces en el bloc y de nuevo te doy la bienvenida a Myanimelist. :) 10-10