First off, I have to say one thing
No Random Friend or Club Request Please!!!
It is very annoying and as sweet as you may be, think about it. Nobody really wants to accept a friend request from a complete and total stranger. So please, talk to me first before you send any requests! Thank you! ^^

Hey guys! If your here, you must have had some interest in me. So w00t! My name is OmegaKani, but please call me Kani. I was a former member of Nsider and was known by the name of Smashie I got into MAL by my friend, who recommended me this site over Gaia. Sure enough, I have come to liking this place much better then Gaia. So I guess I am here to stay!

Some things you should know about me:
*I love to be totally hyper and random
*My friends are important to me and come first before myself
*I am a video gamer and own all systems. I am up for a challenege so feel free to ask!
*My favorite animal are cats
*My favorite food is....a tough choice between shrimp and rigatoni...I'll go with shrimp XD
*I am currently single
*I love to write storys. Currently, I am trying to work once more on a novel i'm writing
Things that I LOVE:
*I love friends. As I said, they come first. For me, having friends and keeping friends is an important part of my life.
*I love Outlaw Star. It's what got me into anime in the first place. Respect to Outlaw Star! XD
*I love to eat. Seriously, I could eat a horse and not gain a pound X_X
*Love to be random at the most unsuspected time. FALCOOOON PAWWWWWNCH!
*I love being complemented on even the smallest things
*Being told that I am loved by a special someone. ^_^
*My best friend(s), Yukito, Jolie, NinjaKittie, and Hikari-tan! ^w^
* My Wii! XD
Things I HATE:
*Changes in my life
*Being forced to do something
*I am JUST A LITTLE bit anti-otaku. I like anime, but I just can't stand people who basically worship it or a certain anime series. It urks me X_X
*Jerks. Who dosn't?
*Being looked down upon
*Sharks. I have a phobia to them
*Cold weather

-Kani has lived in Japan for 11 years
*Kani has been inside TokyoPop Studios
*Kani has visited the Japanese Emperor and his family on New Year of 2000
-Kani practices swordfighting and has his own style.
*Kani owns two Katanas, one was a military gift and comes as a set (short katana and katana)
*Kani owns two different regular swords. One is a Claymore Steel Eagle. The other is a short blade Steel Eagle, which serves as a short sowrd and dagger.
-Kani's favorite game system is Nintendo.
*Kani owns a Wii
*Kani's favorite game right now is Mario Kart Wii
* Kani's favorite old-skool game is Earthbound (Mother 2)
-Kani's favorite anime is Chobits
-Kani's favorite manga is Negima
~~~~More to come soon!
Here is a pic that was a self protriat of my avatar on Gaia. To me, you can tell a lot about somebody just by looking at a picture of themself. Squeeee!
Profile Completion Percent----->64%
Meeps and Squees to Hikari-tan and Maddie-chan! :P
Describes me best :P

My current Pokemon Team!
Please join Nocchi's Hanyuu Fanclub! It Pwns and we have cake :P
All Comments (3983) Comments
~Sorry for spamming ><~
What, people will try and add you from here? No one ever really looks here anymore tbf :'D but sure, send it in a PM or something? I use an alternative msn account more than the other one now anyways really, so I'll send it to you :3
Woo~ when you get it can we trade or something? I love wifi trading ♥
Yeah I heard about that. Sounds good! And I've seen the pictures of the game play; it looks so different to any other Pokemon game that's out :| ... and I've also seen the morons raging about it being racist. They're so silly xD its not racist in the slightest! Internet peoples are le stupid :p
You have a new account? Can I add you then? :'D
And omg are you playing either of the new pokemon games? I'm playing SoulSilver.
Alex Gaskarth is the lead singer of All Time Low, and he's pretty hot, so yeah. Nah, she was like "Did I really say that? I didn't even have a dream, wtf!" Hhaha.
hmm it works in it's own way then? ohh wait when you mean "more than friends" as in she's your girlfriend? :O ;__; but it says on your profile your single lol...
mmm yeah i like RPG's more on the JRPG side myself but i loved the orginal Fallout games, and fallout 3, Mass Effect was sweet too.