All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 178.0
Mean Score:
- Watching39
- Completed866
- On-Hold9
- Dropped100
- Plan to Watch182
- Total Entries1,196
- Rewatched74
- Episodes11,480
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 128.2
Mean Score:
- Reading29
- Completed1,498
- On-Hold276
- Dropped29
- Plan to Read52
- Total Entries1,884
- Reread135
- Chapters14,505
- Volumes2,060
All Comments (31) Comments
Welcome!! xD Really? How is the weather now?
Hmm. I can't. What about men then?
Sorry for the late reply. Was sick and had a lot of catching upto do.
How are you doing? Kana
Oh. Okay! Here ya go! *Sends you some Rain* 。^‿^。
Do you really hate Men and Broccoli? (>﹏<)
It was Good. It was Raining over here so I cooked some Ramen and Ate while watching some animes. :D
Do you Cook? Kana
You are Welcome!!! (^ω^)
How was your day?
How was your day?