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All Comments (87) Comments
Fortunately music theory and production is one of them!
Sure, I'm always up to checking out music that people tell me about. Very nice piece! Does it evoke an emotional response in you? It's great when that happens. Music is truly powerful.
Nope, I don't think I've heard of him before. I will check him out!
Yep, very nice musicians. Nicolas Jaar in particular makes some really interesting music. It's a style that I like but that I don't actually happen to be that acquainted with yet. I'll have to check them out some more.
Pretty much just experimentation and YouTube, lol. Reading books also help because all digital audio workstations are based on the same fundamental stuff, so if you have the knowledge you can just apply it to most programs. Ah, that's interesting. I've always tended to roll the way of the autodidact, but taking a course might be interesting.
Haha, I tried to limit the genres, too. .__.
I am very fond of Chopin, J.S Bach, Beethoven, and Erik Satie if he counts. I absolutely adore piano music, and I tend to prefer those over symphonies.
I reckon most teenagers have had a phase like that. : P
Ah, I see. I can see that with deep house at least, but I've always considered downtempo to be "listening music," hehe. I might be wrong. I'm not even sure what ambient electronica is, because electronica isn't a real genre. Feel free to link me some goodness.
I produce some of my own stuff, and I'd love to work with music for a living in some way or another in the future. Got them massive theory books on music production, mastering, etc. Fun stuff! I have yet to actually make something that I feel confident publishing though, but I'm planning on making a Souncloud in the future, or something.
Nice. Ableton is great, and I have it as well. It's definitely worth digging into if you ever get the time.
Nice. Hmm. Jazz, classical, folk , punk rock, italo (love that shit), synth pop, rock stuff, grunge and alternate, to name some that come to mind. I also listen to some weird stuff like Byzantine secular music and other interpretations of medieval sheet music. My inner historian is nerdgasming.
Hehe, I'd hardly consider myself hardcore, but I've always been drawn towards more extreme genres, sorta. Back when I was a stupid and close-minded teenager I pretty much only listened to death metal and so on, lol. I get really pumped up by high tempos, regardless of genre, really.
Ah, I see. I do listen to various ambient and downtempo stuff myself if I'm studying or something. It's pretty chill music that doesn't distract you while you're doing other stuff.
I actually haven't been into electronic music for very long (like real into, at least). It wasn't before someone started talking to me about electronic music that he opened a new world of music for me to explore, and I got hooked on it fast. I've always kinda liked it, but now I really knew how to explore it, and I quickly got interested in the history behind electronic music and how it has developed. I've accumulated a fair bit on knowledge already, lol. I've also been interested in music theory and production since forever, so that helps.
I love music in general though, but electronic music is definitely becoming one of my favourite realms that I thrive in, lol. : )
Do you listen to anything in particular besides electronic music as well?
I'm really fond of neurofunk, classic trance, jungle, minimal techno, and cheesy stuff like eurodance, eurobeat, etc. Gabber is good for exercising if you want to move to a rhythm of 220 bpm.
Do you like electronic music?
Why, you interested?