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Days: 176.0
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- Total Entries984
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All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 74.3
Mean Score:
- Total Entries137
- Reread0
- Chapters9,343
- Volumes579
All Comments (4590) Comments
I've tried getting into sports, many of them, but I genuinely didn't fit in any. I suck tree bark dicks. Vaisravana ruled the northern areas on mars, his temple was on the peak of Olympus Mons. Olympus Mons, the greatest phallic symbolization in this solar system. I bet Sigmund Freud's spirit is jerking off at the peak, majority of the time when it's still awake. Flatulent gas clouds cover the door that leads to the void where all origin's originate.
Game is pretty cool but its so much grinding... I like the characters and stuff tho so I keep playing.
Haha, you won't regret playing sharin no kuni. I mean MC is kinda similar to MC from grisaia, plus the girls and the story are great so what's not to like there.
The only vn I played blind so far was danganronpa I think lol. And only because you can't really fuck up anything there.
Family project was fucking awesome, super funny when the comedy was happening, but there was a lot of drama too.
Koichoco was super cool but some routes/girls felt really inferior to the others. Michiru actually became my favorite character in this game after I played her route, lol. It's actually the best one by far. I didn't mind Satsuki too but I didn't like her as character, Isara was pretty great though
Expect few H scenes xD
Im watching assassination classroom atm, it's not bad but I can't say its super good either lol. I guess its fun in its own way.
I'm not really worried about the whole brexit thing because that's still long way off, more about how british people are really anti immigrant right now, especially anti polish. Idk if I could live in that kind of environment lol.
Well it's not long so you can probably finish it in less 2 weeks if you play around hour a day lol. Be careful though, because after you progress long enough its really hard to stop. I just marathoned entire thing in 2 days I think.
Most visual novel choices don't really make sense I think. Like, if its focues on romance its kinda obvious why certain choices lead to a girl route (like spending time with them obviously, helping them and whatnot) but I think those action packed VN's often have really weird choices and I dont really understand why certain choices lead where they lead. Part of a reason why I like kinetic novels so much lol, I like to just chill and enjoy the story.
I thought it was alright but nothing special. A lot of those VN's I played recently (eden, sharin no kuni, family project even) were a lot better. Especially Eden, that shit is true masterpiece. That reminds me, did you ever got to finishing Koichoco? lol
I usually play the heroines I really like or the new ones in majikoi. And since agave rotue is more or less just a shounen stuff i wasnt really interested in its after story.
Haha well, for margit and such I expect nothing but even more H scenes.
Seiso seems super interesting, although I guess I spoiled myself a little.
I started watching druaga no tou and damn that shit is great haha.
Well it's not bad at least. It only takes around 8 hours each day, the pay's not really good but I can manage with it and still have some left. I've been thinking about going to live and work in the UK but with the recent stuff that happened I just kinda gave up on that.
She's pretty cool but obviously my favorite was the energetic girl with the red hair lol. And yeah its around 10 hours, or at least thats how long it took me to finish it. It's really good though, feels a lot like Grisaia so yeah you probably want to finish that lol.
Haha we used to have long chats about our favorite characters so its kinda obvious at this point :P
I dont usually pay much attention to choices since I just play with the guides but yeah, sometimes its nice to stop and think about why those choices lead you where they do.
You should give it a try for sure. Its SUPER awesome and as far as I can tell you'll like it as much as I did.
S was just some hentai fanservice for the most part, yeah. WIth the exception of tsubame and monshiro routes. I like there's actually Mon's after story in one of the a's. Can't wait for that.
And yep I agree, Azami was my favorite route but my favorite character was Benkei by far. Azami route was so cool though, and when she finally accepted the proposal I was actually really happy. I really liked Sayaka too though. Probably more than her older sister, lol.
Man, A-2 has a goddamn robot girl and the damn SEISO! I can't wait for Seiso's route. It looks super interesting from what I've read about it.
Miyako's cool but dude I can't stand her when she finally gets Yamato lol.
Also, I downloaded so much anime that I'm confused what I should start with...
It didn't really have a routes per se, just the epilogues were different in addition to some dialogues and ofc h scene. Her name was Touka iirc, and she's really similar to the same looking heroines from LB! and Hoshizora no memoria lol. Even the character is same.
It's not really long so I'd say give it a shot. Its like 10 hours at best for the entire thing.
Yeah I think Kagome was the last one (the way I played) I really liked Ayaya character, but the route was eh, that's true. This game kinda suffers from the same thing a lot of other games do and that is basically the way story is constructed all side heroines dont really matter because you only get a full picture in one of them (Kagome here) so it makes the rest characters feel pointless. Lack of this is why I enjoyed Sharin no Kuni so much.
Oh and you really should give that eden VN a go if you didn't already. Its about as long as planetarian and damn its some good stuff.
Actually I'm playing majikoi a-1 right now( or rather I'm finishing it) and damn every time I remember Kagome she's just so much like Momoyo from majikoi...
One of the routes in majikoi a-1 made me feel really bad for miyako so I decided to play through her after story in S... and I just kind of didn't feel bad for her anymore after that lol.
Can't wait for the rest of the A's, bushido clones are all so damn cool and good looking!
Its meh but you'd expect that. It gets better after common route part though.
Sharin no kuni was really awesome yeah. I liked that I didn't have to play the game more than once as you get all the story in a single playthrough and only get different CGs/epilogue depending on which heroine you pick. They're all awesome though. One was your type for sure haha.
I did play it when it was just translated I think. And yeah, it was pretty damn dark. Especially in those later routes, and the "final" one even more so because you actually get a whole picture of how things. Kinda felt like rewrite in a way actually.
Yeah Benio was my favorite, although I really liked that genki childhood friend girl. Forgot her name though haha.
haha yea I kind of got frustrated with fire emblem, I played on the mode where if a character dies then they stay dead and well it seems I just can't stomach my characters dying and some levels are increadibly hard if you try to keep everyone alive. I might have to go back and do the other mode just so I can get through the game lol.
Persona 5 comes out in Feb and that is a terrible time for a game to come out, for me atleast haha. I was hoping for like a summer release. Although I just got done with summer semester and in 2 weeks I'm right back at it, FML.
Well I do know they said there will be an 18+ patch but just have said nothing about when, I actually do have a torrent of the game so I could play that if I want. But right now I'm playing Clannad sooo... (yea I'm just playing everything right now lol) I've had that game too for a while from that kickstarter from way back then and I just had the box sitting on my shelf this whole time can you believe that? haha.
Yea just can't have grisaia without my porn lol.
Have you watched the Under the dog OVA? Its only like 30 min long but I thought it seemed interesting and the action scenes seemed pretty cool. It looks like a prologue to a bigger anime but idk if that's true, I hope it is cause it would kind of suck if people donated money and all they get is a short 30 min OVA.
I'm actually getting back into fire emblem right now since I never beat it and fire emblem fates looks pretty interesting haha. I watch the trailers for P5 but idk the game is still like a year away so I try not to think about it too much otherwise I may hype it too much.
How is the patch for muv-luv suppose to work? is it like you buy the game from steam and their official website will put out a patch at a later date? or is it like a fan version where I have to keep scouring the internet until it one day appears. idk it would be easier if they just did what denpasoft did. It does sound like one of the most beloved VN's out there so I'm sure in someway there will be one but I'm kind of an impatient guy haha.
Hopefully it won't take them long to get the 18+ version of meikyuu out there cause I'm kind of anxious to play that too haha. ya I was thinking about just skipping the first season since I kind of already know it and just go straight to Meikyuu and Rakuen.
I do really want to buy muv-luv but I think its an all ages version and I haven't heard any news on a release date for a patch. I mean for all I know the H-scenes could add absolutely 0 relevance to the story like with Kara no Shojo where the H-scenes were utterly pointless and stupid but I'd rather have it there with an option to skip if I wish than not have it at all, idk it just kind of bothers me to know something is missing from the game but I think someone is working on one, correct me if you find out I'm wrong.
Ohh there is also grisaia no meikyuu on steam now, unlike muv-luv I know for sure denpasoft will put an 18+ version available soon so I'll for sure buy that then. Also I was thinking about watching the grisaia anime since I heard the other 2 iterations of it were pretty good, you think I should?