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All You Need Is Kill
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Okajima Aug 15, 2021 6:16 AM
Hej! Jak wrażenia po ostatniej części Evangeliona? Warto było czekać tyle lat? Czy może, jak to piszą internety, seria powinna być pogrzebana już dawno temu?
Okajima Dec 24, 2014 8:28 AM
Wesołych Świąt!
Melisandre May 17, 2014 2:49 AM
Game of Thrones+Musical=EPIC.
Melisandre May 16, 2014 12:54 PM
Too cool for everyone.

Lol didn't notice, Gimli wat r u doing.
This Hieroglyph looks really bad.
Melisandre May 16, 2014 12:16 PM
Yeah, my mother the luckiest woman.

It is, like butcher of mass murder, so cool.
Even more beautiful.
People were really evil back those days, in our modern times you can't do shit like that!

Hahaha yeah. I always imagine the prophet goes like "yay" in the sky and maybe rainbow behind him. Funny scene.

Will do the same .

New shows,judge!
Melisandre May 15, 2014 12:58 PM
Whaa. Well you can walk to Jordan too, I think, we really near each other, I can see Aqaba from my window.

Ew, I never was proper teenager, I like skipped this age XD

Lol yeah, the sad thing we learn this in school, must learn it in school I have this big freaking exam in week and half, without it you can't get diploma . From young age they brainwash us into this stories.
But I must say some of the stories are interesting. I love the story when the Babels came and ruined Jerusalem and the big temple for the first time. They brought they "butcher" (as written in the book,fucking awesome description) who destroyed the city. And what they did to the king, oh my, real drama story! They killed all his family infront of him and then gouge out his eyes so that was the last thing he ever saw.
So grousome , I love those horrible stories.
Also story of some bad queen who puppeted her husband, in the end the dogs ate her. hihihihi.
There is also story about zombies, I was like "wait wat?"
This is how it goes - God fly one of his prophets over a valley where he rise the bones of everyone there from the dead.
It's called the "The Prophecy of the Dry Bones" I love the name. Remind me like it's some fantasy story with prophecys :D

It's from tv show called "Horrible Histories", it's kids show lol.
But I freaking love it, it's so funny and amusing.

Lol what's the deal with all those chinese (me being racist).
Hahaha but that was great, never saw this one.
I think this one is my favorite parody song-
Melisandre May 15, 2014 11:46 AM
Wow so beautiful,you live so near the czech? cool.
And you can walk them T^T

You right, but they wore wigs, like big ass wigs.
They wore wigs to war. Still make me laugh.

Yay,exactly what I want (^-^)b
Yeah atleast you won't need to deal with teenagers. I can't wait to end school, I can't stand those teenagers now.

Nah, every history in the world.
We learn here about the bible times and there is 2 books in Tora about kings, ugh, can you stop. At least they not stupid as the prophets stories (those are really ugh).
Melisandre May 14, 2014 12:55 PM
Yeah it's tourist city, we have alot of hotels here. The sea so beautiful and clear, sadly people love to trow garbage. Ugh,people.
What I love in this city is that you can see the Jordan mountains from everywere, they amazing
You can see them in different colors everytime *-*
I just adore those mountains hope to visit them one day and see what beyond.
I think I saw some when I was younger, I was in the dolphine place once with my uncle, but I don't think we saw much of them.

lol you wouldn't.
I think men always was into fashion since ancient times,no?;D

I heard bad things about it, good to hear something good.
Almost every manga ;D

The problem in that you actually you need to study in uni and for hours, for the finals, do projects. I'm can't do that, it's killing me.
In school it's enough for me to sit in class and listen, I get by (most of time with high score,yay).
I never studied for exams ,never. I just can't.
This last year we did 3 big projects with team that need alot of work, I swear I never want to do it again, thank gods it's all behind me now.
Nah I'm ok, I'll find some normal job.
You don't want to be teacher? Hope you find normal job ~
Nah,I just love literature.
Sound great, need to read some Poland history one day, interesting what was there.

I'm just gonna leave it here
Melisandre May 14, 2014 10:39 AM
They so cute.

I never been to Jerusalem, it's on my list to visit too,lol. I only visited so north cities when I lived younger and my father live now and the southest city Eilat (the southest of them all, the nearest normal city is 3 hours away!), where I live. Oh and the dead sea, couple of times, it's close.
The senior students here visit Poland every year, but have no money and they visit it for the Holocaust related things.

No of course, but I meant the cloths detail, like kind of hats and trouses that I have no idea what they are with their wierd names. "ah,I'll just imagine 19th century cloths".
Oh you guys can wear anything or nothing, no one cares. Women always have to wear what in fashion or atleast something normal otherwise they look wierd. Men can actually wear the same cloths for years no one will care.

The Hunger Games! right! I read the first 2 books couple of months ago (lended it from a friend so I forgot about it). She can't find the 3rd, need to ask about it again.
Yeah,I adore legends and mythology (japanese less, know too much about it already from all the manga, ruined my life those horrible stories,ugh manga).

Wow historian, so cool bro.
I always think that if I go to uni I'll learn history or literature, but nah, too lazy for uni ;D
So did you study some subject in history? Do you work in it now? (somehow).
Melisandre May 13, 2014 3:49 PM
Oh I think bald lion will be creepy as fuck, don't you think? hahaha.
Varys have little birds, Petyr have little girls.=WIN.

Westeros, hard to get books here, especially since the priting press still not invented,so yeah.

You should, you should. Miyazaki made such a mess of this (still my favorite of his films). Everything is so different there.

Lol. Childhood trauma.
The book is so full of descriptions that's why I love it, I can feel some of those images, they warm and nice. Also so many cloths detail,I'm like "wat and wat" I don't understand 19th century fashion , this can be frustrating.

Food! Books! Internet!
I'm good for life.

Forgot to ask you about your favorite books,
What's your favorite books? Or have some interesting one's ?
I would love to hear about books.
And do you still study in uni/college (or ever been to one) ? what you study?
Melisandre May 13, 2014 2:43 PM
I still laughing how he look in the books
Golden sideburns and bald head,hhaahah.
Yeah there isn't Locke in the books.
Oh but I liked how he was this nice looking guy who came to help, there was great chemistry between him and Jon.

Never ending horrors. Well at least Lysa will be gone, still Petyr the Pedo ...
Oh I know eveything don't worry, and I can read pretty fast if I want and read all day long. But I have no motivation to read them right now, maybe when the season will end I'll go and enjoy them.

The thing is that in USA/UK they pretty cheap, books here cost 3-4 times more :(
Thank gods I get money on my birthday, otherwise I could never got those XD
Harry Potter got me hooked in my childhood so yeah it's my favrotie series (ASOIAF better), I was so prejudice to books before I read HP, it opened my eyes to this beautiful world of books. Still, I don't have all the books, I still need to buy 2-3 one day (I read them, but not own those).
I read some other books that I got from the public library (that I have huge debt with and prefer to avoid for the rest of my life,bye), some of Diana Wynne Jones books that I adore and hope to buy them when older and have my own money.(Howl's Moving Castle,how different it's from the movie,like wow,The Lives of Christopher Chant ,Charmed Life) I want to read more of her stories.
I have LOTR books for more then 8 years and need to sit and read it ..
Sherlock Holmes books, wonderful stories, still have one book left. Sad that the first book in the collection got taken from us :(
And right now I'm reading Madame Bovary (mainly in school when I'm alone),very beautiful book. Got the book from someone who didn't need it and it's book from his school library,lol.
Yeah my book list is very impressive,hohohhoho.
*cries* I wish I could read more books.
Well I'll get the chance when I'll be older and independed (I hope ;D)
Melisandre May 13, 2014 1:45 PM
Yeah it's perfect. Though, if you don't have time to watch the whole season right away it can get bad.
Lol,creepy. At least Tusk cool ;D


Yeah women <3
And old guys <3
The old guys are always more awesome.
I'm so happy that they gave more depth to some characters (Tywin especially).
Lol. Yeah with long list I will always have someone left (I hope).
But I started to like Locke and then he died, he was cool character :(

I read the first 2 books and own the rest (got the last part of book 5 about month ago,the books here are way to expensive!). I'm gonna reread the first 2 and continue to the other soon(Hope will have time in the next 2 years ).
So right now GoT is my every existence(I'm crazy fan), but the books are important for me too.
Next episode we get Sansa's snow castle(WINTERFELLLLLL) and this
lol,oh Lysa.Probably should add her to my fav characters, crazy people are fun.
Melisandre May 12, 2014 2:48 PM
Yeah it's obivious he gonna fall hard, there is no getting away from it.
I guess he will kill himself when everthing will start to get shitty.
I love how we get one season a year at the same day.

I want, I love those genres. Historical genere is defently my favorite and fantasy come second.

Oh :(
Oh yeah Penny Dreadful was nice, Eva Green <33
And you don't need to watch the movie for Fargo, they just have the same story or something, but the tv series is like new thing.

Lol, I think he going to kill them all anyway.
Mine : Cersei,Margaery,Melisandre,Sansa,Catelyn(rip).
Tywin,Roose,Stannis (THE TRUE KING),Davos,Edmure(petition to bring him back now!),Oberyn(new guy<3),Ramsay.
Long list? pfft,no......
Do you read the books too?
Melisandre May 12, 2014 1:52 PM
I kinda have mixed feelings for House of Cards, I feel like Frank get around everything, here he become the president, so wierd.
And how he became cold murdrer, he really think he will get away from this? He is far too much corrupted, like way too much for person in his position.
But it's still interesting show and well written (most of the times).

What ? why I never heard of Robin of Sherwood DDD:
*run to download*
*ok maybe not now, need space in my computer*
soon -.-

Do you watch any new shows this year? There is Fargo, that so far amusing.
And have you watched the show Rome?

Quick quiz I love to ask people- Your favorite GoT character(s)?
Melisandre May 12, 2014 11:52 AM
Yeah they didn't focus too much on the crime I must say, even in the end we didn't get any real answers about it. It was all along about the characters.
2 women can be good, hope they write them good and I wouldn't care for the crime either.

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