hahaha it is a perfect way of describing it XD
i liked Tanya the most tbh XD i was hyped for toz s2 but it disapointed me TT v TT
absolutely nothing XD maybe snk s2(i haven't seen uchouten kazokku s1)
yeah,me too~
first ep was really good,i remember being amazed with it....and now i'm amazed by how much of bullshit it is xD
tbh i don't like this season that much xD
Hahahaha don't remind me of that shitty anime plz, it was terrible, I almost dropped it xD I liked the first ep only
Yeah I agree, it's good to watch something bad sometimes too.But not always ofc
Hahahaha Sonico xD I haven't seen it xD
Yeah, it usually is ok then, but I often force myself to complete something...
Same, I hardly ever drop them...
I dropped that lmao
I drop an anime only if there's no aspect that I like.For example if I like at least one character i won't drop it cuz l would like to see what would happen to him/her.... You?
Same~ it's such an underrated show, it deserves so much more :)
It's good.The strongest point of it is it's breathtaking animation and music but characters are pretty good too.However story starts as good one but kinda goes down from there....If you really want to watch/play it that much i suggest game. In summary it's a good show but don't expect very much of it.I think it's around 7 and or 7.5...
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i liked Tanya the most tbh XD i was hyped for toz s2 but it disapointed me TT v TT
absolutely nothing XD maybe snk s2(i haven't seen uchouten kazokku s1)
first ep was really good,i remember being amazed with it....and now i'm amazed by how much of bullshit it is xD
tbh i don't like this season that much xD
Yeah I agree, it's good to watch something bad sometimes too.But not always ofc
Yeah, it usually is ok then, but I often force myself to complete something...
Same, I hardly ever drop them...
I drop an anime only if there's no aspect that I like.For example if I like at least one character i won't drop it cuz l would like to see what would happen to him/her.... You?
maybe you should give anime a try,i mean you can always drop it if you don't like it....
It's good.The strongest point of it is it's breathtaking animation and music but characters are pretty good too.However story starts as good one but kinda goes down from there....If you really want to watch/play it that much i suggest game. In summary it's a good show but don't expect very much of it.I think it's around 7 and or 7.5...
Yup, we do~ we'll get along well ;)
fint dp
lol jag har samma bild i min klubb
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