Hey there, I'm Kaiser.
I'm a manga guy, you know? I'm here to hate on all anime. I'll hate even yo momma if she comes at me as an anime. Seriously, don't. I'm already hating her. OK... I'm joking, I do love anime. A lot of them, actually. Don't let my scores make you think that I'm a hater. It's just that I'm a bit of a messy guy, so if I start dishing out 10s I will never remember what's better than what. But I still hate yo momma. I would give her a 3 outta 10 instead of a 1, just because I don't want the hate on me.
Jokes aside, I'm a pretty normal guy, I guess. I'm not an anime (me momma included), which is a start. My hobby is filling my Plan To Read with things I'll never, ever read. Professionally I read the first chapter of tons of manga, almost never touching them again. But when I do... Oh, it's my favorite part: I'll read that first chapter again, cause my memory just plain sucks, and let it go again. I don't get any pay for this, though, mostly cause I'm not an anime that can get paid for something so silly.
I love music. Yeah. Music can't be anime. It's not graphical. Anime is graphical, see? But manga is graphical, so I'm a hypocrite. When I like an opening, I just close my eyes. That's smart of me. I felt very proud of myself when I discovered I could do that.
Games. I love them. I JUST LOVE THEM ALL, with some exceptions. Those being games I don't like.
Noooo, I'm not a sad person. Not crazy, either. I just think this is funny. Don't you? No? Well, that's probably why you like those crappy anime. But I still like you.
Now go carpe diem or whatever.
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sou o avatar da preguiça
Caso não goste, não tem problema! Fica a vontade de participar do grupo do whatsapp, aceitamos pessoas que gostam de discutir e aquelas que só gostam de ler kkkk.... Se você quiser convidar amigos pra entrar no grupo ou seguir a página, tem toda liberdade...
Vlw por aceitar. o/ 4ª conta já. XD Espero que dessa vez o MAL deixe eu voltar.
mas ai vc vai falar mal e eu vou saber de porr nenhuma pq não assisto/leio muito mais
só vejo essas merda tipo yu-gi-oh e pokémon uma vez na vida
pensei que era temporário mas pelo visto é eterno
sou uma moça organizada
diferente de certas gente
discord: jojorisu@gmail.com
Tudo bem, moço?? Espero que esteja!
Se cuida e bom fim de semana! ^^
Long time No see!
E aí? Tudo blz?
Se cuidaaaa!! Bom fim de semana!~~
EDIT: Como foi a viagem??
*n entendi*