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Days: 28.6
Mean Score: 8.31
  • Total Entries214
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  • Episodes1,697
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Durarara!!x2 Shou
Durarara!!x2 Shou
May 6, 2015 6:39 PM
Watching 3/12 · Scored -
May 6, 2015 5:30 PM
Plan to Watch · Scored -
Death Parade
Death Parade
May 3, 2015 12:27 PM
Plan to Watch · Scored -
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 1.8
Mean Score: 9.67
  • Total Entries11
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  • Chapters173
  • Volumes32
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Dengeki Daisy
Dengeki Daisy
Dec 20, 2009 9:53 AM
Reading 1/80 · Scored -
Dec 20, 2009 9:26 AM
Reading 2/176 · Scored -
Dec 20, 2009 9:18 AM
Reading 1/163 · Scored -

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CrazyClown May 31, 2015 10:13 PM


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panik95 May 14, 2015 6:38 PM
hehehe im we 100% agree on somthin

hmm i think every1 who watched anime would like to devour Ramen!!
but recently ive been obsessing over Oyakodon *q* google it if u want to torture urself

so have u ever considered learning japanese?
seeing that u have been watching anime for over 6years i belive u have some vocabs no?

*come on its fine u can reply whenever u want =3
-i like it here in mal its so lax and comfortable =9
AnOoOd May 12, 2015 4:10 PM
Hey there!... am good thx for asking ^^

ummm well currently I've stopped watching anime lately cuz am busy with exams and alot of stuff but am trying to finish what am watching now, check my anime list I update it once a week t8rebn :D

yup it is.. how have u been lately?
panik95 May 10, 2015 8:34 PM
i hope your friend is okay where ever he/she is..

heeeh i hope that "Amazingfeeling"last :)
i get alot of "Amazingfeeling" from alot of animanga
but really its all about the characters to me i think having an original story is essential but the characters are no less NO even more >:v ..What do u think?

ooh Football!!i just have this stupid idea that anime fanboys hate Football :p imglad iwas what club r u fan of?
+if u r interested in FootballAnime giant killing is Perfect i have the manga in my favorite<3
hmm i like gaming reading weird Random stuff but what tops it all is beingFreeOfAllObligations <<so random x(
ilike the idea that i dont have uni or cleaning tomorrow =D

i was i sure i sounded creepy with all these Q's but im glad u like it <3+u Gave me permission to bother u :p
Sooo is there any food that u saw in anime that u would like to try?
panik95 May 9, 2015 11:33 PM
^^" sorry for taking too long to reply i have been indulging my self with no sense of time..

come on itsnot cringy whatsoever i mean if u have something you r passionate about or love its natural that u want to talk about it with someone else..
noooo what happened to your to ur friend???

hmm is drrr good ? i watched the first season about 4-5 years ago and i couldn't get anything out of it..
its nice that u haven't lost interest in khr as years went sucha loyal fanboy :p
i removed it from my fav i just realized that what i used to like in the past5years became boring&Dull
+i think ppls taste change drastically by the years

OOoo that's a pretty long time :p im no different i started around 2008-2009

soo do u have any hobbies?other languages beside english?
if u think my questions r too nosey please feel free to ignore :p i just love knowing theses things Y.Y
BishoooDuck May 8, 2015 7:16 AM
Well yea, because I had high expectations of Arslan since its the same manga writer as FMA so I expected it to be a legend since ep 1 lol, gonna give it a chance once a lot of eps are out.

Death parade is deep, not only creepy

Yea a movie in November
Not that into the new character design though, always gonna be a fan to the old one

Ah never noticed lol can u believe 2009 is 6 yrs ago ? xD still cant comprehend that haha
panik95 May 7, 2015 7:40 AM
i'm glad you are ok <3
hmmm its kinda weird u know ive never met anyone who is willing to talk with me about anime altho they are all around me..
once i went with my big sister to the kindergarten she works at to assist her,there i met an american girl who came to do some little activities with the kids dancing and such..i approached her at the closing time turns out she liked the same anime i liked and liked rock music i felt like she is my destined Animesoulmate xD too bad i didn't get her number and i couldn't come again with my sister since i had finals..
and thats myFirstAndLastAnimesoulmate lol,and i still regret it to this day

i get how u feel really,but eventually you will get used to it and it wont make a difference to u,OR eventually u r gonna find ur Animesoulmate and live happy ever after :p

oooh death parade is soo good it'll make u cry tears of blood
And arslan senki i dropped it since the characters r so not my type and i hope u enjoy watching it ^^

haahaa i think so too naruto was my first addiction but soon idropped it and like u death note was my second anime altho i skipped like 18 eps just to see the end lol,my firstAnime And my firstLove was hellsing <33

and im also curious in what age did u started watching? hehe
anime90 May 7, 2015 3:12 AM
Hello there :)
Thanks for the friend request
nice to meet you ^_^
panik95 May 6, 2015 1:21 AM
man i was worried sick since you havent been on for like what7months???im glad you are ok
im sure i know how u feel and hate wen it happens and i think the reason is that u didnt find anything good,no?

hmmm i cant say that i like this season id say im only watching to passtime i have nothing unfortunately to recommend

i have been more focused in manga than anime these days ..
and im gettin pickier and pickier when it comes to anime
i just dontknow they better animate somthing good this summer or im giving up on anime<<هيااط

and im kinda curious whats the first anime u watched? =)
Sarah-Sama May 3, 2015 3:36 PM
yeah pretty much along with Owari no Seraph and Kekkai Sensen, there's no news about digimon T.T it was supposed to air in april but suddenly all the updates about it stopped.. i wanna watch it so bad x'"D
BishoooDuck May 3, 2015 2:43 PM
Been fine, what about you ?
Currently trying to continue Arslan Senki and Owari no Seraph but they aren't that intriguing..
So might try to finish Durarara2 and some random stuff in free time
I'd start Death Parade right now if I were you, its great.
Sarah-Sama May 3, 2015 12:56 PM
yeah i gotta say it was the best anime last season!! i gave it 10 out of 10 here on my list ^^
Sarah-Sama May 2, 2015 2:59 PM
hello its been a while how are you ^^

i'm currently watching Arslan Senki, Kekkai Sensen, Owari no Seraph, Ore Monogatari and Hibike! Euphonium they're all good and i'm enjoying them but i like Arslan the most its awesome
BishoooDuck May 2, 2015 2:19 PM
panik95 Mar 10, 2015 11:01 AM
i just forgot the L lol
Qatar is where i wish to be *sigh*being a man sure is nice..
hmm about kill la kill i thout it was a bit boring and the story is kinda forced????
and hunterXhunter i thought the production was a bit childish...
imean the older version was alot more mature and had that creepy atmosphere around it which the new one doesn't have ://
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