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Days: 95.9
Mean Score: 7.00
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Ojamajo Carnival!!
Ojamajo Carnival!!
Aug 9, 2024 3:12 PM
Completed 1/1 · Scored 8
Kusuriya no Hitorigoto
Kusuriya no Hitorigoto
Dec 16, 2023 2:12 PM
Plan to Watch · Scored -
Sousou no Frieren
Sousou no Frieren
Dec 16, 2023 2:12 PM
Plan to Watch · Scored -
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Days: 44.9
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Mo Dao Zu Shi
Mo Dao Zu Shi
Dec 16, 2023 2:43 PM
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Tian Guan Cifu
Tian Guan Cifu
Dec 16, 2023 2:42 PM
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Kininatteru Hito ga Otoko ja Nakatta
Kininatteru Hito ga Otoko ja Nakatta
Dec 16, 2023 2:41 PM
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karineyn Oct 27, 2023 3:33 AM
Happy birthday, Kaddy! Hope you have been well ^^
TheMageKiller Mar 28, 2022 3:04 PM
Good to know we're both on the same level of use then! How has Uni been for you lately?

How was your sister's wedding?!? I had a great time at my friend's wedding and I actually have 3 more over the next few months between friends & family getting hitched after the lockdown.

It is great to her from you & again, I apologize for the delayed response. Looking forward to hearing back from you but no rush whatsoever!
karineyn Oct 30, 2021 1:07 PM
Kaddy, happy belated birthday !! ^^
TheMageKiller Sep 16, 2021 9:13 AM
Hey Kaddy! Sorry that it's taken me so long to respond, I have been fairly busy with work and attempting to be a bit more social these days. How has uni been for you so far? Are you in-person for classes, e-learning, or a mix of both? Are you still at the flat or back home?

I felt awful after the 2nd dose, I got it on a Saturday so that I would have Sunday to recover but I still had to take Monday off of work because I felt so bad. It was worth it for peace of mind and in order to attend the wedding which was a really fun time. I hadn't been to a wedding in almost 2 years because of the pandemic and all of that.

I have finished Heaven's Feel & thought that it was an excellent entry into the uFotable Fate series. I'm waiting for Nico to buy the final movie so that we can watch it again soon because it was very good. I've also finished Jujutsu kaisen which was a fun shounen that skewed a bit darker which I prefer so that was nice. Have you been watching anything good recently?

I still haven't caught up with AoT or JoJo's yet because it has been difficult to find time now that the social calendar is filling up and work has been really busy lately with a lot of turnover.

Look forward to hearing back from you & again, my apologies for the late reply!
TheMageKiller May 2, 2021 8:58 AM
Glad to hear that you're doing well, or or at least as well as can be expected given the current circumstances. I'm guessing you've moved back into the flat already at this point so how has that been for you? I think that my job is going to be one where I learn a lot but take my skills elsewhere as the corporate culture just isn't for me. That's alright though, it's been a good opportunity to expand my current skill set.

So I received the first dose of the Moderna vaccine a few weeks ago and I'm going to get the second dose around May 17th to be fully vaccinated which is nice because I have a friend's wedding to attend at the end of the month. The ceremony, happy hour, & reception will all be located outside, weather permitting so that will be fun since I haven't gone to a wedding since 2019 at this point.

Wow you've gotten back into the anime/manga grind, perhaps even more so than me actually. Got to admit that I'm jealous about the final Heaven's Feel film as Nico & I saw the second one years ago at this point but have yet to complete the trilogy sadly. I haven't really read any manga recently but it's good that you're into it because I imagine it's nice not to have to wait for the anime each year.

I've enjoyed most of this season of AOT so far but I think it's a bit strange to introduce completely new characters and expect the audience to sympathize with them. I realize that Eren might not be making the best choices but I'm going to like him & the crew a whole lot more than some group of random people/kids. I'm a few episodes behind at this point though so I can tell you more after I finish this season finally.

Slime is fun and different than most Isekai in my opinion because while it is another world, it is still pretty funny and somewhat lighthearted a lot of the time. I'm not sure whether you would enjoy it but I will say it's nice to just turn on and kind of have fun, if that makes sense.

Looking forward to hearing back from you, wish you well in your studies, and hope that you & your family stay safe!
TheMageKiller Apr 4, 2021 6:52 AM
Almost one year later....

Want to start off fresh so how have you been lately? I moved into Nico's house and got a new job since we last spoke so that has been good for me to get back into the workforce. It is nice to have our own place now even though it is a bit more expensive.

How have things been over there? I think we just crossed 100 million vaccinated with At Least 1 shot received over here with more coming on the way. I will get one but our State isn't offering them to my age group and I don't have any medical or professional reasons to qualify. I'm hoping that sometime next month the vaccine will be widely available in our area.

Have you seen any good anime or read any good manga lately? I've been finally updating my MAL but I feel as if I'm missing some still since it's been so long. I've seen Beastars, Promare, Fire Force s2, Slime s2, Seven Deadly Sins s3, and am watching Attack on Titan: Final Season (But not Really Final as there is another season coming lol). Hope that all is well in your world and my apologies for having taken so long to respond!
karineyn Jan 19, 2021 9:53 AM
Hey there Kaddy! Happy belated new year! I hope2021 has many nice surprises in store for you :)
No problem with the late reply. I am very late myself Xd seems like you are inactive again but I’ll just reply now :)

That’s cool. I also met someone on MAL but in my own city so it wasn’t as ‘daring’ :p I remember you used to travel a lot so I suppose it must feel like a big restriction to you in the last year and so. But like you said, at least you save money for future travels!

Haha, relatable. I was an extroverted child as well. I am an INFJ, we are somehow similar but not quite :p
I still haven’t seen the (no longer :p) new Steins Gate. I’ll give it a try! I just finished Magi and it was quite fun! Have you seen it? Have you been watching anime?

Actually I just graduated! I had my thesis defense at the end of November but the forms/documents take time so... ^^ No, I haven't started working yet. I’ve been treating my body quite carelessly during the dissertation writing process so I want to take a short time off both for my physical and psychological health. My brain feels just too tired. Wish you the best with your studies though! It must be nice to spend some more time with family, no? :)

No need to be sorry. I am just glad to see you here whenever you log in. And I apologize for deleting you from my list along with everyone else. Had some tough days and didn’t think it through. But I am way better now. I hope you accept my friend request ^^

I hope you are well as well! Take care too <3
karineyn Oct 27, 2020 9:52 AM
Hey Kaddy! Long time no talk. Hope you are doing fine.
Happy birthday :)
-Mayhem- Dec 31, 2019 2:29 PM
Happy New Year!!!
-Mayhem- Dec 13, 2019 11:31 AM
Hey, I'm doing a MAL Interview, and I want to let you know that if you have any questions you want to ask me, you can send them to my interviewer Megurashi via PM or Discord (Megu#5289) and you'll be notified when my MAL Interview will take place and you'll see the answers I will give to you. You can ask as many questions as you'd like, even private ones. The many the better. Hope to have a lot of questions I can answer. If you have friends that want to ask me questions as well, please let them know about it. Thank you.
TheMageKiller Dec 9, 2019 11:15 AM
Yeah I think that FT became similar to comics such as Batman or Superman in that, instead of wrapping up character arcs in the Final story the studio & writers decided let's just continue onward with the Brand. It makes sense financially but is a bit disappointing in terms of story telling.

Ah new flat mates must be fun to have then & nice you get to enjoy a new (for them) anime together! Hopefully you will actually end up finishing the entire Death Note series instead of just dropping off completely after episode 25 - Nico style.

Glad to know that you're slowly getting back into the game, at least when time allows for it. Beastars has gotten quite popular as I've seen it on a lot of best series of the season list by publications and just people in general. It honestly looks very similar to Zootopia which I enjoyed.

Have you finally finished the manga for AoT or is it not complete quite yet?
Thanks! I'll be looking for new work within the next month so just going to enjoy the next few weeks.
Great to talk with you & I hope that we can find some time again with the Holidays coming up!
-Mayhem- Nov 24, 2019 3:22 AM
Wow, 640 more? Lol, that A LOT.
Haha, yeah, I bet a lot of students are waiting for Christmas break in general.
-Mayhem- Nov 18, 2019 1:43 AM
Oh, so that's what you meant, lol, I thought you were talking about drama release hahaha.
Yeah, I have a similar problem, but I don't start new dramas before finishing the old ones, I add new dramas before being able to finish the ones I already have on my list. I hate when I do that. I have to finish one drama I am currently watching, I need to start and finish another 4 dramas that are finished airing and I have to start and get up to date with other 2 airing dramas. Also, I need to get up to date with all the webtoons I have on my reading and plan to read list. There are soooo many stuff I need to get up to date with.
karineyn Nov 15, 2019 12:32 PM
Oh hey there, Kaddy! Nice to hear from you :) No problem at all. Just take good care of yourself and have fun out there ^^
Thank you for your kind wishes <3
-Mayhem- Nov 15, 2019 1:15 AM
I finally catch up with One Piece yesterday, feels so good now hahahaha.
I personally don't like skipping fillers because it adds more time to my anime days stats and I don't like to think I added something that I didn't really watch, because it wouldn't seem fair to have a lot of days, but to skip a lot of episodes.

Hahaha, I noticed that too, the release stuff, but I wasn't up to date with any drama release and tbh, I have so much that I want to watch, that I'm even afraid to watch any other trailers because I'm sure there are plenty of good dramas, and I would want to watch them, but I don't have too much time and that would make me so anxious knowing there are plenty of stuff to watch, but less time, and I really hate that feeling. I could barely keep my mind clear with those hundreds of One Piece episodes I had to catch up with, but now finally my mind is a little bit cleaner since I'm up to date with it, phew.

I also like the new TXT release, but I only listened to Run Away and it's my fav so far.
OMG, that mamamoo new song is soooooo fricking good.

Not really, as I said I am so behind with everything, I wasn't able to check too much stuff. Lately I was busy with reading webtoons. I read around 6 hours a day everyday some webtoons and want to get up to date with all the webtoons I'm reading and plan to read tbh.
Anime, dramas, webtoons, oh lord, I have so many stuff I want to get up to date with, it gives me a headache, lol.

Well, I can't say my life is perfect, but it's not hell either. I'm ok, I guess.
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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