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Naruto Gaiden: Nanadaime Hokage to Akairo no Hanatsuzuki
Oct 16, 2015 12:41 PM
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It has been very long way to get in touch with ya ..
me either, havent logged in for how many months I guess ..
hahahhaa ..
maybe you're to way busy right there ..
brother ..
I"ve been thinking something interesting that you might quite bothersome ..
hahah .. maybe next time I"ll chat you someday ..
well I"m doing well on my own foot .. busy in my term papers and project as usual to a hardworking student (hahaha) *choke*
that"s why I don"t much have time to play in any social media"s much ..
Yo .. how are you there ?
Once again I have found a way to prolong my response to you and I am very sorry.
Though it shouldn't be so long between in the near future ^.^
My health has shown improvement thanks to your concern. I have been cooking meals and dare I say come to enjoy cooking ha
As well been able to sleep for at least 6 hrs a day now!!
How are you doing though...?
My complete condolences for your lost ones. Are you feeling alright? You sound distant to the lost of loved ones.
I don't want you repressing any feelings okay *.* I'm here for you alright. So I'll stay strong knowing you will too!
Yes I won't fall into bad habits -.- I have you my ever watchful loved one whom I wish not to disappoint :)
What has happened in the last few months that have made it worse? Is there anything I can do to help?
I hope that things aren't too bad and even starting to get better. Just keep being you and everything will be fine. You are the most amazing person I know <3
You know if you ever have any times of doubt or want to talk I'm here. It doesn't have to just be through MAL okay.
I'm always open through any means of communication, so just let me know.
I hope to hear from you soon my love, and I will continue thinking of you fondly >.<
It still hasn't fully recovered but much better than last year. Now I'm just going through stages of extreme dryness but I can at least move my limbs now. Unfortunately I'm not well enough to leave the home too often because I never know when my body starts hurting, it's too random. So atm, I have no choice but to wait patiently and watch the world go by. =.=
I don't want to blame doctors too much, their task is to provide an immediate cure through medicine. I don't think any of them would just say "do nothing and let your body take care of it" since only me and a handful of other people in the world are daring enough to do something this stupid lol.
Aw man, yeh life doesn't always go the right ways. I always think to myself that if life gets shitty on me, the most I can do is stay true to myself regardless of everything else around me. It's very easy to get your expectations up, but then it's even easier for people to break those expectations without them knowing. So I figure, don't follow others, follow yourself. That is how you become strong. It's okay to rely on people, but you have to make wise choices. Even I only really rely on 1 close friend because I simply don't want to bother my other friends with my problems. But even with that 1 close friend, I still keep a lot to myself.
Yeh, as you can probably tell, I've gotten more time to come on here now too lol. Probably because I've gotten more time for anime so MAL usually just comes hand in hand. I'm not sure what you've been through so idk if any of my words will help but keep fighting. Things will get better. Unfortunately it may take many years, but things will definitely get better.
On anther note, what have you been up to these days?
(btw I changed my account name and I don't really like it but I can't think of a good one orz)
I go through phases of not watching anime for months and then marathoning it :L There is no in-between. I'm back in my marathon phase for now though!
Hope you're doing well :) I've seen so much since I last spoke to you, I finished all seasons of Kuroko no Basket and I LOVE it :D I really love Haikyu! aswell - those boys are so precious. The new sports anime Prince of Stride is great as well, you should check it out if you havent already, it just finished airing this week.
Now I'm catching up on anime I started ages ago, while I'm waiting for 5 series to finish airing.. Boke dake ga inai machi is my fave at the moment, it is the perfect murder mystery. Its got time travel, cute characters and theres so many damn cliffhangers I'm going crazy haha, though I dont know if you'll like it.. The other series are divine gate, haikyu2, grimgar and gate: enryuu-hen, if you watch any of those..
I finished Hakkenden, Another and Black Bullet most recently, and now I'm carrying on with Kyoukai no Kanata.
Sorry again I didn't think I've ever leave it this long to reply to you >.< Hope I left enough to talk about to make up for it :P
It's okay, I'm glad to have you back :D No, I didn't, no worries ^^
I'm sorry to hear that, it's awful. But I guess they weren't your real friends then, so it's not worth being sad about it.
Yeah I'm feeling better, though I haven't gone to doctors for a couple months so I can't tell for sure if everything is okay :/
How's your health though?
Hehe it's okay, hope you had great time c: And thank you so much :3
Almost forgot the way you reply but ye..good you managing somehow since I'm doing the very same lol.
That is pretty wise for VIP (Very Important Pieces) that you want to rewatch in several years xD
More than you can imagine xD
Ye..I actually watched them all when they were airing.
Manga is a bit better.Anime makes it look ridiculous at some point of the plot lol.Characters are already like that by default more or less xD
Ye...I Caught up and reading it.It's pretty parody like how it progresses at the moment.
What are you curious about the most at the moment then? xD
Np,hope you had nice one :-) Was like last spring since you were on I think.