Eyou! I like to share my interests with people and I hate to create controversy and people who insult other people bc they like or dislike some anime.
I'm here to meet people, sobre todo si hablas en español xd
*My way to grade anime:*
I have a table with the elements that compound anime series. Each section has a value from 0 to 10 according to the importance that I give them. This table (and values) are made by the feedback of +40 people, including me, of course xd.
- Story (plot and scripts): 8
- Beginning (presentation, first episodes, premise): 4.5
- End: 6.5
- Characters: 8
- Art (drawing, color, style): 6
- Animation: 5.5
- Sound (ost, seiyuus, op/ed): 5
- Enjoyment: 8.5
- Extra (direction, shots, pacing, worldbuilding, peak moments, everything you want to add): 6
Now, I put a mark in each part from 0 to 4 (with middle points (0.5)), being '1.5' the basic, the most common. '0' is apailling, a total disaster; on the other side, '4' means perfection. These marks are multiplied by the value of each section and I turn the result into a mark form 1 - 10:
1 (0 - 15) // 2 (15.1 - 30) // 3 (30.1 - 44.9) // 4 (45 - 59.9) // 5 (60 - 74.9) // 6 (75 - 95) // 7 (95.1 - 120) // 8 (120.1 - 140) // 9 (140.1 - 169.9) // 10 (170 - 232)
Any suggestion don't doubt about tell me :D
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