"Remember the sun and moons affiliation"
- JustiseFrost
Our eyes are the door to our spirit, soul, and purpose in life. While the
moon is the mother of honest emotions/feelings, subconscious, thoughts,
and behavior. No matter how bad or good you are. Humans are made either
created to be flawed showing that no matter if you are a bad person. Please
don't think negatively because other individuals care about your purpose in life.
No one deserves to be alone in the dark when you could use the light to light to
darkness with an open heart.
Yes. Let your believing heart answer your questions if you can love and believe in yourself
that makes up your belief. For one reason, be and love you. No matter what other people
think believe in yourself because humans has the freedom of speech to think, take action,
and speak up for what you believe in is only for yourself. And the people that are dearest to you.
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