About me: I don't add anime to my list becuase im too lazy I will one day but rest assured I have watched plenty of anime and have knowlege on every genre.
My favourite type of anime I enjoy is anime that features aristocrats and thier servants/butlers such as Ladies vs butlers, Hayate the combat butler, They are our noble masters, Kuroshitsuji, and recently Inu x Boku SS.
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This is One Divine informing you a few days late that the Art and Graphic Competitions are OVERRR! The results are in so whether you participated or not does not matter, so check out the results! The results to the Art competition can be found here and the results to the Graphic Competition can be found here! Thanks for visiting, and remember theres plenty to do, don't forget about our games and chatango room anyone can visit. See ya next time!
Hello there One Divine, the registrations and entries have been delivered for both the Banner Competition #2 and our very first Art Competition, so whether you participated or not, please visit here for the Art competition voting and here for the Banner Competition voting! Thank you and I hope you enjoy what you see!
Thank you, for your second event participation, in One Divine's Valentine Bash! We hope for those who participated, enjoyed it to it's full extent, but unfortunately, yet again, some users did not receive gifts because of the some who did not feel like taking 5-10 minutes out of their life to actually do what they signed up. No animosity here, just pointing out something ♥ Now with that over, we will head on to new and different things. For now, we introduce a new game brought out by one of our members; JustRad. Name a Flaw, the details to this game will be seen here! I would also like to announce that we will soon be holding something brought back from the dead, though should be one of the most enjoyable of all activities in One Divine; One Divine's Art Competitions will soon be held in the club, and we would love to witness the artistic abilities of you all! So when the time comes, please check out the details and participate for a chance to have your work displayed and a nice award banner to boot!
and nisemontgaru or however u spell it is
not as good as guilty but its a good 1
in my opinion
how are u ;-p
honestly i love everyone on the show. first and foremost though i like hayate, hes a total bro lol.
whos ur favorite character?
electrifying isnt it? XD