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Days: 182.0
Mean Score:
- Watching10
- Completed343
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- Dropped18
- Plan to Watch20
- Total Entries401
- Rewatched32
- Episodes10,860
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Days: 33.8
Mean Score:
- Total Entries37
- Reread0
- Chapters5,523
- Volumes500
All Comments (44) Comments
Ah okay then, see you man.
I see, I usually update my MAL and read the episode discussion while listening to the ED play in the background, it's fun that way. I recommend re-listening to the ED and tell me what you think, it's good old jazzy blues. Yeah man Bebop's opening is legendary, it's so god damn good. The ED hit so hard after ep 6, that episode was amazing.
Damn really, I can't wait. I want to wait for it to finish, so that I could binge it all from the beginning.
I see, good luck with that. Yeah well avant-garde is something people start liking as they grow older and experience a LOT of media in general. I started getting into it after being absolutely bored of how repetitive everything looked like to me, I could predict almost everything. Avant-garde is basically a french rebellion against the abundance of boring and formulaic media, which is great.
Another thing is avant-garde aesthetics are really cool. Like Lain's whole weird VHS aesthetic, and how randomly creepy the OP can get, as well as the sound design, man the sound design. Another creepy thing is how Lain basically predicted the future with complete accuracy. As for Texhnolyze, the whole quiet and weird aesthetics combined with the foreboding mystery is what sells it. It has actual references to philosophy which adds a whole new aspect to it, making it an even deeper piece of art. Basically, modern media is commercial entertainment mostly made for money and to also make stuff, but avant-garde's whole purpose is to remain true to art, and to bend rules. Money is not a concern.
Yeah of course man, it's Bebop after all. I remember someone telling me that Cowboy Bebop is like aged wine. The older you get the better it just is. I watched it when I was 13, it was an 8 - 9 for me, and then at 14, a 9, at 15, a 9 - 10 and now at 16 it's bordering a 10. I really need to rewatch it. Cowboy Bebop is a classic that basically started it all, and it arguably has one of the best soundtracks ever in all of anime. It's just damn fun, and the OP and EDs are absolute bangers. it is an unspoken rule in anime that if someone skips the OP or ED of Bebop, especially the OP, they shall be executed. Bebop is the true adult anime, it isn't very explicit but it's just better when you watch it older you know? Same thing with Lain and Texhnolyze, but for those two, it's about the artistic maturity than the actual age.
Oh Vivy got better, that's good then. Well if it was memorable 6 if it wasn't then probably a 5. Now I know I'm not going to be watching it.
About Johan, it's basically impossible to give closure for such a character. This ending also lets us theorize and create our own individual understanding of the ending.
Yeah basically. Turn on your super detective head when watching Lain. Also fun fact, I tried watching it when I was 14, but somehow didn 't gst what I was supposed to do. But when I rewatched it at 15 years old, it was somehow way better. I have decided to watch it every year, just tosee it getting better and bettsr.
Also about SEL, do you kinda get where I'm coming from now? I tried my best to prepare yourself for Lain in general, I do recommend reading it if you haven't.
Yeah I did the sittings list for around 50 anime. Yeah Lain's OP is fucking great. It's Alternative Indie Rock, and the full version of the song is even better. Lain's OP always sets you for the show. True, Monster's OP is so god damn underrated. It's actually one of the greatest OPs, an anime OP should always be like Monster's. It sets the tone, mood, and everything. Generic anime OPs always look like a copy and paste of each other which is fucking boring, with the same pseudo-metal rock pop blasting again and again, it gets tiring. Oh wow. Miru Tights huh. Okay, okay, no problem with that.
Also, I recommend reading the top review of Lain, by seraphjei.
Thing about SEL is. Its slow pace, ambiguity, and incredibly weird and tense atmosphere is what makes its selling point. It's something that's sort of an acquired taste. Well, trust me, it's way, way, way more complicated than that. The Wired is incredibly important for the story as well. This is before internet was even that big, and this basically predicted the incredibly near-accurate future of technological consumption and human decay. SEL is not really about entertainment, it's about testing your artistic intellectuality and intelligence of consuming and understanding a show this complex.
You'd have to actively involve yourself by trying to really over-analyze everything and create your own story of theories. This story you create is what the show is to you, as an individual. It makes you an artist on its own. I recommend going through the episode discussions, other people's theories and understanding of each episode and how its being built up really helps you come up with a grand lore-heavy theory of yours. My theory for Lain could literally stem a whole 3000 word essay. Or an hour long analysis video. That's why I kept hinting on being 'prepared' for Lain. Lain is not an anime, a story, or anything. It's a whole new hybrid of human communication and involvement. Never will a show make you involve yourself this much. Don't be shy about the theories you make, go crazy with it. I remember having slight headaches after watching each episode, and drop 2 - 3 paragraph-long theories and perception of the episode I watched in the DMs of my friend who has already watched it. It's so fucking fun honestly.
Instead of going for the capitalistic, consumerist, dopamine-driven approach to entertainment. Lain stands out as something akin to real life, it's not escapism, it's realism in an escapist environment. Also Lain's opening is a fucking banger. Definitely top 5 anime OPs of all time. Also please find a source that has the OP and ED. Basically whenever you're watching Lain, just imagine you've been called into this incredibly cryptic, nihilistic, and atmospheric society; shown cryptic and horrifying events that appear to have no correlation in hindsight, but deep within, has an incredibly jeering bigger picture. You're a detective, and your job is to piece these evidences together, to create a bigger picture.
Another cool thing is how trippy and psychedelic the show is. The soft but foreboding sound of electrical wires, the cryptic and emotionless state of Lain, the haunting events that happen out of nowhere. That's what drives Lain. Also please, please use earphones for Lain. It has one of the top best sound design ever known to anime. Honestly, the sound design is one of its biggest selling points. It just drags you in. To make it simple, Lain is not something you watch for entertainment, but it's something you experience. Every time you rewatch it, you learn and notice so much things as you're watching it for the first time. Most people who drop Lain or don't like Lain do so because it's too much for them, everyone I've asked has said that it's too cryptic and overwhelming, or they don't want to go far enough to test their intellectuality in Lain.
When you watch Lain, disconnect yourself from reality, everything you do and think is Lain now. SEL is the new world you're viewing. Again, it's realism wrapped in an escapist environment. Due to how complex and hybrid it is, it is a masterpiece in an objective manner. It's too complex to be given a rating, which is why 10 is basically the nearest I could give for something this complex.
Also, I recommend rewatching the first episode. Take it slow, each and every second counts as evidence for you to solve the bigger picture. I have a scheduling for the optimal way to consume it.
Total = 5 sittings.
Sitting 1: 3 Episodes
Sitting 2: 2 Episodes
Sitting 3: 3 Episodes
Sitting 4: 2 Episodes
Sitting 5: 3 Episodes
Feel free to limit the episodes to an even lower number if it feels too overwhelming and you need a break. Lain does need you to expand your intelligence into depths you've never been to. Take your time. Make sure you remember and note down all the events that happen in each episode through your theories and stuff. This could be done through simple manners like theory-paragraphs of each episode. Feel free to send them to me. It'll be fun cracking this puzzle.
Shit sorry I went on a tangent. This is what happens when Lain or Texhnolyze is mentioned haha.
Also, how is SEL Ep 1? You can drop a new theory discussion to me every episode if you'd like. It's fun figuring things out.