Anime Stats
Days: 185.2
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- Total Entries755
- Rewatched15
- Episodes10,675
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Manga Stats
Days: 78.5
Mean Score:
- Total Entries140
- Reread1
- Chapters9,933
- Volumes1,197
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All Comments (7) Comments
>Right now, I've been reading Gunnm. It's a really cool manga, reminds me a little of Berserk.
OOO gunm looks interesting! ive seen the live action film of this pass by sometime, tho i never watched it. PLUS it reminds you of berserk?? immediately adding that to my list lol.
> I am also reading Gundam Origin, truly amazing!!
cool!! ive been thinking of getting into gundam too, one of my friends collects figures, do you do that too?
>Hope you are enjoying something good too.
i recently finished houseki no kuni!! i loved that one so much, also became one of my favorites very quickly.
death note was one of my first anime shows too, i feel like its a lot of peoples introduction to anime hahah. JoJos is so much fun and Evangelion is so good! im still mad i waited so long to watch both of those lol.
i think the shows that really got me interested when i was younger were death note, code geass and shinsekai yori. as i grew older i was obsessed with koe no katachi for a long time, and now its different again lol.
is there any anime/manga recently that youve been obsessed with? :0
and yes omg i love how ikuhara handled utena!! the show has made me fall even more in love with abstract themes and symbolisms in art. like even that nanami egg episode. something that seems like a comedic plot at first glance but actually has a lot of depth to it.
i wouldve done the same with hnk if it had been finished at that time lol. im also still wishing for a second just gets so much crazier.
hnk is such a special story to me, theres almost nothing like it imo.
oooo since 2013?? its the same for me i think! i've just been very on and off when it comes to anime, but ive always really liked it.
what was it 4 years ago that got you interested? was it a particular show?
by rec do you mean friend request? its no problem!
after seeing ur favorites i just had to add you, our tastes are so similar, its kinda scary. absolutely adora utena, ping pong and lain.
hnk and fire punch are also soso good.
youve finished a lot more things than i have tho, how long have you been watching anime?