Hello visitor!
I am a guy who likes to watch quality anime, let that be super cute, serious, romantic, thriller or whichever. I passed the mark of 350 watched anime series, but even now I find little gems in the rubble. It goes without saying, that even if I gave 9-10 points to an anime on my list, you might not like it, but thats the fun part of life. We are all different! I am also a big champion of tolerance, and categorize myself as a supporter of all minorities. I support free will and democracy, so living in a country like Hungary, can be hard sometimes.
I may classify as a plant daddy also, as I grow many different colored and type of succulents in my small apartment. I try to grow lemons , chili, and also just started caring for an apple tree sapling. We will see how that goes! My dream is to one day, start a succulent selling business, as I already tested a few grow light setups, and soon I will run out of space in here. So you may be able to get a free succulent soon!
My other hobby is video games, especially World of Warcraft. I also like to sink deep in medieval themed fantasy worlds, like Forgotten Realms. There are some fascinating books related to these worlds, so I often spend my time reading.
When its not pandemic, I hike on nearby mountains, spend my time in forests, and try to find myself over and over again, as spending time with my indoor plants are often not enough.
Oh and I love skiing, and ice skating too, and the whole winter season!
You could say my heart is half green, and quarter ice. All the rest are for animes, series, movies, love towards humans and animals, exploration and fantasy worlds!
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Our newsletters include notifications on when our competition rounds start, club event information, information on our monthly banner contest (new feature starting in September), news about updates and changes to the club, etc.
P.S.S We are in need of active card makers!
We do a few monthly editions and we really need some more card makers to help out with those. If you are interested in applying, click here.
The Slice of Life Club is having a banner making contest. The grand prize winner will get their own special card SE of choice.
For more information on the contest, click the banner above.
The Slice of Life Club is in a desperate need of card makers. Apply [here]
Our official member cards and badges are now open.
Visit the club to get yours!
A Hunarian Fans klub Szeretné fellendíteni az életet a klubban ezért szavazást tart a legjobb Retro Anime lányokról.
128 Karakter küzd meg hogy elnyerje a szerintünk legjobb címet.
Itt találod a versenyző hölgyek névsorát.
Amennyiben érdekel dolog tartsd szemmel a klubot és szavaz kedvenceidre és oszd meg véleményedet a versenyről vagy éppen szavazásról.
Szeretettel várunk.