Hey everyone! It’s been a while since the last newsletter went out. We have over 500 members, with an active group of about 15 in the chatroom and 7 in the club.
Drop in and see what we’ve been up to. There’s a bunch of fun game and discussion/conversation threads.
Also, we’re finally moving the chat group to an IRC. If you use an IRC client we’re on Rizon at #MALChat or you can click this link here. Just type in a nickname, pop in and say hi. We’re a pretty friendly group, that love talking to new people.
If you have any questions/comments or suggestions, drop them off here.
If you want off the MALChat mailing list send the newsletter deliverer a message.
Hope to see all of you around.
1. What is an Anime Expert?
An Anime Expert is mainly an user that is willing to help us by recommending stuff. Most of them are specialized in some genres, while a few are the general experts type.
2. How do I help?
People around this club normally create their own thread to ask for recommendation or ask in the comments. If you are online and notice their comments/posts, you can give them suggestion on what to watch.
3. What do I get?
First of all, every Expert will receive a special custom made expert card. It can also help you get limited edition cards and so on. Your name will be featured in a thread and there will be a link to that thread on the layout. You can be notified faster about some club changes and content that will be implemented at a later date.
Complete this form to become an Expert:
Genres you want to be expert in: (genres you normally watch and are most familiar with) Other genres you're familiar with: Familiarity with airing anime: (if you watch at least a few airing anime each season, you're probably at least decently familiar with that and can recommend) Other: (write any additional details if you want)
We'll contact you after you've been approved with the details about your card.
With the fall season upon us, the club has not been as active recently with our members being busy with work, school, and the other things life throws our way, but we here at the Recommendation Club want to let all of our members know that we haven't gone anywhere! We welcome you all to drop by, and say hello to old friends, or make new ones. We have a large member-list, and we would like to see all of you joining in, and sharing, your anime and manga knowledge with the club!
Loads of new members join all the time, either wanting recommendations, or eager to share their expertise with others, so don't be shy, and join right in! Like to chat? Well we have a thread just for that. New to our club or like to greet others? Check out our Intro thread. Looking for a new anime to watch or manga to read? Head on over to our General Recommendation Thread. Don't see what you want to know? Please feel free to make new threads to get your burning questions asked, or just join in with the others in the comments section!
We are currently seeking help with our member cards, so if you feel like lending a hand in this area you are more than welcome!
We look forward to seeing all of you at the club ^_^
Our club is almost one year old and we'll be most likely celebrating it with lots of specials and contests, so you might wanna check out the club at least once every few days as something new might appear in the horizon. :D
We noticed that while the member count keeps growing by day, we aren't exactly as active as we should be. It would be nice to see more and more people chatting in the comments or in the chat thread. I'd like to mention that a chat thread in our club gets closed after a comment or so is made on page 50. I'd like to get this one closed so we can start one anew in our next club year. Thanks in advance.
I'd also be glad if you introduced yourself in our special threads or warmly welcome our new members that have posted there. Also, if you have any trouble deciding what anime you want to watch or if you want to help others, take a look at the recommendation thread and post there.
If anyone is willing to make member cards, just post the templates in this thread or pm them to me. If you have made some other kind of graphic for the club you can post it in the comments or, again, pm it to me.
Our currently popular and active threads up for discussion are Neko Mania What languages do you speak?
We always have a few polls and games open for people to post in at any time.
Also feel free to start a thread for discussions at any time.
You can also stop by our Chat Room on hosted on Chatzy. There is no need to join Chatzy. All you have to do is enter a name to chat with, and then the password: mal_chat .
Click on Enter Room
When you see this screen click on Join Chat
We also want to thank sophy4ever for our current layout in the club.
Hello members of MAL Chat^^
~Sorry for spamming again but there are a couple new things you should check out^^~
First of all, we have a new MAL chat room/weekly discussion and it is on One Piece Clicky
Second, you must go on Chatzy...
BTW: another way to get onto chatzy is by going to the club and click where it says chat:
What is Chatzy?:
Chatzy is a special MAL chatroom where you don't have to constanly refresh the page (Like you have to on club's comments, topics, etc.)
How to use Chatzy:
Once you click the link, a new page will open up.
All you must do is type in your username (or a name of your choice) and choose what color you want your name to be in.
Then click on enter room.
Then chat away!^^
Special Commands:
While your in chatzy, there are several commands that you may use.. /leave or /bye Leave the chat, letting other users know. /away Mark you temporarily away from the chat (the Visitor List will reflect this). /me smiles Tell the other users what I am doing (in the third person). E.g.: /me smiles =>
John smiles /message Write a longer message for the room. /time +0200 Show the current time in the indicated time zone. Default is GMT/UTC. The optional
time zone parameter must be in the format +/-HHMM.
For more info on this command, click the very last spoiler... /flipcoin Randomly select either heads or tails. /rolldie Randomly select a number between 1 and 6. A number may be added indicating a
maximum outcome other than 6. E.g.: /rolldie 9 => select a number between 1 and 9. /choose red, green, blue Randomly select between the given parameters (e.g. red, green and blue). Minimum
two parameters must be supplied, separated with commas.
Menu shortcuts: /clear or /c Same as clicking "Clear Room" in the menu. /visitor or /v Same as clicking "Visitor List". /invite or /i Same as clicking "Invite People". /prefs or /p Same as clicking "My Preferences". /room or /r Same as clicking "Room Properties". /na /da /sa Selects "No Alerts", "Alert By Dialog", or "Alert By Sound", respectively. /input /menu /pane Shows or hide the multiline input field, the left menu, or the visitor pane, respectively. /font <1-5> Changes the font size used for room content. 1 is the smallest font and 5 is the largest.
E.g.: /font 3 => select font size 3 (default).
If there are any questions, or problems getting into chatzy, pls comment:
Me, dynamo_electron, or thunder10k
Very last spoiler (Has to do with the time command in Chatzy)
If you want to use another time zone than UTC
(which is equivalent to GMT/Greenwich Mean Time), you can add a parameter to the /time command.
The parameter must be in the format +/-HHMM indicating hours and minutes difference from UTC/GMT.
/time -0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
/time +0100 (Central European Time)
/time +0930 (Australian Central Standard)
Remember to add an hour for daylight savings time during the summer.
For more information about time zones, click here.
Miss Hikaru's Character Sheet + Discussion Thread
Use the character sheet to submit your character in order to play, the discussion thread is used to talk about the RP. As the rules state, typing something not related to the RP in brackets in the RP thread is a no-no. Use the discussion thread.
Opinions and Discussion on SNYW's Fiction
As the title says. Provide constructive criticism on everyone's fiction posted here, discuss and predict the fiction you like reading here.
Pilgrimage of Hope (Fanfic)
RvB/FFX fanfiction written by myself. Originally on the SNYW website, transferred here, with a tiny bit of new content at the end as of today.
All Comments (69) Comments
Click Here to Request Newsletter List Removal
Become an Expert Now
1. What is an Anime Expert?
An Anime Expert is mainly an user that is willing to help us by recommending stuff. Most of them are specialized in some genres, while a few are the general experts type.
2. How do I help?
People around this club normally create their own thread to ask for recommendation or ask in the comments. If you are online and notice their comments/posts, you can give them suggestion on what to watch.
3. What do I get?
First of all, every Expert will receive a special custom made expert card. It can also help you get limited edition cards and so on. Your name will be featured in a thread and there will be a link to that thread on the layout. You can be notified faster about some club changes and content that will be implemented at a later date.
Complete this form to become an Expert:
Genres you want to be expert in: (genres you normally watch and are most familiar with)
Other genres you're familiar with:
Familiarity with airing anime: (if you watch at least a few airing anime each season, you're probably at least decently familiar with that and can recommend)
Other: (write any additional details if you want)
We'll contact you after you've been approved with the details about your card.
Recommendation Club Newsletter
1. Nominations and voting:
*Special* Anime theme of the Month
Anime Song of the Month
AMV of the Month
With the fall season upon us, the club has not been as active recently with our members being busy with work, school, and the other things life throws our way, but we here at the Recommendation Club want to let all of our members know that we haven't gone anywhere! We welcome you all to drop by, and say hello to old friends, or make new ones. We have a large member-list, and we would like to see all of you joining in, and sharing, your anime and manga knowledge with the club!
Loads of new members join all the time, either wanting recommendations, or eager to share their expertise with others, so don't be shy, and join right in! Like to chat? Well we have a thread just for that. New to our club or like to greet others? Check out our Intro thread. Looking for a new anime to watch or manga to read? Head on over to our General Recommendation Thread. Don't see what you want to know? Please feel free to make new threads to get your burning questions asked, or just join in with the others in the comments section!
We are currently seeking help with our member cards, so if you feel like lending a hand in this area you are more than welcome!
We look forward to seeing all of you at the club ^_^
sorry for the spam
1. Nominations and voting
Nominate the Anime of the Month
Nominate the Manga of the Month - Oneshot Special
*Special* Vote the Featured AMV of the Month
Vote for the song of the Month
2. Club Topics and Discussions
Opinions on Winter, Expectations for Spring
Featured Anime and Manga of the Month Discussion Thread
News and Request for Help
Our club is almost one year old and we'll be most likely celebrating it with lots of specials and contests, so you might wanna check out the club at least once every few days as something new might appear in the horizon. :D
We noticed that while the member count keeps growing by day, we aren't exactly as active as we should be. It would be nice to see more and more people chatting in the comments or in the chat thread. I'd like to mention that a chat thread in our club gets closed after a comment or so is made on page 50. I'd like to get this one closed so we can start one anew in our next club year. Thanks in advance.
I'd also be glad if you introduced yourself in our special threads or warmly welcome our new members that have posted there. Also, if you have any trouble deciding what anime you want to watch or if you want to help others, take a look at the recommendation thread and post there.
If anyone is willing to make member cards, just post the templates in this thread or pm them to me. If you have made some other kind of graphic for the club you can post it in the comments or, again, pm it to me.
If you wish to opt out of these newsletters, please PM me (Mandralyne)
Letting you know that 300+ LE is now open for requesting.
Get yours soon!
~Sorry for spamming again but there are a couple new things you should check out^^~
First of all, we have a new MAL chat room/weekly discussion and it is on One Piece
Second, you must go on Chatzy...
BTW: another way to get onto chatzy is by going to the club and click where it says chat:
What is Chatzy?:
How to use Chatzy:
Special Commands:
If there are any questions, or problems getting into chatzy, pls comment:
Me, dynamo_electron, or
Very last spoiler
(Has to do with the time command in Chatzy)
Quite a few updates have occurred in the past few weeks. The club’s nearly dead, so hopefully this message will get some activity!
Miss Hikaru's Toy Store and Ice Cream
The first active RP on SNYW has begun! This is a paragraph RP, and is based on the webcomic Shortpacked.
Miss Hikaru's Character Sheet + Discussion Thread
Use the character sheet to submit your character in order to play, the discussion thread is used to talk about the RP. As the rules state, typing something not related to the RP in brackets in the RP thread is a no-no. Use the discussion thread.
Discussion Thread for upcoming School RP
Pending title is Feldspar High. It is still in the development stages.
Tale Craft
A writing based game. Hosted by Zen.
Opinions and Discussion on SNYW's Fiction
As the title says. Provide constructive criticism on everyone's fiction posted here, discuss and predict the fiction you like reading here.
Pilgrimage of Hope (Fanfic)
RvB/FFX fanfiction written by myself. Originally on the SNYW website, transferred here, with a tiny bit of new content at the end as of today.
For What You Believe In (Fiction)
Another story, this time written by theegplanthunter. Based on the Monstergirl Encyclopedia.
And finally, a banner has been made by Stellar.
Use it to display on your profile/advertise the club if you wish. Make sure to save the picture and upload it to imageshack beforehand.